Add 2023 day 23[2]
Graph compression based solution
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,15 +5,8 @@ Jour 23 du défi Advent Of Code pour l'année 2023
import os
import heapq
# Un peu chaotique là
dir_ections ={
'^': (-1, 0),
'v': (1, 0),
'<': (0, -1),
'>': (0, 1)
from aoc_utils import graph, constants, decorators
directions = [(1, 0), (-1,0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]
def read_sample():
"""récupère les entrées depuis le fichier texte correspondant"""
@ -62,7 +55,7 @@ def added_elems(pos, npos):
def find_next(sample, i, j):
"""Pourquoi en double ? je ne suis pas sûr duquel est exécuté donc je touche pas pour le moment"""
symb = sample[i][j]
dirt = dir_ections[symb]
dirt = constants.arrows_dir[symb]
i, j = i+dirt[0], j+dirt[1]
i, j = i+dirt[0], j+dirt[1]
@ -71,10 +64,10 @@ def find_next(sample, i, j):
def compress_voisins(i, j, sample, symbols={'.'}):
"""Prochains voisins en sautant les longs tunnels"""
def two_dirs(pi, pj):
return len([(a, b) for a, b in directions if valid((pi+a, pj+b), sample) and sample[pi+a][pj+b] in symbols]) <= 2
return len([(a, b) for a, b in constants.cardinal_dir if valid((pi+a, pj+b), sample) and sample[pi+a][pj+b] in symbols]) <= 2
v = set()
for d in directions:
for d in constants.cardinal_dir:
pi, pj = i+d[0], j+d[1]
if valid((pi, pj), sample) and sample[pi][pj] in symbols:
while valid((pi, pj), sample) and sample[pi][pj] in symbols and two_dirs(pi, pj):
@ -88,7 +81,7 @@ def longest_hike(sample, start, end, part=1):
def find_next(sample, i, j): # Globalement inutile, je n'avais pas compris la question comme ça initialement
"""Renvoie la position après avoir marché sur i, j"""
symb = sample[i][j]
dirt = dir_ections[symb]
dirt = constants.arrows_dir[symb]
i, j = i+dirt[0], j+dirt[1]
while valid((i, j), sample) and sample[i][j] != '#':
i, j = i+dirt[0], j+dirt[1]
@ -130,7 +123,6 @@ def longest_hike(sample, start, end, part=1):
for npos in pre_voisins[pos]:
if npos == end:
to_end.append((dist+abs(npos[0]-pos[0])+abs(npos[1]-pos[1]), [])) #! Faster to return [] but will loose the "good" return path
print("new end:", dist+abs(npos[0]-pos[0])+abs(npos[1]-pos[1]))
current_max = max(current_max, dist+abs(npos[0]-pos[0])+abs(npos[1]-pos[1]))
added = added_elems(pos, npos)
@ -138,8 +130,6 @@ def longest_hike(sample, start, end, part=1):
if not_intersect(added, prev) and valid(npos, sample):
heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (dist+abs(npos[0]-pos[0])+abs(npos[1]-pos[1]), (npos, prev+added)))
print([i[0] for i in to_end])
return max(to_end)
@ -154,19 +144,84 @@ def print_sol(solt, sample):
def graph_longest_hike(g, start, end):
to_end = set()
priority_queue = [(0, (start, [start]))]
while priority_queue:
popped = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)
dist, data = popped
pos, prev = data
for voisin, local_dist in g[pos]:
if voisin == end:
if dist+local_dist not in to_end:
print(f"\rMaximum actuel: {dist+local_dist}", end="")
if voisin not in prev:
heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (dist+local_dist, (voisin, prev+[voisin])))
return max(to_end)
def print_sol(solt, sample):
"""Afficher une solution"""
for i in range(len(sample)):
for j in range(len(sample[0])):
if (i, j) in solt:
print('O', end='')
print(sample[i][j], end='')
def create_graph(sample, symbols={'.'}):
def get_voisins(i, j):
potentials = [(i+a, j+b) for a, b in constants.cardinal_dir]
v = set()
for a, b in potentials:
if valid((a, b), sample) and sample[a][b] in symbols:
v.add(((a, b), 1))
elif valid((a, b), sample) and sample[a][b] in constants.arrows_dir.keys():
direction = constants.arrows_dir[sample[a][b]]
if valid((a+direction[0], b+direction[1]), sample) and sample[a+direction[0]][b+direction[1]] in symbols:
v.add(((a+direction[0], b+direction[1]), 2))
return {(voisin, cout) for voisin, cout in v if voisin != (i, j)}
g = graph.Graph()
for i in range(len(sample)):
for j in range(len(sample[0])):
if sample[i][j] in symbols:
g.add_node((i, j))
for node in g:
for voisin, cost in get_voisins(*node):
g.add_edge(node, voisin, weight=cost)
return g
def part1(sample):
"""Partie 1 du défi"""
# On ne peut pas utiliser la méthode du graphe car
# on compresse les graphes non orientés seulement
# Attention: ne donne pas le bon résultat sur les tests
start, end = find_start(sample), find_end(sample)
value, points = longest_hike(sample, start, end)
return value
def part2(sample):
"""Partie 2 du défi"""
# au bout de 1h20, 2378 seulement.
# au bout de 1h20, 2378 seulement avec l'ancienne méthode
# 4mn pour tout faire avec un graphe "compressé"
g = create_graph(sample, symbols={'.', '<', '>', '^', 'v'})
ratio = g.compress()
start, end = find_start(sample), find_end(sample)
value, points = longest_hike(sample, start, end, part=2)
#print_sol(points, sample)
return value
return graph_longest_hike(g, start, end)
def main():
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
from import Mapping
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Iterator, Generic
T = TypeVar("T")
class Graph(Mapping, Generic[T]):
"""Non oriented graph"""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._edges: dict = {}
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "\n".join(
(f"{key} -> {self._edges[key]}" for key in self._edges)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._edges)
def __getitem__(self, e) -> list[tuple[T, int]]:
return self._edges[e]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[object]:
return iter(self._edges)
def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool:
return item in self._edges.keys()
def add_node(self, u: T) -> None:
if u in self._edges.keys():
raise IndexError
self._edges[u] = set()
def add_edge(self, source: T, target: T, weight=None) -> None:
if source not in self._edges:
if target not in self._edges:
if weight is None:
weight = 1
self._edges[source].add((target, weight))
self._edges[target].add((source, weight))
def remove_edges(self, source: T, target: T) -> None:
for vertice in frozenset(self._edges[source]):
if vertice[0] == target:
self._edges[source] -= {vertice}
for vertice in frozenset(self._edges[target]):
if vertice[0] == source:
self._edges[target] -= {vertice}
def remove_node(self, u: T) -> None:
if u not in self:
raise IndexError
for node in self:
self.remove_edges(u, node)
self._edges.pop(u, None)
def compress(self) -> None:
"""Remove nodes that have only 2 edges to get a minimal representation"""
initial_size = len(self)
for node in self._edges.copy():
if len(self[node]) == 2:
weight = sum((edge[1] for edge in self[node]))
self.add_edge(list(self[node])[0][0], list(self[node])[1][0], weight=weight)
return len(self)/initial_size
def bellman_ford(self, source: T) -> \
tuple[dict[T, int], dict[T, Optional[T]]]:
# Initialize distances and predecessors
dist_max = len(self)*max(
{max({j[1] for j in i}) for i in self._edges.values()}
distances = {node: dist_max for node in self._edges}
predecessors = {
node: None for node in self._edges
} # ! The only problem is here for the typing system
distances[source] = 0
# Relax edges repeatedly to find the shortest paths
for _ in range(len(self._edges) - 1):
for u in self._edges:
for v, weight in self._edges[u]:
if distances[u] + weight < distances[v]:
distances[v] = distances[u] + weight
predecessors[v] = u
# Check for negative cycles
for u in self._edges:
for v, weight in self._edges[u]:
if distances[u] + weight < distances[v]:
raise ValueError("Graph contains a negative cycle")
return distances, predecessors
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