A Microsoft reward automator, designed to work headless on a raspberry pi. Tested with a pi 3b+ and a pi 4 2Gb .
Using a discord webhook or SQL to log points everydays.
Using Selenium and geckodriver.
If you're using docker (way easier)
to use docker, run
sudo docker build .
#copy the build id
sudo docker run -ti --name MsRewards [build id]
Then, fill the config and start the programm everydays with
sudo docker start MsRewards
Other configuration
To use the database, I recommand MySql, Create a database with the name you want and create a table daily
, like the one from the image :
You have to use the default worldlist (sudo apt install wfrench
). The language is french by default, but you can change it if you want.
You can add a link to a website where content is only the link of the monthly fidelity card.
You should limit to 6 account per IP, and DON'T USE outlook account, they are banned.
If you're not using docker
installation recommandation :
sudo apt-get install xdg-utils libdbus-glib-1-2 bzip2 wfrench -y
curl -sSLO
tar -xjf firefox-91.9.1esr.tar.bz2
sudo mv firefox /opt/
sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
curl -sSLO
tar zxf geckodriver-v0.31.0-linux64.tar.gz
sudo mv geckodriver /usr/bin/
rm geckodriver-v0.31.0-linux64.tar.gz
rm firefox-91.9.1esr.tar.bz2