2024-02-27 00:33:08 +01:00

46 lines
1.5 KiB

import json
from modules.Tools.logger import debug, warning
class UserCredentials:
def __init__(self, config_id: int):
self.data = {}
self.current = 0
self.total = 0
with open("/app/MsRewards-Reborn/user_data/configs.json", "r") as inFile:
configs = json.load(inFile)
for i in configs[str(config_id)]["accounts"]:
d = configs[str(config_id)]["accounts"][i]
self.add(d["mail"], d["pwd"], d["2fa"])
debug(f"Initiated UserCredentials.")
def add(self, username: str, password: str, tfa: str = None):
debug(f"adding account with data : Username: {username}, Password: {password}, 2FA: {'None' if tfa == '' else tfa}")
self.data[self.total] = {
"username": username,
"password": password,
"2fa": None if tfa == '' else tfa
self.total += 1
def tfa_enable(self):
return self.data[self.current]["2fa"] is not None
def get_mail(self):
return self.data[self.current]["username"]
def get_password(self):
return self.data[self.current]["password"]
def get_tfa(self):
if not self.tfa_enable():
warning("Warning: TFA is not enabled. Calling get_tfa is an expected behaviour.")
return self.data[self.current]["tfa"]
def next_account(self):
self.current += 1
debug(f"New credentials: {self.data[self.current]}")
def is_valid(self):
return self.current < self.total