Fix ANSI code formatting #9

piair merged 1 commits from augustin64/MsRewards-Reborn:master into master 2024-03-31 12:05:17 +02:00

View File

@ -13,16 +13,29 @@
{% endfor %}
<iframe type="text/html" src="{{url_for('static', filename='logs/1.txt')}}" width="100%" height="85%" id="embed">
<iframe type="text/html" src="{{url_for('static', filename='logs/1.txt')}}" width="100%" height="85%" id="embed"></iframe>
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const iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
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// Wait until ansi_up load
script.onload = function () {
const ansiOutput = subdoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].getElementsByTagName("pre")[0]
// Wait until iframe load
iframe.onload = function() {
const subdoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
const subBody = subdoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
let ansiOutput = subBody;
// Depending on the content encoding (and maybe on the browser)
// a <pre> is added around the content of the file
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ansiOutput = subBody.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0];
const ansi_up = new AnsiUp();
ansiOutput.innerHTML = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(ansiOutput.innerText)
ansiOutput.innerHTML = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(ansiOutput.innerText);
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