diff --git a/modules/db.py b/modules/db.py
index db39b9c..1d26236 100644
--- a/modules/db.py
+++ b/modules/db.py
@@ -32,30 +32,36 @@ def get_row(compte, points, mycursor, same_points = True): #return if there is a
     return(len(myresult) == 1)
-def add_to_database(compte, points, sql_host,sql_usr,sql_pwd,sql_database ):
-    mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
-        host=sql_host,
-        user=sql_usr,
-        password=sql_pwd,
-        database = sql_database
-    )
-    mycursor = mydb.cursor()
+def add_to_database(compte, points, sql_host,sql_usr,sql_pwd,sql_database, save_if_fail=True):
+    try:
+        mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
+            host=sql_host,
+            user=sql_usr,
+            password=sql_pwd,
+            database = sql_database
+        )
+        mycursor = mydb.cursor()
-    if get_row(compte, points,mycursor, True): #check if the row exist with the same ammount of points and do nothind if it does
-        #printf("les points sont deja bon")
-        #return(0)
-        pass
-    elif get_row(compte, points,mycursor, False) : #check if the row exist, but without the same ammount of points and update the point account then
-        update_row(compte, points,mycursor,mydb)
-        #printf("row updated")
-        #return(1)
-    else : # if the row don't exist, create it with the good ammount of points
-        add_row(compte, points,mycursor,mydb)
-        #return(2) #printf("row added")
-    if int(points) > 10 :
-        update_last(compte, points, mycursor, mydb)
-    mycursor.close()
-    mydb.close()
+        if get_row(compte, points,mycursor, True): #check if the row exist with the same ammount of points and do nothind if it does
+            #printf("les points sont deja bon")
+            #return(0)
+            pass
+        elif get_row(compte, points,mycursor, False) : #check if the row exist, but without the same ammount of points and update the point account then
+            update_row(compte, points,mycursor,mydb)
+            #printf("row updated")
+            #return(1)
+        else : # if the row don't exist, create it with the good ammount of points
+            add_row(compte, points,mycursor,mydb)
+            #return(2) #printf("row added")
+        if int(points) > 10 :
+            update_last(compte, points, mycursor, mydb)
+        mycursor.close()
+        mydb.close()
+    except BaseException as e:
+        if save_if_fail:
+            print("\nLes points n'ont pas pu être ajoutés, enregistrement dans le fichier 'points.csv'\n")
+            with open("points.csv", "a") as file:
+                file.write(f"{compte},{points}\n")
+        raise e