2024-10-06 19:58:11 +02:00

197 lines
7.1 KiB

from typing import List
from MiniCVisitor import MiniCVisitor
from MiniCParser import MiniCParser
from Lib.LinearCode import LinearCode
from Lib import RiscV
from Lib.RiscV import Condition
from Lib import Operands
from antlr4.tree.Trees import Trees
from Lib.Errors import MiniCInternalError, MiniCUnsupportedError
CAP, MIF08, three-address code generation + simple alloc
This visitor constructs an object of type "LinearCode".
class MiniCCodeGen3AVisitor(MiniCVisitor):
_current_function: LinearCode
def __init__(self, debug, parser):
self._parser = parser
self._debug = debug
self._functions = []
self._lastlabel = ""
def get_functions(self) -> List[LinearCode]:
return self._functions
def printSymbolTable(self): # pragma: no cover
print("--variables to temporaries map--")
for keys, values in self._symbol_table.items():
print(keys + '-->' + str(values))
# handle variable decl
def visitVarDecl(self, ctx) -> None:
type_str = ctx.typee().getText()
vars_l = self.visit(ctx.id_l())
for name in vars_l:
if name in self._symbol_table:
raise MiniCInternalError(
"Variable {} has already been declared".format(name))
tmp = self._current_function.fdata.fresh_tmp()
self._symbol_table[name] = tmp
if type_str not in ("int", "bool"):
raise MiniCUnsupportedError("Unsupported type " + type_str)
# Initialization to 0 or False, both represented with 0
self._current_function.add_instruction(, Operands.Immediate(0)))
def visitIdList(self, ctx) -> List[str]:
t = self.visit(ctx.id_l())
return t
def visitIdListBase(self, ctx) -> List[str]:
return [ctx.ID().getText()]
# expressions
def visitParExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
return self.visit(ctx.expr())
def visitIntAtom(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
val = Operands.Immediate(int(ctx.getText()))
dest_temp = self._current_function.fdata.fresh_tmp()
self._current_function.add_instruction(, val))
return dest_temp
def visitFloatAtom(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
raise MiniCUnsupportedError("float literal")
def visitBooleanAtom(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
# true is 1 false is 0
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitIdAtom(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
# get the temporary associated to id
return self._symbol_table[ctx.getText()]
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover
raise MiniCInternalError(
"Undefined variable {}, this should have failed to typecheck."
def visitStringAtom(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
raise MiniCUnsupportedError("string atom")
# now visit expressions
def visitAtomExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
return self.visit(ctx.atom())
def visitAdditiveExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
assert ctx.myop is not None
tmpl: Operands.Temporary = self.visit(ctx.expr(0))
tmpr: Operands.Temporary = self.visit(ctx.expr(1))
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitOrExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitAndExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitEqualityExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
return self.visitRelationalExpr(ctx)
def visitRelationalExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
assert ctx.myop is not None
c = Condition(ctx.myop.type)
if self._debug:
print("relational expression:")
print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx, [], self._parser))
print("Condition:", c)
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitMultiplicativeExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
assert ctx.myop is not None
div_by_zero_lbl = self._current_function.fdata.get_label_div_by_zero()
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitNotExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitUnaryMinusExpr(self, ctx) -> Operands.Temporary:
raise NotImplementedError("unaryminusexpr") # TODO
def visitProgRule(self, ctx) -> None:
def visitFuncDef(self, ctx) -> None:
funcname = ctx.ID().getText()
self._current_function = LinearCode(funcname)
self._symbol_table = dict()
self._current_function.add_comment("Return at end of function:")
# This skeleton doesn't deal properly with functions, and
# hardcodes a "return 0;" at the end of function. Generate
# code for this "return 0;".
self._current_function.add_instruction(, Operands.Immediate(0)))
del self._current_function
def visitAssignStat(self, ctx) -> None:
if self._debug:
print("assign statement, rightexpression is:")
print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), [], self._parser))
expr_temp = self.visit(ctx.expr())
name = ctx.ID().getText()
self._current_function.add_instruction([name], expr_temp))
def visitIfStat(self, ctx) -> None:
if self._debug:
print("if statement")
end_if_label = self._current_function.fdata.fresh_label("end_if")
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
def visitWhileStat(self, ctx) -> None:
if self._debug:
print("while statement, condition is:")
print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), [], self._parser))
print("and block is:")
print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.stat_block(), [], self._parser))
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
# visit statements
def visitPrintlnintStat(self, ctx) -> None:
expr_loc = self.visit(ctx.expr())
if self._debug:
print("print_int statement, expression is:")
print(Trees.toStringTree(ctx.expr(), [], self._parser))
def visitPrintlnboolStat(self, ctx) -> None:
expr_loc = self.visit(ctx.expr())
def visitPrintlnfloatStat(self, ctx) -> None:
raise MiniCUnsupportedError("Unsupported type float")
def visitPrintlnstringStat(self, ctx) -> None:
raise MiniCUnsupportedError("Unsupported type string")
def visitStatList(self, ctx) -> None:
for stat in ctx.stat():
self._current_function.add_comment(Trees.toStringTree(stat, [], self._parser))