2024-10-06 19:58:11 +02:00

112 lines
4.1 KiB

CAP, CodeGeneration, CFG construction from linear code
from typing import List
from Lib.Errors import MiniCInternalError
from Lib.FunctionData import FunctionData
from Lib.LinearCode import LinearCode, CodeStatement
from Lib.Statement import (
Instru3A, Comment, Label, AbsoluteJump, ConditionalJump
from Lib.Terminator import jump2terminator
from Lib.CFG import Block, BlockInstr, CFG
def find_leaders(instructions: List[CodeStatement]) -> List[int]:
Find the leaders in the given list of instructions as linear code.
Returns a list of indices in the instruction list whose first is 0 and
last is len(instructions)
leaders: List[int] = [0]
# TODO fill leaders
# The final "ret" is also a form of jump
return leaders
def separate_with_leaders(instructions: List[CodeStatement],
leaders: List[int]) -> List[List[CodeStatement]]:
Partition the lists instructions into a list containing for
elements the lists of statements between indices
leaders[i] (included) and leaders[i+1] (excluded).
If leaders[i] = leaders[i+1], do not add the empty list.
chunks: List[List[CodeStatement]] = []
for i in range(0, len(leaders)-1):
start = leaders[i]
end = leaders[i+1]
if start != end:
# Avoid corner-cases when a label immediately follows a jump
return chunks
def prepare_chunk(pre_chunk: List[CodeStatement], fdata: FunctionData) -> tuple[
Label, ConditionalJump | AbsoluteJump | None, List[BlockInstr]]:
Extract the potential label (respectively jump)
at the start (respectively end) of the list instrs_chunk,
and return the tuple with this label, this jump and the
rest of instrs_chunk.
If there is no label at the start then return a fresh label instead,
thanks to fdata (use `fdata.fresh_label(fdata._name)` for instance).
If there is no jump at the end, return None instead.
Raise an error if there is a label not in first position in pre_chunk,
or a jump not in last position.
label = None
jump = None
inner_statements: List[CodeStatement] = pre_chunk
# Extract the first instruction from inner_statements if it is a label, or create a fresh one
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
# Extract the last instruction from inner_statements if it is a jump, or do nothing
raise NotImplementedError() # TODO
# Check that there is no other label or jump left in inner_statements
l: List[BlockInstr] = []
for i in inner_statements:
match i:
case AbsoluteJump() | ConditionalJump():
raise MiniCInternalError(
"prepare_chunk: Jump {} not in last position of a chunk"
case Label():
raise MiniCInternalError(
"prepare_chunk: Label {} not in first position of a chunk"
case Instru3A() | Comment():
return (label, jump, l)
def build_cfg(linCode: LinearCode) -> CFG:
"""Extract the blocks from the linear code and add them to the CFG."""
fdata = linCode.fdata
cfg = CFG(fdata)
instructions = linCode.get_instructions()
# 1. Identify Leaders
leaders = find_leaders(instructions)
# 2. Extract Chunks of Instructions
pre_chunks: List[List[CodeStatement]] = separate_with_leaders(instructions, leaders)
chunks: List[tuple[Label, ConditionalJump | AbsoluteJump | None, List[BlockInstr]]] = [
prepare_chunk(pre_chunk, fdata) for pre_chunk in pre_chunks]
# 3. Build the Blocks
next_label = None
for (label, jump, block_instrs) in reversed(chunks):
term = jump2terminator(jump, next_label)
block = Block(label, block_instrs, term)
next_label = label
# 4. Fill the edges
for block in cfg.get_blocks():
for dest in cfg.out_blocks(block):
cfg.add_edge(block, dest)
# 5. Identify the entry label of the CFG
return cfg