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.. MiniC documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 3 16:47:38 2022.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to MiniC's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 4
:caption: Contents:
Base library - Errors <api/Lib.Errors>
Base library - Statement <api/Lib.Statement>
Base library - RISC-V instructions <api/Lib.RiscV>
Base library - Operands <api/Lib.Operands>
Base library - Function data <api/Lib.FunctionData>
Base library - Graphs <api/Lib.Graphes>
Linear intermediate representation <api/Lib.LinearCode>
Temporary allocation <api/Lib.Allocator>
Control Flow Graph - CFG and Basic blocks <api/Lib.CFG>
Control Flow Graph - Terminators <api/Lib.Terminator>
SSA form - Dominance frontier <api/Lib.Dominators>
SSA form - Phi Nodes <api/Lib.PhiNode>
These pages document the various Python sources in the Lib/
folder of MiniC. You should not have to edit them *at all*.
Base library
The :doc:`api/Lib.Statement` defines various classes that represent
RISC-V assembly statements, such as labels or 3-address instructions.
We won't create objects of these classes directly very often.
Instead, to easily create such statements for standard RISC-V assembly instructions
and pseudo-instructions, we give you the :doc:`api/Lib.RiscV`.
RISC-V instructions take arguments of various kinds,
as defined in the :doc:`api/Lib.Operands`.
At some point, we will need some basic functions about oriented and non oriented graphs,
those are present in :doc:`api/Lib.Graphes`.
Linear Intermediate representation
The :doc:`api/Lib.LinearCode` allows to work with assembly source code
modeled as a list of statements.
Temporary allocation
Before implementing the all-in-memory allocator of lab 4a,
you should understand the naive allocator in the :doc:`api/Lib.Allocator`.
Control Flow Graph Intermediate representation
The classes for the CFG and its basic blocks are in the :doc:`api/Lib.CFG`.
Each block ends with a terminator, as documented in the :doc:`api/Lib.Terminator`.
SSA form
The translation of the CFG into SSA form makes use of dominance frontiers.
Functions to work with dominance are defined in the :doc:`api/Lib.Dominators`.
Phi nodes, a special kind of statement that appears in CFGs in SSA form,
are defined in the :doc:`api/Lib.PhiNode`.
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`