#! /usr/bin/python3 """ Evaluation and code generation labs, main file. Usage: python3 MiniCC.py --mode <mode> <filename> python3 MiniCC.py --help """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import cast from enum import Enum from MiniCLexer import MiniCLexer from MiniCParser import MiniCParser from TP03.MiniCTypingVisitor import MiniCTypingVisitor, MiniCTypeError from TP03.MiniCInterpretVisitor import MiniCInterpretVisitor from Lib.Errors import (MiniCUnsupportedError, MiniCInternalError, MiniCRuntimeError, AllocationError) import antlr4 from antlr4.error.ErrorListener import ErrorListener from argparse import ArgumentParser from traceback import print_exc import os import sys class Mode(Enum): PARSE = 0 EVAL = 1 LINEAR = 2 CFG = 3 SSA = 4 OPTIM = 5 def is_codegen(self) -> bool: return self.value >= Mode.LINEAR.value def is_ssa(self) -> bool: return self.value >= Mode.SSA.value def valid_modes(): modes = ['parse', 'typecheck', 'eval'] try: import TP04.MiniCCodeGen3AVisitor # pyright: ignore # noqa: F401, type: ignore modes.append('codegen-linear') except ModuleNotFoundError: return modes try: import Lib.CFG # pyright: ignore # noqa: F401, type: ignore modes.append('codegen-cfg') except ModuleNotFoundError: return modes try: import TP05.EnterSSA # pyright: ignore # noqa: F401, type: ignore modes.append('codegen-ssa') except ModuleNotFoundError: return modes try: import TPoptim.OptimSSA # pyright: ignore # noqa: F401, type: ignore modes.append('codegen-optim') except ModuleNotFoundError: pass return modes class CountErrorListener(ErrorListener): """Count number of errors. Parser provides getNumberOfSyntaxErrors(), but the Lexer apparently doesn't provide an easy way to know if an error occurred after the fact. Do the counting ourserves with a listener. """ def __init__(self): super(CountErrorListener, self).__init__() self.count = 0 def syntaxError(self, recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e): self.count += 1 def main(inputname, reg_alloc, mode, typecheck=True, stdout=False, output_name=None, debug=False, debug_graphs=False, ssa_graphs=False, dom_graphs=False): (basename, rest) = os.path.splitext(inputname) if mode.is_codegen(): if stdout: output_name = None print("Code will be generated on standard output") elif output_name is None: output_name = basename + ".s" print("Code will be generated in file " + output_name) input_s = antlr4.FileStream(inputname, encoding='utf-8') lexer = MiniCLexer(input_s) counter = CountErrorListener() lexer._listeners.append(counter) stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = MiniCParser(stream) parser._listeners.append(counter) tree = parser.prog() if counter.count > 0: exit(3) # Syntax or lexicography errors occurred, don't try to go further. if typecheck: typing_visitor = MiniCTypingVisitor() try: typing_visitor.visit(tree) except MiniCTypeError as e: print(e.args[0]) exit(2) if mode == Mode.EVAL: # interpret Visitor interpreter_visitor = MiniCInterpretVisitor() try: interpreter_visitor.visit(tree) except MiniCRuntimeError as e: print(e.args[0]) exit(1) except MiniCInternalError as e: print(e.args[0], file=sys.stderr) exit(4) return if not mode.is_codegen(): if debug: print("Not running code generation because of --typecheck-only.") return # Codegen 3@ CFG Visitor, first argument is debug mode from TP04.MiniCCodeGen3AVisitor import MiniCCodeGen3AVisitor # type: ignore[import] visitor3 = MiniCCodeGen3AVisitor(debug, parser) # dump generated code on stdout or file. with open(output_name, 'w') if output_name else sys.stdout as output: visitor3.visit(tree) for function in visitor3.get_functions(): fdata = function.fdata # Allocation part if mode == Mode.LINEAR: code = function else: from TP04.BuildCFG import build_cfg # type: ignore[import] code = build_cfg(function) if debug_graphs: s = "{}.{}.dot".format(basename, code.fdata.get_name()) print("CFG:", s) code.print_dot(s, view=True) if mode.is_ssa(): from TP05.EnterSSA import enter_ssa # type: ignore[import] from Lib.CFG import CFG # type: ignore[import] enter_ssa(cast(CFG, code), dom_graphs, basename) if ssa_graphs: s = "{}.{}.enterssa.dot".format(basename, code.fdata.get_name()) print("SSA:", s) code.print_dot(s, view=True) if mode == Mode.OPTIM: from TPoptim.OptimSSA import OptimSSA # type: ignore[import] OptimSSA(cast(CFG, code), debug=debug) if ssa_graphs: s = "{}.{}.optimssa.dot".format(basename, code.fdata.get_name()) print("SSA after optim:", s) code.print_dot(s, view=True) allocator = None if reg_alloc == "naive": from Lib.Allocator import NaiveAllocator # type: ignore[import] allocator = NaiveAllocator(fdata) comment = "naive allocation" elif reg_alloc == "all-in-mem": from TP04.AllInMemAllocator import AllInMemAllocator # type: ignore[import] allocator = AllInMemAllocator(fdata) comment = "all-in-memory allocation" elif reg_alloc == "hybrid": from TP04.HybridNaiveAllocator import HybridNaiveAllocator # type: ignore[import] allocator = HybridNaiveAllocator(fdata) comment = "hybrid, naive allocation" elif reg_alloc == "smart": liveness = None if mode.is_ssa(): from TP05.LivenessSSA import LivenessSSA # type: ignore[import] try: from Lib.CFG import CFG # type: ignore[import] liveness = LivenessSSA(cast(CFG, code), debug=debug) except NameError: form = "CFG in SSA form" raise ValueError("Invalid dataflow form: \ liveness file not found for {}.".format(form)) else: try: from TP05.LivenessDataFlow import LivenessDataFlow # type: ignore[import] liveness = LivenessDataFlow(code, debug=debug) except NameError: form = "CFG not in SSA form" raise ValueError("Invalid dataflow form: \ liveness file not found for {}.".format(form)) from TP05.SmartAllocator import SmartAllocator # type: ignore[import] allocator = SmartAllocator(fdata, basename, liveness, debug, debug_graphs) comment = "smart allocation with graph coloring" elif reg_alloc == "none": comment = "non executable 3-Address instructions" else: raise ValueError("Invalid allocation strategy:" + reg_alloc) if allocator: allocator.prepare() if mode.is_ssa(): from Lib.CFG import CFG # type: ignore[import] from TP05.ExitSSA import exit_ssa # type: ignore[import] exit_ssa(cast(CFG, code), reg_alloc == 'smart') comment += " with SSA" if allocator: allocator.rewriteCode(code) if mode.is_ssa() and ssa_graphs: s = "{}.{}.exitssa.dot".format(basename, code.fdata.get_name()) print("CFG after SSA:", s) code.print_dot(s, view=True) from Lib.LinearCode import LinearCode # type: ignore[import] output.write(f"# Code generated by {os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])}\n") for v in os.environ: if v.startswith("REPLACE_"): output.write(f"# {v}={os.environ[v]}\n") output.write(f"# Options: {' '.join(sys.argv[1:])}\n") if isinstance(code, LinearCode): code.print_code(output, comment=comment) else: from Lib.CFG import CFG # type: ignore[import] from TP04.LinearizeCFG import linearize # type: ignore[import] assert (isinstance(code, CFG)) code.print_code(output, linearize=linearize, comment=comment) if debug: visitor3.printSymbolTable() # command line management if __name__ == '__main__': modes = valid_modes() parser = ArgumentParser(description='CAP/MIF08 MiniCC compiler') parser.add_argument('filename', type=str, help='Source file.') parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, choices=modes, required=True, help='Operation to perform on the input program') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='Emit verbose debug output') parser.add_argument('--disable-typecheck', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't run the typechecker before evaluation or code generation") if "codegen-linear" in modes: parser.add_argument('--reg-alloc', type=str, choices=['none', 'naive', 'all-in-mem', 'hybrid', 'smart'], help='Register allocation to perform during code generation') parser.add_argument('--stdout', action='store_true', help='Generate code to stdout') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='Generate code to outfile') if "codegen-cfg" in modes: parser.add_argument('--graphs', action='store_true', default=False, help='Display graphs (CFG, conflict graph).') if "codegen-ssa" in modes: parser.add_argument('--ssa-graphs', action='store_true', default=False, help='Display the CFG at SSA entry and exit.') parser.add_argument('--dom-graphs', action='store_true', default=False, help='Display dominance-related graphs (DT, DF).') args = parser.parse_args() reg_alloc = args.reg_alloc if "codegen-linear" in modes else None to_stdout = args.stdout if "codegen-linear" in modes else False outfile = args.output if "codegen-linear" in modes else None graphs = args.graphs if "codegen-cfg" in modes else False ssa_graphs = args.ssa_graphs if "codegen-ssa" in modes else False dom_graphs = args.dom_graphs if "codegen-ssa" in modes else False if reg_alloc is None and "codegen" in args.mode: print("error: the following arguments is required: --reg-alloc") exit(1) elif reg_alloc is not None and "codegen" not in args.mode: print("error: register allocation is only available in code generation mode") exit(1) typecheck = not args.disable_typecheck if args.mode == "parse": mode = Mode.PARSE typecheck = False elif args.mode == "typecheck": mode = Mode.PARSE elif args.mode == "eval": mode = Mode.EVAL elif args.mode == "codegen-linear": mode = Mode.LINEAR if reg_alloc == "smart": print("error: smart register allocation is not compatible with linear code generation") exit(1) elif args.mode == "codegen-cfg": mode = Mode.CFG elif args.mode == "codegen-ssa": mode = Mode.SSA elif args.mode == "codegen-optim": mode = Mode.OPTIM else: raise ValueError("Invalid mode:" + args.mode) try: main(args.filename, reg_alloc, mode, typecheck, to_stdout, outfile, args.debug, graphs, ssa_graphs, dom_graphs) except MiniCUnsupportedError as e: print(e) exit(5) except (MiniCInternalError, AllocationError): print_exc() exit(4)