import collections from pathlib import PurePath import re import os import subprocess import sys import pytest testinfo = collections.namedtuple( 'testinfo', ['exitcode', 'execcode', 'output', 'linkargs', 'skip_test_expected']) default_testinfo = testinfo( exitcode=0, execcode=0, output='', linkargs=[], skip_test_expected=False) ASM = 'riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc' SIMU = 'spike' LIBPRINT = 'libprint.s' if 'LIBPRINT' in os.environ: LIBPRINT = os.environ['LIBPRINT'] def cat(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: for line in f: sys.stdout.buffer.write(line) def env_bool_variable(name, globals): if name not in globals: globals[name] = False if name in os.environ: globals[name] = True def env_str_variable(name, globals): if name in os.environ: globals[name] = os.environ[name] def filter_pathnames(pathlist, pattern): return tuple(path for path in pathlist if PurePath(path).match(pattern)) class TestExpectPragmas(object): """Base class for tests that read the expected result as annotations in test files. get_expect(file) will parse the file, looking EXPECT and EXITCODE pragmas. run_command(command) is a wrapper around subprocess.check_output() that extracts the output and exit code. """ def get_expect(self, filename): """Parse "filename" looking for EXPECT and EXITCODE annotations. Look for a line "EXPECTED" (possibly with whitespaces and comments). Text after this "EXPECTED" line is the expected output. The file may also contain a line like "EXITCODE <n>" where <n> is an integer, and is the expected exitcode of the command. The result is cached to avoid re-parsing the file multiple times. """ if filename not in self.__expect: self.__expect[filename] = self._extract_expect(filename) return self.__expect[filename] def skip_if_partial_match(self, actual, expect, ignore_error_message): if not ignore_error_message: return False if expect.exitcode != actual.exitcode: # Not the same exit code => something's wrong anyway return False if actual.exitcode == 3: # There's a syntax error in both expected and actual, # but the actual error may slightly differ if we don't # have the exact same .g4. return True # Let the test pass with 'return True' if appropriate. # Otherwise, continue to the full assertion for a # complete diagnostic. if actual.exitcode != 0 and expect.exitcode == actual.exitcode: if expect.output == '': # No output expected, but we know there must be an # error. If there was a particular error message # expected, we'd have written it in the output, # hence just ignore the actual message. return True # Ignore difference in error message except in the # line number (ignore the column too, it may # slightly vary, eg. in "foo" / 4, the error may # be considered on "foo" or on /): if re.match(r'^In function [^ :]*: Line [0-9]* col [0-9]*:', actual.output): out_loc = re.sub(r' col [0-9]*:.*$', '', actual.output) exp_loc = re.sub(r' col [0-9]*:.*$', '', expect.output) if out_loc == exp_loc: return True if any(x.output and (x.output.endswith('has no value yet!' + os.linesep) or x.output.endswith(' by 0' + os.linesep)) for x in (actual, expect)): # Ignore the error message when our compiler # raises this error (either in actual or expect, # depending on what we're testing). return True return False __expect = {} def _extract_expect(self, file): exitcode = 0 execcode = 0 linkargs = [] inside_expected = False skip_test_expected = False expected_lines = [] expected_present = False with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): # Ignore non-comments if not re.match(r'\s*//', line): continue # Cleanup comment start and whitespaces line = re.sub(r'\s*//\s*', '', line) line = re.sub(r'\s*$', '', line) if line == 'END EXPECTED': inside_expected = False elif line.startswith('EXITCODE'): words = line.split(' ') assert len(words) == 2 exitcode = int(words[1]) elif line.startswith('EXECCODE'): words = line.split(' ') assert len(words) == 2 execcode = int(words[1]) elif line.startswith('LINKARGS'): words = line.split(' ') assert len(words) >= 2 linkargs += [w.replace("$dir", os.path.dirname(file)) for w in words[1:]] elif line == 'EXPECTED': inside_expected = True expected_present = True elif line == 'SKIP TEST EXPECTED': skip_test_expected = True elif inside_expected: expected_lines.append(line) if not expected_present:"Missing EXPECTED directive in test file") if expected_lines == []: output = '' else: output = os.linesep.join(expected_lines) + os.linesep return testinfo(exitcode=exitcode, execcode=execcode, output=output, linkargs=linkargs, skip_test_expected=skip_test_expected) class TestCompiler(object): DISABLE_CODEGEN: bool SKIP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: bool MINIC_COMPILE: str MINICC_OPTS: list[str] def remove(self, file): """Like os.remove(), but ignore errors, e.g. don't complain if the file doesn't exist. """ try: os.remove(file) except OSError: pass def run_command(self, cmd, scope="compile"): """Run the command cmd (given as [command, arg1, arg2, ...]), and return testinfo(exitcode=..., output=...) containing the exit code of the command it its standard output + standard error. If scope="compile" (resp. "runtime"), then the exitcode (resp. execcode) is set with the exit status of the command, and the execcode (resp. exitcode) is set to 0. """ try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, timeout=60, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) status = 0 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output status = e.returncode if scope == "runtime": return default_testinfo._replace(execcode=status, output=output.decode()) else: return default_testinfo._replace(exitcode=status, output=output.decode()) def run_with_gcc(self, file, info): return self.compile_and_simulate(file, info, reg_alloc='gcc', use_gcc=True) def compile_with_gcc(self, file, output_name): print("Compiling with GCC...") result = self.run_command( [ASM, '-S', '-I./', '--output=' + output_name, '-Werror', '-Wno-div-by-zero', # We need to accept 1/0 at compile-time file]) print(result.output) print("Compiling with GCC... DONE") return result def compile_and_simulate(self, file, info, reg_alloc, use_gcc=False): basename, _ = os.path.splitext(file) output_name = basename + '-' + reg_alloc + '.s' if use_gcc: result = self.compile_with_gcc(file, output_name) if result.exitcode != 0: # We don't consider the exact exitcode, and ignore the # output (our error messages may be different from # GCC's) return result._replace(exitcode=1, output=None) else: result = self.compile_with_ours(file, output_name, reg_alloc) if (self.DISABLE_CODEGEN or reg_alloc == 'none' or info.exitcode != 0 or result.exitcode != 0): # Either the result is meaningless, or we already failed # and don't need to go any further: return result # Only executable code past this point. exec_name = basename + '-' + reg_alloc + '.riscv' return self.link_and_run(output_name, exec_name, info) def link_and_run(self, output_name, exec_name, info): self.remove(exec_name) cmd = [ ASM, output_name, LIBPRINT, '-o', exec_name ] + info.linkargs print(info) print("Assembling and linking " + output_name + ": " + ' '.join(cmd)) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd, timeout=60, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Assembling failed:\n") print(e.output.decode()) print("Assembler code below:\n") cat(output_name) assert (os.path.isfile(exec_name)) sys.stdout.write("Assembling and linking ... OK\n") try: result = self.run_command( [SIMU, '-m100', # Limit memory usage to 100MB, more than enough and # avoids crashing on a VM with <= 2GB RAM for example. 'pk', exec_name], scope="runtime") output = re.sub(r'bbl loader\r?\n', '', result.output) print("Output of the program:") print(output) return testinfo(execcode=result.execcode, exitcode=result.exitcode, output=output, linkargs=[], skip_test_expected=False) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:"Timeout executing program. Infinite loop in generated code?") def compile_with_ours(self, file, output_name, reg_alloc): print("Compiling ...") self.remove(output_name) alloc_opt = '--reg-alloc=' + reg_alloc out_opt = '--output=' + output_name cmd = [sys.executable, self.MINIC_COMPILE] if not self.DISABLE_CODEGEN: cmd += [out_opt, alloc_opt] cmd += self.MINICC_OPTS cmd += [file] result = self.run_command(cmd) print(' '.join(cmd)) print("Exited with status:", result.exitcode) print(result.output) if result.exitcode == 4: if "AllocationError" in result.output: if reg_alloc == 'naive': pytest.skip("Too big for the naive allocator") else: pytest.skip("Offsets too big to be manipulated") elif ("NotImplementedError" in result.output and self.SKIP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED): pytest.skip("Feature not implemented in this compiler") if result.exitcode != 0: # May either be a failing test or a test with expected # compilation failure (bad type, ...). Let the caller # do the assertion and decide: return result if not self.DISABLE_CODEGEN: assert os.path.isfile(output_name) print("Compiling ... OK") return result