# MiniC interpreter and typer LAB3, MIF08 / CAP / CS444 2022-23 # Authors Augustin LUCAS # Contents Extension implemented : Fortran-like for loops # Howto `make test-interpret TEST_FILES='TP03/tests/provided/examples/test_print_int.c'` for a single run `make test` to test all the files in `*/tests/*` according to `EXPECTED` results. You can select the files you want to test by using `make test TEST_FILES='TP03/**/*bad*.c'` (`**` means "any number of possibly nested directories"). # Test design Alongside all the tests designed to maximise the coverage, some tests are added to verify the correctness of the code on more advanced examples: - `ext-for-fortran/test_imbricated_for.c` - `base/test_fibonacci.c` # Known bugs - On a division by zero, the interpreter prints "Division by 0" message and returns 1. This differs from certain versions of GCC. The test is therefore skipped.