# MiniC Compiler LAB4 (simple code generation), MIF08 / CAP 2022-23 # Authors YOUR NAME HERE # Contents TODO for STUDENTS : Say a bit about the code infrastructure ... # Test design TODO: explain your tests # Design choices TODO: explain your choices. How did you implement boolean not? Did you implement an extension? # Known bugs TODO: Bugs and limitations. # Checklists A check ([X]) means that the feature is implemented and *tested* with appropriate test cases. ## Code generation - [ ] Number Atom - [ ] Boolean Atom - [ ] Id Atom - [ ] Additive expression - [ ] Multiplicative expression - [ ] UnaryMinus expression - [ ] Or expression - [ ] And expression - [ ] Equality expression - [ ] Relational expression (! many cases -> many tests) - [ ] Not expression ## Statements - [ ] Prog, assignements - [ ] While - [ ] Cond Block - [ ] If - [ ] Nested ifs - [ ] Nested whiles ## Allocation - [ ] Naive allocation - [ ] All in memory allocation - [ ] Massive tests of memory allocation