Lib.Statement module

The base class for RISCV ASM statements is Statement. It is inherited by Comment, Label and Instruction. In turn, Instruction is inherited by Instru3A (for regular non-branching 3-address instructions), AbsoluteJump and ConditionalJump.

Lib.Statement.regset_to_string(registerset) str[source]

Utility function: pretty-prints a set of locations.

class Lib.Statement.Statement[source]

Bases: object

A Statement, which is an instruction, a comment or a label.

defined() List[Operand][source]

Operands defined (written) in this instruction

used() List[Operand][source]

Operands used (read) in this instruction

substitute(subst: Dict[Operand, Operand]) TStatement[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, replacing operands that appear as key in subst by their value.

with_args(new_args: List[Operand]) TStatement[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, where operands have been replaced by new_args.


Print the statement on the given output. Should never be called on the base class.

class Lib.Statement.Comment(comment: str)[source]

Bases: Statement

A comment.

comment: str

Print the statement on the given output. Should never be called on the base class.

class Lib.Statement.Label(name: str)[source]

Bases: Statement, Operand

A label is both a Statement and an Operand.

name: str

Print the statement on the given output. Should never be called on the base class.

class Lib.Statement.Instruction[source]

Bases: Statement

ins: str

True if the instruction only reads from its operands.

Otherwise, the first operand is considered as the destination and others are source.

rename(renamer: Renamer) None[source]
args() List[Operand][source]

List of operands the instruction takes


Operands defined (written) in this instruction

used() List[Operand][source]

Operands used (read) in this instruction


Print the instruction on the given output.

class Lib.Statement.Instru3A(ins, *args: Lib.Operands.Operand)[source]

Bases: Instruction


List of operands the instruction takes

rename(renamer: Renamer)[source]
substitute(subst: Dict[Operand, Operand])[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, replacing operands that appear as key in subst by their value.

with_args(new_args: List[Operand])[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, where operands have been replaced by new_args.

class Lib.Statement.AbsoluteJump(label: Label)[source]

Bases: Instruction

An Absolute Jump is a specific kind of instruction

ins: str = 'j'
label: Label
args() List[Operand][source]

List of operands the instruction takes

rename(renamer: Renamer)[source]
substitute(subst: Dict[Operand, Operand])[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, replacing operands that appear as key in subst by their value.

with_args(new_args: List[Operand])[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, where operands have been replaced by new_args.

targets() List[Label][source]

Return the labels targetted by the AbsoluteJump.

class Lib.Statement.ConditionalJump(cond: Condition, op1: Operand, op2: Operand, label: Label)[source]

Bases: Instruction

A Conditional Jump is a specific kind of instruction

cond: Condition
label: Label
op1: Operand
op2: Operand

List of operands the instruction takes

rename(renamer: Renamer)[source]
substitute(subst: Dict[Operand, Operand])[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, replacing operands that appear as key in subst by their value.

with_args(new_args: List[Operand])[source]

Return a new instruction, cloned from this one, where operands have been replaced by new_args.