2024-09-09 13:09:53 +02:00
# cap-labs 2024: Public files for ENSL M1 students (CAP course)

## [Planning, with links to slides, lab subjects, ...](PLANNING.md)
## Course
* Teachers:
- Gabriel Radanne, Inria, LIP https://gabriel.radanne.net/
- Yannick Zakowski, Inria, LIP https://perso.ens-lyon.fr/yannick.zakowski/
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* Page on the "portail des études ENSL" : https://etudes.ens-lyon.fr/course/view.php?id=6042
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* Covid Era's video courses: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtjm-n_Ts-J-6EU1WfVIWLhl1BUUR-Sqm
## Get the repository
git clone https://github.com/Drup/cap-lab24.git
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cd cap-lab24
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## Contents
* TPxx/ : student companion files for CAP labs 2024-25
## About the target machine
The target machine is [RISCV](https://riscv.org/).
The directory contains [instructions](INSTALL.md) to install a compiler and a simulator.
## Contact
Gabriel Radanne, Inria, LIP [email](mailto:gabriel.radanne@ens-lyon.fr)
## Exam
* MCC (final grade computation) :
let ccgrade = average(Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, homework)
in (finalnote + ccgrade)/2
* The final exam will be done "physically" in January. It will last three (3) hours. No authorized documents.
## Contributors
* Labs (ENSL 2019 version): Laure Gonnord, Ludovic Henrio, Matthieu Moy, Marc de Vismes
* 2020 : Gabriel Radanne, Paul Iannetta
* 2021-2023 : Nicolas Chappe, Remi Di Guardia
* 2023-2024 : Samuel Humeau, Hugo Thievenaz
* 2024-2025 : Samuel Humeau, Emma Nardino