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2024-10-06 19:58:11 +02:00
""" Python Classes for Oriented and Non Oriented Graphs
from graphviz import Digraph # for dot output
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Tuple, Any
class GraphError(Exception):
"""Exception raised for self loops.
message: str
def __init__(self, message: str):
self.message = message
class GeneralGraph(object):
General class regrouping similarities
between directed and non oriented graphs.
The only differences between the two are:
- how to compute the set of edges
- how to add an edge
- how to print the graph
- how to delete a vertex
- how to delete an edge
- we only color undirected graphs
graph_dict: Dict[Any, Set]
def __init__(self, graph_dict=None):
Initializes a graph object.
If no dictionary or None is given,
an empty dictionary will be used.
if graph_dict is None:
graph_dict = {}
self.graph_dict = graph_dict
def vertices(self) -> List[Any]:
"""Return the vertices of a graph."""
return list(self.graph_dict.keys())
def add_vertex(self, vertex: Any) -> None:
If the vertex "vertex" is not in
self.graph_dict, a key "vertex" with an empty
list as a value is added to the dictionary.
Otherwise nothing has to be done.
if vertex not in self.graph_dict:
self.graph_dict[vertex] = set()
def edges(self) -> List[Set]:
"""Return the edges of the graph."""
return []
def __str__(self):
res = "vertices: "
for k in self.graph_dict:
res += str(k) + " "
res += "\nedges: "
for edge in self.edges():
res += str(edge) + " "
return res
def dfs_traversal(self, root: Any) -> List[Any]:
Compute a depth first search of the graph,
from the vertex root.
seen: List[Any] = []
todo: List[Any] = [root]
while len(todo) > 0: # while todo ...
current = todo.pop()
for neighbour in self.graph_dict[current]:
if neighbour not in seen:
return seen
def is_reachable_from(self, v1: Any, v2: Any) -> bool:
"""True if there is a path from v1 to v2."""
return v2 in self.dfs_traversal(v1)
def connected_components(self) -> List[List[Any]]:
Compute the list of all connected components of the graph,
each component being a list of vetices.
components: List[List[Any]] = []
done: List[Any] = []
for v in self.vertices():
if v not in done:
v_comp = self.dfs_traversal(v)
return components
def bfs_traversal(self, root: Any) -> List[Any]:
Compute a breadth first search of the graph,
from the vertex root.
seen: List[Any] = []
todo: List[Any] = [root]
while len(todo) > 0: # while todo ...
current = todo.pop(0) # list.pop(0): for dequeuing (on the left...) !
for neighbour in self.graph_dict[current]:
if neighbour not in seen:
return seen
class Graph(GeneralGraph):
"""Class for non oriented graphs."""
def edges(self) -> List[Set]:
A static method generating the set of edges
(they appear twice in the dictionnary).
Return a list of sets.
edges = []
for vertex in self.graph_dict:
for neighbour in self.graph_dict[vertex]:
if {neighbour, vertex} not in edges:
edges.append({vertex, neighbour})
return edges
def add_edge(self, edge: Tuple[Any, Any]) -> None:
Add an edge in the graph.
edge should be a pair and not (c,c)
(we call g.add_edge((v1,v2)))
(vertex1, vertex2) = edge
if vertex1 == vertex2:
raise GraphError("Cannot add a self loop on vertex {} in an unoriented graph.".format(
if vertex1 in self.graph_dict:
self.graph_dict[vertex1] = {vertex2}
if vertex2 in self.graph_dict:
self.graph_dict[vertex2] = {vertex1}
def print_dot(self, name: str, colors={}) -> None:
"""Print the graph."""
color_names = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta'] + \
[f"grey{i}" for i in range(0, 100, 10)]
color_shapes = ['ellipse', 'box', 'diamond', 'trapezium', 'egg',
'parallelogram', 'house', 'triangle', 'pentagon', 'hexagon',
'septagon', 'octagon']
dot = Digraph(comment='Conflict Graph')
for k in self.graph_dict:
shape = None
if not colors:
color = "red" # Graph not colored: red for everyone
elif k not in colors:
color = "grey" # Node not colored: grey
n = colors[k]
if n < len(color_names):
color = color_names[colors[k]]
color = "black" # Too many colors anyway, it won't be readable.
shape = color_shapes[n % len(color_shapes)]
dot.node(str(k), color=color, shape=shape)
for (v1, v2) in self.edges():
dot.edge(str(v1), str(v2), dir="none")
# print(dot.source)
dot.render(name, view=True) # print in pdf
def delete_vertex(self, vertex: Any) -> None:
"""Delete a vertex and all the adjacent edges."""
gdict = self.graph_dict
for neighbour in gdict[vertex]:
del gdict[vertex]
def delete_edge(self, edge: Tuple[Any, Any]):
"""Delete an edge."""
(v1, v2) = edge
def color(self) -> Dict[Any, int]:
Color the graph with an unlimited number of colors.
Return a dict vertex -> color, where color is an integer (0, 1, ...).
coloring, _, _ = self.color_with_k_colors()
return coloring
# see algo of the course
def color_with_k_colors(self, K=None, avoidingnodes=()) -> Tuple[Dict[Any, int], bool, List]:
Color with <= K colors (if K is unspecified, use unlimited colors).
Return 3 values:
- a dict vertex -> color
- a Boolean, True if the coloring succeeded
- the set of nodes actually colored
Do not color vertices belonging to avoidingnodes.
Continue even if the algo fails.
if K is None:
K = len(self.graph_dict)
todo_vertices = []
is_total = True
gcopy = Graph(self.graph_dict.copy())
# suppress nodes that are not to be considered.
for node in avoidingnodes:
# append nodes in the list according to their degree and node number:
while gcopy.graph_dict:
todo = list(gcopy.graph_dict)
todo.sort(key=lambda v: (len(gcopy.graph_dict[v]), str(v)))
lower = todo[0]
# Now reverse the list: first elements are those with higher degree
# print(todo_vertices)
todo_vertices.reverse() # in place reversal
# print(todo_vertices)
coloring = {}
colored_nodes = []
# gdict will be the coloring map to return
gdict = self.graph_dict
for v in todo_vertices:
seen_neighbours = [x for x in gdict[v] if x in coloring]
choose_among = [i for i in range(K) if not (
i in [coloring[v1] for v1 in seen_neighbours])]
if choose_among:
# if the node can be colored, I choose the minimal color.
color = min(choose_among)
coloring[v] = color
# if I cannot color some node, the coloring is not Total
# but I continue
is_total = False
return (coloring, is_total, colored_nodes)
class DiGraph(GeneralGraph):
"""Class for directed graphs."""
def pred(self, v: Any) -> Set:
"""Return all predecessors of the vertex `v` in the graph."""
return {src for src, dests in self.graph_dict.items() if v in dests}
def neighbourhoods(self) -> List[Tuple[Any, Set]]:
"""Return all neighbourhoods in the graph."""
return list(self.graph_dict.items())
def edges(self) -> List[Set]:
""" A static method generating the set of edges"""
edges = []
for vertex in self.graph_dict:
for neighbour in self.graph_dict[vertex]:
edges.append((vertex, neighbour))
return edges
def add_edge(self, edge: Tuple[Any, Any]) -> None:
Add an edge in the graph.
edge should be a pair and not (c,c)
(we call g.add_edge((v1,v2)))
(vertex1, vertex2) = edge
if vertex1 in self.graph_dict:
self.graph_dict[vertex1] = {vertex2}
if vertex2 not in self.graph_dict:
self.graph_dict[vertex2] = set()
def print_dot(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Print the graph."""
dot = Digraph(comment='Conflict Graph')
for k in self.graph_dict:
shape = None
color = "grey"
dot.node(str(k), color=color, shape=shape)
for (v1, v2) in self.edges():
dot.edge(str(v1), str(v2), dir="none")
# print(dot.source)
dot.render(name, view=True) # print in pdf
def delete_vertex(self, vertex: Any) -> None:
"""Delete a vertex and all the adjacent edges."""
for node, neighbours in self.graph_dict.items():
if vertex in neighbours:
del self.graph_dict[vertex]
def delete_edge(self, edge: Tuple[Any, Any]) -> None:
"""Delete an edge."""
(v1, v2) = edge