
268 lines
8.6 KiB

open Parser_entry
open Affichage
open Proof
open Types
open Hlam
open Lam
exception InputError of string
type entry =
Simple of (unit -> instr)
| Reduce of Lam.lam
| AlphaEquiv of Lam.lam * Lam.lam
type interactive_state = (hlam * ty) option * proof
module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
let parse_lam t =
match Parser.main Lexer.token t with
| Lam l -> l
| Instr _ -> raise (InputError "entry must be a lam")
let parse_cmd t =
match Parser.main Lexer.token t with
| Instr is -> is
| Lam _ -> raise (InputError "entry must be an instruction")
let show_beta_reduction e =
let rec aux = function
Some e ->
print_expr e;
print_newline ();
aux (Lam.betastep e);
| None -> ()
in print_expr e;
print_newline ();
let e = Lam.alpha_convert ~readable:true e in
print_expr e;
print_newline ();
aux (Lam.betastep e)
let rec beta_reduce (l : Lam.lam) =
match Lam.betastep l with
| None -> l
| Some l' -> beta_reduce l'
(* copier l'entièreté de l'état d'une preuve avec de nouvelles références pour le Undo *)
let clean_state ((s, p) : interactive_state) =
(* assoc fait le lien entre les anciennes et nouvelles ref, doit être commun au terme et aux différents composants de la preuve *)
let assoc, new_p = clean_proof p in
match s with
| None -> None, new_p
| Some (hl, ty) -> Some (clean_hlam assoc hl, ty), new_p
let alpha_get_lam where_from =
let input_str = In_channel.input_all where_from in
match Str.split (Str.regexp "&") input_str with
[s1; s2] -> AlphaEquiv (
parse_lam (Lexing.from_string (s1^"\n")),
parse_lam (Lexing.from_string s2)
| _ -> failwith "Alpha-equivalence: nombre de delimiteurs incorrect"
let check_via_coq (e : lam) (t : ty) : unit =
(* fill a map to track all types used in the proof *)
let rec fill_ty_map (m : int StringMap.t) = function
TVar x -> StringMap.add x 0 m
| Arr(t1, t2) | Or(t1, t2) | And(t1, t2) ->
let m1 = fill_ty_map m t1 in
fill_ty_map m1 t2
| Bot -> m
(* generate the "forall A B.." *)
in let intro_of_ty (m : int StringMap.t) : string * int =
let tys = StringMap.to_list m in
let n = List.length tys in
let s = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> (fst x ^ " ") ^ acc) "" tys in
if n = 0
then ("", 0)
else ("forall " ^ s ^ ", ", n)
(* generate the right amount of intro. to introduce type variables*)
in let rec repeat_intro n =
if n = 0
then ""
else "intro. " ^ repeat_intro (n-1)
(* build checker.v *)
let m = fill_ty_map StringMap.empty t in
let (ty_vars, intro_n) = intro_of_ty m in
let goal_ty = string_of_ty t in
let proof_term = "(" ^ string_of_expr e ^ ")" in
let checker_file = open_out "checker.v" in
let _ =
Printf.fprintf checker_file "Goal %s%s.\n%s\n exact %s.\n"
ty_vars goal_ty (repeat_intro intro_n) proof_term;
close_out checker_file in
(* start Coq in interactive mode and send it the proof term
while blocking coqtop to print on stdout *)
let r = Unix.system "coqtop < checker.v > log 2>&1" in
match r with
Unix.WEXITED x ->
if x = 0
then print_error "Validated by Coq." ""
else print_error "Couldn't not validate proof." ""
| _ -> print_error "Coq failed." ""
(** Interactive loop
- cg : current top goal : type and reference to lambda-term
- g, gs : next goals
- sq : previous states of the interactive loop
let rec interactive (get_instr : unit -> instr) (sl : (interactive_state) list) : proof =
let (cg, (g, gs)), sq = match sl with
[] -> (None, (None, [])), []
| s::sq -> s, sq
let _ = match g with (* affichage de l'état de la preuve *)
None -> print_string "\n\027[1mNo more goals.\027[0m\n"
| Some g' -> print_newline (); print_goal g'
match get_instr () with (* get_instr récupère l'instruction suivante depuis un fichier ou stdin (garde en buffer les lignes doubles notamment) *)
Cmd c ->
begin match c with
Goal ty ->
let rh = Ref (ref Hole) in
[Some (rh, ty), (Some (rh, ty, []), [])] |> interactive get_instr
| Undo -> interactive get_instr sq (* pour Undo, on appelle juste interactive en supprimant le dernier état *)
| Qed -> begin match cg with
None ->
print_error "No current goal" "";
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
| Some (h, t) ->
let l = lam_of_hlam h
|> beta_reduce in
(* uncaught Could_not_infer but won't happened
because exact only allow typable terms *)
if Typing.typecheck [] l t then begin
print_string "Ok";
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
end else begin
print_error "Typing failed" "";
print_expr l;
print_newline ();
print_ty t;
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
| Check -> begin match cg with
(* !! Doesn't work with terms containing exfalso
and Left / Right !! *)
None ->
print_error "No current goal" "";
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
| Some (h, t) ->
begin try
let l = lam_of_hlam h in
check_via_coq l t
with _ -> print_error "Proof is not over" "";
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr;
| Tact t ->
(* on applique la tactique et on copie l'état actuel de la preuve pour un futur Undo
Comme OCaml évalue de la droite vers la gauche, on fait bien la copie avant de modifier les références dans la preuve *)
(cg, (apply_tactic (g, gs) t))::(clean_state (cg, (g, gs)))::sq |> interactive get_instr
Parser.Error ->
print_error "Invalid input" "";
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
| TacticFailed arg ->
print_error "Tactic failed" arg;
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
| InputError arg ->
print_error "Invalid input" arg;
(cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_instr
| End_of_file | Lexer.Eof ->
print_string "Bye!\n";
(g, gs)
let nom_fichier = ref ""
let reduce = ref false
let alpha = ref false
let equiv_fichier = ref ""
let recupere_entree () =
let optlist = [
Arg.Set alpha,
"Vérifie l'alpha équivalence de deux termes séparés par &");
Arg.Set reduce,
"Affiche les réductions successives du lambda-terme")
] in
let usage = "Bienvenue à bord." in (* message d'accueil, option -help *)
Arg.parse (* ci-dessous les 3 arguments de Arg.parse : *)
optlist (* la liste des options definie plus haut *)
(fun s -> nom_fichier := s) (* la fonction a declencher lorsqu'on recupere un string qui n'est pas une option : ici c'est le nom du fichier, et on stocke cette information dans la reference nom_fichier *)
usage; (* le message d'accueil *)
let where_from = match !nom_fichier with
| "" -> stdin
| s -> open_in s in
if !alpha
then alpha_get_lam where_from
else if !reduce
then Reduce (Lexing.from_channel where_from |> parse_lam)
else Simple begin
let cmd_buff = ref [] in
if !nom_fichier = "" then
((* récupérer les commandes depuis stdin, les lignes vides sont considérées comme des erreurs *)
fun () ->
match !cmd_buff with
| [] ->
begin match (read_line ())^"\n"
|> Lexing.from_string
|> parse_cmd with
[] -> raise Parser.Error
| e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e
| e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e
((* récupérer les commandes depuis un fichier *)
fun () ->
match !cmd_buff with
| [] ->
begin match (input_line where_from)^"\n"
|> Lexing.from_string
|> parse_cmd with
[] -> raise End_of_file
| e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e
| e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e
with e -> (print_error "problème de saisie" ""; raise e)
(* la fonction principale *)
let run () =
match recupere_entree () with
Simple get_instr ->
let _ = interactive get_instr [None, (None, [])] in ()
| Reduce l ->
let _ = show_beta_reduction l in ()
| AlphaEquiv (l1, l2) -> begin
if ((Lam.(=~)) l1 l2) then
print_string "true\n"
print_string "false\n"
flush stdout
with e -> raise e
let _ = run ()