open Parser_entry open Affichage open Proof open Types type entry = Simple of (unit -> cmd) | Reduce of Lam.lam | AlphaEquiv of Lam.lam * Lam.lam type interactive_state = (hlam * ty) option * proof let parse_lam t = match Parser.main Lexer.token t with | Lam l -> l | Cmd _ -> failwith "entry must be a lam" let parse_cmd t = match Parser.main Lexer.token t with | Cmd c -> c | Lam _ -> failwith "entry must be a cmd" let show_beta_reduction e = let rec aux = function Some e -> print_expr e; print_newline (); aux (Lam.betastep e); | None -> () in print_expr e; print_newline (); let e = Lam.alpha_convert ~readable:true e in print_expr e; print_newline (); aux (Lam.betastep e) let rec beta_reduce (l : Lam.lam) = match Lam.betastep l with | None -> l | Some l' -> beta_reduce l' let clean_state ((s, p) : interactive_state) = let assoc, new_p = clean_proof p in match s with | None -> None, new_p | Some (hl, ty) -> Some (clean_hlam assoc hl, ty), new_p let alpha_get_lam where_from = let input_str = In_channel.input_all where_from in match Str.split (Str.regexp "&") input_str with [s1; s2] -> AlphaEquiv ( parse_lam (Lexing.from_string (s1^"\n")), parse_lam (Lexing.from_string s2) ) | _ -> failwith "Alpha-equivalence: nombre de delimiteurs incorrect" (** Interactive loop - cg : current top goal : type and reference to lambda-term - g, gs : next goals - sq : previous states of the interactive loop *) let rec interactive (get_cmd : unit -> cmd) (sl : (interactive_state) list) : proof = let (cg, (g, gs)), sq = match sl with [] -> (None, (None, [])), [] | s::sq -> s, sq in begin let _ = match g with None -> print_string "\n\027[1mNo more goals.\027[0m\n" | Some g' -> print_newline (); print_goal g' in try match get_cmd () with Goal ty -> let rh = Ref (ref Hole) in [Some (rh, ty), (Some (rh, ty, []), [])] |> interactive get_cmd | Undo -> interactive get_cmd sq | Qed -> begin match cg with None -> print_error "No current goal" ""; (cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_cmd | Some (h, t) -> let l = lam_of_hlam h |> beta_reduce in if Typing.typecheck [] l t then begin print_string "Ok"; [None, (None, [])] |> interactive get_cmd end else begin print_error "Typing failed" ""; print_expr l; print_newline (); print_ty t; (cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_cmd end end | Tact t -> (cg, (apply_tactic (g, gs) t))::(clean_state (cg, (g, gs)))::sq |> interactive get_cmd with Parser.Error -> print_error "Invalid input" ""; (cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_cmd | TacticFailed arg -> print_error "Tactic failed" arg; (cg, (g, gs))::sq |> interactive get_cmd | End_of_file | Lexer.Eof -> print_string "Bye!\n"; (g, gs) end let nom_fichier = ref "" let reduce = ref false let alpha = ref false let equiv_fichier = ref "" let recupere_entree () = let optlist = [ ("-alpha", Arg.Set alpha, "Vérifie l'alpha équivalence de deux termes séparés par &"); ("-reduce", Arg.Set reduce, "Affiche les réductions successives du lambda-terme") ] in let usage = "Bienvenue à bord." in (* message d'accueil, option -help *) Arg.parse (* ci-dessous les 3 arguments de Arg.parse : *) optlist (* la liste des options definie plus haut *) (fun s -> nom_fichier := s) (* la fonction a declencher lorsqu'on recupere un string qui n'est pas une option : ici c'est le nom du fichier, et on stocke cette information dans la reference nom_fichier *) usage; (* le message d'accueil *) try let where_from = match !nom_fichier with | "" -> stdin | s -> open_in s in if !alpha then alpha_get_lam where_from else if !reduce then Reduce (Lexing.from_channel where_from |> parse_lam) else Simple begin let cmd_buff = ref [] in if !nom_fichier = "" then ( fun () -> match !cmd_buff with | [] -> begin match (read_line ())^"\n" |> Lexing.from_string |> parse_cmd with [] -> raise Parser.Error | e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e end | e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e ) else ( fun () -> match !cmd_buff with | [] -> begin match (input_line where_from)^"\n" |> Lexing.from_string |> parse_cmd with [] -> raise End_of_file | e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e end | e::q -> cmd_buff := q; e ) end with e -> (print_error "problème de saisie" ""; raise e) (* la fonction principale *) let run () = try match recupere_entree () with Simple get_cmd -> let _ = interactive get_cmd [None, (None, [])] in () | Reduce l -> let _ = show_beta_reduction l in () | AlphaEquiv (l1, l2) -> begin if ((Lam.(=~)) l1 l2) then print_string "true\n" else print_string "false\n" end; flush stdout with e -> raise e let _ = run ()