open Hlam open Lam open Types type context = (id * id * hlam * Types.ty) list type goal = hlam * Types.ty * context type proof = goal option * goal list type tactic = TExact_term of lam | TExact_proof of id | TAssumption | TIntros | TIntro | TCut of ty | TApply of id | TSplit | TRight | TLeft | TTry of tactic let hyp_count = ref 0 let get_fresh_hyp () = let n = string_of_int !hyp_count in incr hyp_count; let hyp_id = "H" ^ n in let var_id = "x_" ^ n in (hyp_id, var_id) (** replace ref's in a proof *) let rec clean_context assoc (c : context) : context = match c with [] -> [] | (s1, s2, h, t)::q -> (s1, s2, clean_hlam assoc h, t)::(clean_context assoc q) let clean_goal assoc ((h, t, c) : goal) : goal = (clean_hlam assoc h, t, clean_context assoc c) let clean_proof ((g, gs) : proof) : (hlam ref * hlam ref) list ref * proof = let assoc = ref [] in let g' = match g with | Some g -> Some (clean_goal assoc g) | None -> None in assoc, (g', (clean_goal assoc) gs) (* typecheck e t cs types e against t in the typing environment defined by cs *) let typecheck (e : lam) (expected_t : Types.ty) (cs : context) : bool = let gam_of_ctx : context -> Types.gam = (fun (_, var_id, _, ty) -> (var_id, ty)) |> in let g = gam_of_ctx cs in try Typing.typecheck g e expected_t with Typing.Could_not_infer -> raise (TacticFailed "couldn't not infer all variable types") let rec get_term_by_id (hyp : id) : context -> hlam option = function [] -> None | (hyp',_, h, _) :: _ when hyp' = hyp -> Some h | _ :: cs -> get_term_by_id hyp cs let rec get_term_by_type (ty : Types.ty) : context -> hlam option = function [] -> None | (_, _, h, ty') :: _ when ty' = ty -> Some h | _ :: cs -> get_term_by_type ty cs let next_goal (gs : goal list) : (goal option * goal list) = match gs with [] -> None, [] | g :: gs -> Some g, gs let get_goal : goal option -> hlam * ty * context = function None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal") | Some g -> g let tact_exact_term ((g, gs) : proof) (e : lam) : proof = let (h, expected_t, cs) = get_goal g in if typecheck e expected_t cs then begin fill h (hlam_of_lam e); next_goal gs end else raise (TacticFailed "type mismatch") let tact_exact_proof ((g, gs) : proof) (hyp : id) : proof = let (h, expected_t, cs) = get_goal g in match get_term_by_id hyp cs with Some h' -> if typecheck (lam_of_hlam h') expected_t cs then begin fill h h'; next_goal gs end else raise (TacticFailed "type mismatch") | None -> raise (TacticFailed "") let tact_assumption ((g, gs) : proof) : proof = let (h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in match get_term_by_type goal_ty cs with None -> raise (TacticFailed "no such hypothesis") | Some h' -> fill h h'; next_goal gs let tact_intro ((g, gs) : proof) : proof = let (h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in match goal_ty with Arr (t1, t2) -> let (hyp_id, var_id) = get_fresh_hyp () in let cs = (hyp_id, var_id, HVar var_id, t1) :: cs in let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in fill h (HFun ((var_id, t1), new_h)); Some (new_h, t2, cs), gs | _ -> raise (TacticFailed "expected an implication") let tact_cut ((g, gs) : proof) (new_t : Types.ty) : proof = let (h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in (* subgoal 2 : new_t -> goal_ty *) let arrow_h = Ref (ref Hole) in let arrow_goal = (arrow_h, Arr (new_t, goal_ty), cs) in let gs = arrow_goal :: gs in (* subgoal 1 (main goal) : new_t *) let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in fill h (HApp (arrow_h, new_h)); Some (new_h, new_t, cs), gs let tact_apply ((g, gs) : proof) (hyp_id : id) : proof = (* check if hypothesis suits apply *) let rec is_implied (goal_ty : ty) (t : ty) : bool = match t with t when t = goal_ty -> true | Arr (_, t2) -> is_implied goal_ty t2 | _ -> false in (* supposes is_implied goal_ty impl_ty goal_ty : conclusion of the implication impl_ty : type of the implication impl_h : building the term we will apply to goal_h goal_h : hole of the current goal h : current hole of impl_h*) let rec generate_goals (goal_ty : ty) (impl_ty : ty) (impl_h : hlam) (goal_h : hlam) (h : hlam) (cs : context) (gs : goal list) : proof = match impl_ty with Arr (t1, t2) when t2 = goal_ty -> let sub_h = Ref (ref Hole) in let _ = fill h sub_h in let _ = fill goal_h impl_h in Some (sub_h, t1, cs), gs | Arr (t1, t2) -> (* transforms impl_h from ((f ?x_0) ?) to (((f ?x_0) ?x_1) ?) where ? is h and ?x_i are holes associated with the proof of x_i*) let sub_h = Ref (ref Hole) in (* proof of t1 *) let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in (* proof of t2 *) let _ = fill h sub_h in let impl_h = HApp (impl_h, new_h) in let gs = (sub_h, t1, cs) :: gs in (* add the proof of t1 to goals *) generate_goals goal_ty t2 impl_h goal_h new_h cs gs (* generate_goals for the proof of t2 *) | _ -> failwith "impossible" in let rec get_hyp : context -> (hlam * ty) = function [] -> raise (TacticFailed "no such hypothesis in context") | (hyp_id', _, h', t') :: _ when hyp_id = hyp_id' -> (h', t') | _ :: cs -> get_hyp cs in let (goal_h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in let impl_h, impl_ty = get_hyp cs in let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in let impl_h_2 = HApp (impl_h, new_h) in if is_implied goal_ty impl_ty then generate_goals goal_ty impl_ty impl_h_2 goal_h new_h cs gs else raise (TacticFailed "not an implication") let tact_intros : proof -> proof = let rec push (p : proof) = try let p = tact_intro p in push p with TacticFailed _ -> p in push let tact_split ((g, gs) : proof) : proof = let (h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in match goal_ty with | And(t1, t2) -> let h1 = Ref (ref Hole) in let h2 = Ref (ref Hole) in fill h (HPair (h1, h2)); Some (h1, t1, cs), (h2, t2, cs)::gs | _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a conjonction") let tact_right ((g, gs) : proof) : proof = let (h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in match goal_ty with | Or(_, t_r) as t -> let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in fill h (HRight (new_h, t)); Some (new_h, t_r, cs), gs | _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction") let tact_left ((g, gs) : proof) : proof = let (h, goal_ty, cs) = get_goal g in match goal_ty with | Or(t_l, _) as t-> let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in fill h (HLeft (new_h, t)); Some (new_h, t_l, cs), gs | _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction") let rec apply_tactic (p : proof) (t : tactic) : proof = match t with TExact_term e -> tact_exact_term p e | TExact_proof hyp -> tact_exact_proof p hyp | TIntros -> tact_intros p | TIntro -> tact_intro p | TAssumption -> tact_assumption p | TCut t -> tact_cut p t | TApply h -> tact_apply p h | TSplit -> tact_split p | TRight -> tact_right p | TLeft -> tact_left p | TTry t -> try apply_tactic p t with TacticFailed _ -> p