je sais pas ce que je fais

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Marwan 2024-04-16 12:05:13 +02:00
parent 0b241c72c4
commit f1ff0628c4

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@ -36,3 +36,47 @@ let (=~) (e1 : lam) (e2 : lam) : bool =
alpha_convert e1 = alpha_convert e2
(** beta-reduction *)
(* subst m n x substitutes x for n in m *)
let rec subst (m : lam) (n : lam) (x : id) : lam =
match m with
Fun ((y, t), e) ->
if x = y
then m
else Fun ((y, t), subst e n x)
| App (e1, e2) ->
let e1 = subst e1 n x in
let e2 = subst e2 n x in
App (e1, e2)
| Var y ->
if x = y then n else m
| Exf (e, t) ->
let e = subst e n x in
Exf (e, t)
let rec betastep (e : lam) : lam option =
match e with
Fun ((x, t), e) ->
begin match betastep e with
None -> None
| Some e -> Some (Fun ((x, t), e))
| App ((Fun ((x, t), e)), e2) ->
begin match betastep e with
None -> Some (subst e e2 x)
| Some e -> Some (App ((Fun ((x, t), e)), e2))
| App (e1, e2) ->
begin match betastep e1 with
None ->
begin match betastep e2 with
None -> None
| Some e2 -> Some (App (e1, e2))
| Some e1 -> Some (App (e1, e2))
| Var _ -> None
| Exf (e, t) ->
begin match betastep e with
None -> None
| Some e -> Some (Exf (e, t))