Fix Undo try

This commit is contained in:
augustin64 2024-05-20 15:03:50 +02:00
parent 6313af9346
commit 8b3b135184
3 changed files with 24 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -165,9 +165,15 @@ let rec interactive (get_instr : unit -> instr) (sl : (interactive_state) list)
| Tact t ->
(* on applique la tactique et on copie l'état actuel de la preuve pour un futur Undo
Comme OCaml évalue de la droite vers la gauche, on fait bien la copie avant de modifier les références dans la preuve *)
(cg, (apply_tactic (g, gs) t))::(clean_state (cg, (g, gs)))::sq |> interactive get_instr
(* on applique la tactique et on copie l'état actuel de la preuve pour un futur Undo *)
let previous_state = clean_state (cg, (g, gs)) in
let new_proof, status = apply_tactic (g, gs) t in
if status then
(cg, new_proof)::previous_state::sq
) |> interactive get_instr
Parser.Error ->
print_error "Invalid input" "";

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@ -210,17 +210,18 @@ let tact_left ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
Some (new_h, t_l, cs), gs
| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction")
let rec apply_tactic (p : proof) (t : tactic) : proof =
(* applies tactic to proof, returns (new_proof, true if p changed) *)
let rec apply_tactic (p : proof) (t : tactic) : proof * bool =
match t with
TExact_term e -> tact_exact_term p e
| TExact_proof hyp -> tact_exact_proof p hyp
| TIntros -> tact_intros p
| TIntro -> tact_intro p
| TAssumption -> tact_assumption p
| TCut t -> tact_cut p t
| TApply h -> tact_apply p h
| TSplit -> tact_split p
| TRight -> tact_right p
| TLeft -> tact_left p
| TTry t -> try apply_tactic p t with TacticFailed _ -> p
TExact_term e -> tact_exact_term p e, true
| TExact_proof hyp -> tact_exact_proof p hyp, true
| TIntros -> tact_intros p, true
| TIntro -> tact_intro p, true
| TAssumption -> tact_assumption p, true
| TCut t -> tact_cut p t, true
| TApply h -> tact_apply p h, true
| TSplit -> tact_split p, true
| TRight -> tact_right p, true
| TLeft -> tact_left p, true
| TTry t -> try apply_tactic p t with TacticFailed _ -> p, false

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Goal A -> B -> A.
try intro.
try try try intro.
exact H0.