Fix and & or

This commit is contained in:
augustin64 2024-05-14 15:23:44 +02:00
parent a42a34d307
commit 84304e26dc
5 changed files with 94 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ let rec string_of_ty = function
let s1 = string_of_ty t1 in
let s2 = string_of_ty t2 in
"(" ^ s1 ^ " \\/ " ^ s2 ^ ")"
| Unknown -> "Unknown"
let rec string_of_expr = function
Fun ((s, t), e) ->
@ -31,6 +32,11 @@ let rec string_of_expr = function
let s_e = string_of_expr e in
let s_ty = string_of_ty t in
"exf (" ^ s_e ^ " : " ^ s_ty ^ ")"
| Pair (e1, e2) ->
"Pair("^(string_of_expr e1)^", "^(string_of_expr e2)^")"
| Left e | Right e ->
"["^(string_of_expr e)^"]"
let print_ty t =

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ type lam =
| App of lam * lam
| Var of id
| Exf of lam * Types.ty
| Pair of lam * lam
| Left of lam
| Right of lam
(** alpha renaming in a deterministic way
if readable is set to true, original variable's names are used to rename *)
@ -29,6 +32,9 @@ let alpha_convert ?(readable=false) (e : lam) : lam =
| App (e1, e2) -> App (alpha_aux e1 g, alpha_aux e2 g)
| Var v -> Var (get_ren_var v g)
| Exf (e, t) -> Exf (alpha_aux e g, t)
| Pair (e1, e2) -> Pair (alpha_aux e1 g, alpha_aux e2 g)
| Left e -> Left (alpha_aux e g)
| Right e -> Right (alpha_aux e g)
in alpha_aux e []
@ -53,6 +59,12 @@ let rec subst (m : lam) (n : lam) (x : id) : lam =
| Exf (e, t) ->
let e = subst e n x in
Exf (e, t)
| Pair (e1, e2) ->
let e1 = subst e1 n x in
let e2 = subst e2 n x in
Pair (e1, e2)
| Left e -> Left (subst e n x)
| Right e -> Right (subst e n x)
(* INVARIANT : e has already been alpha-converted *)
let rec betastep (e : lam) : lam option =
@ -79,6 +91,25 @@ let rec betastep (e : lam) : lam option =
| Some e1 -> Some (App (e1, e2))
| Pair (e1, e2) ->
begin match betastep e1 with
None ->
begin match betastep e2 with
None -> None
| Some e2 -> Some (Pair (e1, e2))
| Some e1 -> Some (Pair (e1, e2))
| Left e ->
begin match betastep e with
None -> None
| Some e -> Some (Left e)
| Right e ->
begin match betastep e with
None -> None
| Some e -> Some (Right e)
| Var _ -> None
| Exf (e, t) ->
begin match betastep e with

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@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ type hlam = (* hollow lam *)
| HApp of hlam * hlam
| HVar of id
| HExf of hlam * Types.ty
| HPair of hlam * hlam
| HLeft of hlam
| HRight of hlam
| Ref of hlam ref
| Hole
@ -43,6 +46,9 @@ let clean_hlam assoc (h : hlam) : hlam =
| HApp (h1, h2) -> HApp (clean h1, clean h2)
| HVar s -> HVar s
| HExf (h, t) -> HExf (clean h, t)
| HPair (h1, h2) -> HPair (clean h1, clean h2)
| HLeft h -> HLeft (clean h)
| HRight h -> HRight (clean h)
| Ref (hr) ->
match List.assq_opt hr !assoc with
None -> let new_h = ref (clean !hr)
@ -84,6 +90,12 @@ let rec hlam_of_lam : lam -> hlam = function
| Exf (e, t) ->
let e = hlam_of_lam e in
HExf (e, t)
| Pair (l1, l2) ->
HPair (hlam_of_lam l1, hlam_of_lam l2)
| Left l ->
HLeft (hlam_of_lam l)
| Right l ->
HRight (hlam_of_lam l)
let rec lam_of_hlam : hlam -> lam = function
HFun ((x, t), e) ->
@ -97,6 +109,12 @@ let rec lam_of_hlam : hlam -> lam = function
| HExf (e, t) ->
let e = lam_of_hlam e in
Exf (e, t)
| HPair (h1, h2) ->
Pair (lam_of_hlam h1, lam_of_hlam h2)
| HLeft h ->
Left (lam_of_hlam h)
| HRight h ->
Right (lam_of_hlam h)
| Ref e_ref -> lam_of_hlam !e_ref
| Hole -> raise (TacticFailed "can not translate unclosed terms")
@ -242,7 +260,10 @@ let tact_split ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match goal_ty with
| And(t1, t2) ->
Some (h, t1, cs), (h, t2, cs)::gs
let h1 = Ref (ref Hole) in
let h2 = Ref (ref Hole) in
fill h (HPair (h1, h2));
Some (h1, t1, cs), (h2, t2, cs)::gs
| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a conjonction")
@ -252,7 +273,9 @@ let tact_right ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match goal_ty with
| Or(_, t) ->
Some (h, t, cs), gs
let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in
fill h (HRight new_h);
Some (new_h, t, cs), gs
| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction")
let tact_left ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
@ -261,7 +284,9 @@ let tact_left ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match goal_ty with
| Or(t, _) ->
Some (h, t, cs), gs
let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in
fill h (HLeft new_h);
Some (new_h, t, cs), gs
| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction")
let apply_tactic (p : proof) (t : tactic) : proof =

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@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ type ty =
| And of ty * ty
| Or of ty * ty
| Bot
| Unknown (* for Or *)
type gam = (ty_id * ty) list

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@ -19,6 +19,23 @@ let rec typecheck (g : gam) (e : lam) (expected_t : ty) : bool =
| Exf (e, t) ->
(expected_t = Bot) && (typecheck g e t)
| Pair (e1, e2) ->
begin match expected_t with
And (t1, t2) ->
(typecheck g e1 t1) && (typecheck g e2 t2)
| _ -> false
| Left e ->
begin match expected_t with
Or (t, _) -> typecheck g e t
| _ -> false
| Right e ->
begin match expected_t with
Or (_, t) -> typecheck g e t
| _ -> false
and typeinfer (g : gam) (e : lam) : ty =
match e with
@ -39,3 +56,12 @@ and typeinfer (g : gam) (e : lam) : ty =
if typecheck g e t
then Bot
else failwith "couldn't infer"
| Pair (e1, e2) ->
And (
typeinfer g e1,
typeinfer g e2
| Left e ->
Or (typeinfer g e, Unknown)
| Right e ->
Or (Unknown, typeinfer g e)