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open Lam
open Types
2024-05-01 11:07:40 +02:00
exception TacticFailed of string
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type hlam = (* hollow lam *)
HFun of (id * Types.ty) * hlam
| HApp of hlam * hlam
| HVar of id
| HExf of hlam * Types.ty
| Ref of hlam ref
| Hole
type context = (id * hlam * Types.ty) list
type goal = hlam * Types.ty * context
type proof = goal option * goal list
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type tactic =
Exact_term of lam
| Exact_proof of id
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| Assumption
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| Intros
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| Intro
| Cut of ty
| Apply of id
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| Right
| Left
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let count = ref 0
let get_fresh_hyp () =
let n = string_of_int !count in
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incr count;
let hyp_id = "H" ^ n in
let var_id = "x_" ^ n in
(hyp_id, var_id)
let proof_is_over ((g, _) : proof) : bool =
match g with
None -> true
| Some _ -> false
let fill (hole : hlam) (e : hlam) : unit =
match hole with
Ref h -> h := e
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| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "not fillable")
let rec hlam_of_lam : lam -> hlam = function
Fun ((x, t), e) ->
let e = hlam_of_lam e in
HFun ((x, t), e)
| App (e1, e2) ->
let e1 = hlam_of_lam e1 in
let e2 = hlam_of_lam e2 in
HApp (e1, e2)
| Var x -> HVar x
| Exf (e, t) ->
let e = hlam_of_lam e in
HExf (e, t)
let rec lam_of_hlam : hlam -> lam = function
HFun ((x, t), e) ->
let e = lam_of_hlam e in
Fun ((x, t), e)
| HApp (e1, e2) ->
let e1 = lam_of_hlam e1 in
let e2 = lam_of_hlam e2 in
App (e1, e2)
| HVar x -> Var x
| HExf (e, t) ->
let e = lam_of_hlam e in
Exf (e, t)
| Ref e_ref -> lam_of_hlam !e_ref
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| Hole -> raise (TacticFailed "can not translate unclosed terms")
let rec get_term_by_id (hyp : id) : context -> hlam option =
[] -> None
| (hyp', h, _) :: _ when hyp' = hyp -> Some h
| _ :: cs -> get_term_by_id hyp cs
let rec get_term_by_type (ty : Types.ty) : context -> hlam option =
[] -> None
| (_, h, ty') :: _ when ty' = ty -> Some h
| _ :: cs -> get_term_by_type ty cs
let next_goal (gs : goal list) : (goal option * goal list) =
match gs with
[] -> None, []
| g :: gs -> Some g, gs
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let tact_exact_term ((g, gs) : proof) (e : lam) : proof =
match g with
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None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, _, _) ->
fill h (hlam_of_lam e);
next_goal gs
let tact_exact_proof ((g, gs) : proof) (hyp : id) : proof =
match g with
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None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, _, cs) ->
match get_term_by_id hyp cs with
Some h' ->
fill h h';
next_goal gs
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| None -> raise (TacticFailed "")
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let tact_assumption ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
match g with
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None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match get_term_by_type goal_ty cs with
None -> (* failwith "assumption failed" *) (g, gs)
| Some h' ->
fill h h';
next_goal gs
let tact_intro ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
match g with
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None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match goal_ty with
Arr (t1, t2) ->
let (hyp_id, var_id) = get_fresh_hyp () in
let cs = (hyp_id, HVar var_id, t1) :: cs in
let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in
fill h (HFun ((var_id, t1), new_h));
Some (new_h, t2, cs), gs
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| _ -> (* failwith "expected function" *) (* (g, gs) *)
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raise (TacticFailed "expected function")
let tact_cut ((g, gs) : proof) (new_t : Types.ty) : proof =
match g with
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None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
(* subgoal 2 : new_t -> goal_ty *)
let arrow_h = Ref (ref Hole) in
let arrow_goal = (arrow_h, Arr (new_t, goal_ty), cs) in
let gs = arrow_goal :: gs in
(* subgoal 1 (main goal) : new_t *)
let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in
fill h (HApp (arrow_h, new_h));
Some (new_h, new_t, cs), gs
let tact_apply ((g, gs) : proof) (hyp_id : id) : proof =
let rec get_hyp = function
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[] -> raise (TacticFailed "no such hypothesis in context")
| (hyp_id', h', t') :: _ when hyp_id = hyp_id' -> (h', t')
| _ :: cs -> get_hyp cs
match g with
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None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
let h', t' = get_hyp cs in
match t' with
Arr (t1, t2) when t2 = goal_ty ->
let new_h = Ref (ref Hole) in
fill h (HApp (h', new_h));
Some (new_h, t1, cs), gs
| Arr _ -> (* failwith "wrong types" *) (g, gs)
| _ -> (* failwith "expected ->" *) (g, gs)
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let tact_intros : proof -> proof =
let rec push (p : proof) =
let p = tact_intro p in
push p
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with TacticFailed _ -> p
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in push
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let tact_right ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
match g with
None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match goal_ty with
| Or(_, t) ->
Some (h, t, cs), gs
| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction")
let tact_left ((g, gs) : proof) : proof =
match g with
None -> raise (TacticFailed "no current goal")
| Some (h, goal_ty, cs) ->
match goal_ty with
| Or(t, _) ->
Some (h, t, cs), gs
| _ -> raise (TacticFailed "Not a disjunction")
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let apply_tactic (p : proof) (t : tactic) : proof =
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match t with
Exact_term e -> tact_exact_term p e
| Exact_proof hyp -> tact_exact_proof p hyp
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| Intros -> tact_intros p
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| Intro -> tact_intro p
| Assumption -> tact_assumption p
| Cut t -> tact_cut p t
| Apply h -> tact_apply p h
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| Right -> tact_right p
| Left -> tact_left p
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let tact_try (p : proof) (t : tactic) : proof =
try apply_tactic p t
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with TacticFailed _ -> p