2024-06-14 11:48:40 +02:00

97 lines
4.4 KiB

# DESCRIPTION: Recipe to build a custom Grid'5000 environment on top of an
# existing pre-built one (such as one supported by the technical team).
# The recipe downloads everything needed to launch an experiment on the cache
extend: grid5000/from_grid5000_environment/base.yaml
### Grid'5000 environment information
## (Uncomment and change any line if needed)
## Frontend to run kaenv3 on
#grid5000_frontend: "frontend"
## Site used in the build
grid5000_site: "rennes"
## Environment to build from
#grid5000_environment_import_name: "debian11-min"
#grid5000_environment_import_user: "deploy"
#grid5000_environment_import_version: ""
#grid5000_environment_import_arch: "x86_64"
## New environment description
#grid5000_environment_export_name: "$${kameleon_recipe_name}"
#grid5000_environment_export_format: "tar.zst"
#grid5000_environment_export_description: "Customized $${grid5000_environment_import_name}"
#grid5000_environment_export_visibility: "shared"
## Set where to store the environment and the assiated kadeploy URL base
#grid5000_environment_export_dir: "$HOME/public/"
#grid5000_environment_export_baseurl: "local://$HOME/public/"
## Optionaly, the environment postinstall script can be changed, e.g. to
## enable NFS homes, LDAP accounts, if not enabled in the imported env.
#grid5000_environment_export_postinstall_script: "g5k-postinstall --net debian --fstab nfs --restrict-user current"
## Optionaly, an additional postinstall can be given, e.g. to do some custom
## operations. Use the following variables to set the archive name and script.
#grid5000_environment_export_additional_postinstall_archive: "$${kameleon_recipe_name}-additional-postinstall.tar.gz"
#grid5000_environment_export_additional_postinstall_script: "additional_postinstall.sh"
## The recipe will have to prepare the additional postinstall content in a
## directory to create in the local context and name "additional_postinstall"
## by default (next line to change it). The archive is created by the export.
#grid5000_environment_export_additional_postinstall_dir: "additional_postinstall"
### Target machine/CPU architecture
## If building an environment for another architecture than x86_64, you may need to
## uncomment and adapt the next lines, in order for qemu to function.
## Set the qemu arch name: qemu uses ppc64, not ppc64le.
#qemu_arch: ppc64
## Make qemu use UEFI (required for aarch64 and ppc64).
#qemu_uefi: true
### You can add below any other global variable definition
## See the variables which can be overloaded, by running:
## kameleon info cache_measurements.yaml
## Or define any new variable you would need. e.g.:
#my_variable: my_value
### The bootstrap section takes in charge the import of the Grid'5000
## environment to customize. No modification should be needed here.
- "@base"
### The setup section is where to place your customization. Add all steps
## required by your customization.
## The following is given as example only, replace with your steps.
- install_packages:
- install_from_apt:
- exec_in: apt-get update
- exec_in: apt-get install libcpupower-dev linux-cpupower curl git bzip2 gcc hwloc htop -y
- install_rustup:
- exec_in: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- --default-toolchain none -y
- exec_in: bash -c 'source "$HOME/.cargo/env" && rustup toolchain install nightly --profile minimal --component cargo && rustup default nightly'
- build_exp_code:
- git_clone:
- exec_in: git clone https://gitea.augustin64.fr/l3-ENSL/dendrobates-t-azureus /tmp/dendrobates-t-azureus
- build:
- exec_in: bash -c 'source "$HOME/.cargo/env" && cd /tmp/dendrobates-t-azureus/cache_utils && cargo build --release --bin two_thread_cal'
- copy_to_bin:
- exec_in: cp /tmp/dendrobates-t-azureus/target/release/two_thread_cal /usr/bin/two_thread_cal
- clean:
- remove_build_dir:
- exec_in: rm /tmp/dendrobates-t-azureus -rf
- remove_packages:
- exec_in: apt-get --purge autoremove curl git gcc libcpupower-dev -y
### The export section takes in charge the export of your customized Grid'5000
## environment. No modification should be needed here.
- "@base"