use cache_utils::calibration::{ accumulate, calibrate_fixed_freq_2_thread, calibration_result_to_ASVP, flush_and_reload, get_cache_slicing, load_and_flush, map_values, only_flush, only_reload, reduce, reload_and_flush, CalibrateOperation2T, CalibrateResult2T, CalibrationOptions, ErrorPrediction, ErrorPredictions, HistParams, HistogramCumSum, PotentialThresholds, ThresholdError, Verbosity, ASP, ASVP, AV, CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER, CFLUSH_BUCKET_SIZE, CFLUSH_NUM_ITER, SP, SVP, }; use cache_utils::mmap::MMappedMemory; use cache_utils::{flush, maccess, noop}; use nix::sched::{sched_getaffinity, CpuSet}; use nix::unistd::Pid; use core::arch::x86_64 as arch_x86; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::process::Command; use std::str::from_utf8; unsafe fn multiple_access(p: *const u8) { maccess::(p); maccess::(p); arch_x86::_mm_mfence(); maccess::(p); arch_x86::_mm_mfence(); maccess::(p); arch_x86::_mm_mfence(); maccess::(p); maccess::(p); } const SIZE: usize = 2 << 20; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] struct ASV { pub attacker: u8, pub slice: u8, pub victim: u8, } struct ResultAnalysis { // indexed by bucket size pub miss: Vec, pub miss_cum_sum: Vec, pub miss_total: u32, pub hit: Vec, pub hit_cum_sum: Vec, pub hit_total: u32, pub error_miss_less_than_hit: Vec, pub error_hit_less_than_miss: Vec, pub min_error_hlm: u32, pub min_error_mlh: u32, } // Split the threshold and error in two separate structs ? #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct Threshold { pub error_rate: f32, pub threshold: usize, // extend with other possible algorithm ? pub is_hlm: bool, pub num_true_hit: u32, pub num_false_hit: u32, pub num_true_miss: u32, pub num_false_miss: u32, } fn main() { // Grab a slice of memory let core_per_socket_out = Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg("lscpu | grep socket | cut -b 22-") .output() .expect("Failed to detect cpu count"); //println!("{:#?}", core_per_socket_str); let core_per_socket_str = from_utf8(&core_per_socket_out.stdout).unwrap(); //println!("Number of cores per socket: {}", cps_str); let core_per_socket: u8 = core_per_socket_str[0..(core_per_socket_str.len() - 1)] .parse() .unwrap_or(0); println!("Number of cores per socket: {}", core_per_socket); let m = MMappedMemory::new(SIZE); let array = m.slice(); let cache_line_size = 64; // Generate core iterator let mut core_pairs: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new(); let old = sched_getaffinity(Pid::from_raw(0)).unwrap(); for i in 0..CpuSet::count() { for j in 0..CpuSet::count() { if old.is_set(i).unwrap() && old.is_set(j).unwrap() { core_pairs.push((i, j)); println!("{},{}", i, j); } } } // operations // Call calibrate 2T \o/ let verbose_level = Verbosity::RawResult; let pointer = (&array[0]) as *const u8; if pointer as usize & (cache_line_size - 1) != 0 { panic!("not aligned nicely"); } let operations = [ CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: maccess::, op: only_flush, name: "clflush_remote_hit", display_name: "clflush remote hit", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: maccess::, op: load_and_flush, name: "clflush_shared_hit", display_name: "clflush shared hit", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: flush, op: only_flush, name: "clflush_miss_f", display_name: "clflush miss - f", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: flush, op: load_and_flush, name: "clflush_local_hit_f", display_name: "clflush local hit - f", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: noop::, op: only_flush, name: "clflush_miss_n", display_name: "clflush miss - n", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: noop::, op: load_and_flush, name: "clflush_local_hit_n", display_name: "clflush local hit - n", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: noop::, op: flush_and_reload, name: "reload_miss", display_name: "reload miss", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: maccess::, op: reload_and_flush, name: "reload_remote_hit", display_name: "reload remote hit", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: maccess::, op: only_reload, name: "reload_shared_hit", display_name: "reload shared hit", }, CalibrateOperation2T { prepare: noop::, op: only_reload, name: "reload_local_hit", display_name: "reload local hit", }, ]; let r = unsafe { calibrate_fixed_freq_2_thread( pointer, 64, // FIXME : MAGIC array.len() as isize >> 3, // MAGIC &mut core_pairs.into_iter(), &operations, CalibrationOptions { hist_params: HistParams { bucket_number: CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER, bucket_size: CFLUSH_BUCKET_SIZE, iterations: CFLUSH_NUM_ITER << 4, }, verbosity: verbose_level, optimised_addresses: true, }, core_per_socket, ) }; //let mut analysis = HashMap::::new(); let miss_name = "clflush_miss_n"; let hit_name = "clflush_remote_hit"; let miss_index = operations .iter() .position(|op| == miss_name) .unwrap(); let hit_index = operations .iter() .position(|op| == hit_name) .unwrap(); let slicing = get_cache_slicing(core_per_socket); let h = if let Some(s) = slicing { if s.can_hash() { |addr: usize| -> u8 { slicing.unwrap().hash(addr).unwrap() } } else { panic!("No slicing function known"); } } else { panic!("No slicing function known"); }; /* Analysis Flow Vec (or Vec) -> Corresponding ASVP + Analysis (use the type from two_thread_cal, or similar) ASVP,Analysis -> ASVP,Thresholds,Error ASVP,Analysis -> ASP,Analysis (mobile victim) -> ASP, Threshold, Error -> ASVP detailed Threshold,Error in ASP model ASVP,Analysis -> SP, Analysis (mobile A and V) -> SP, Threshold, Error -> ASVP detailed Threshold,Error in SP model ASVP,Analysis -> AV, Analysis (legacy attack) -> AV, Threshold, Error -> ASVP detailed Threshold,Error in AV model ASVP,Analysis -> Global Analysis -> Global Threshold, Error -> ASVP detailed Threshold,Error in Global Model The last step is done as a apply operation on original ASVP Analysis using the new Thresholds. This model correspond to an attacker that can chose its core and its victim core, and has slice knowledge ASVP,Thresholds,Error -> Best AV selection for average error. HashMap)> This model corresponds to an attacker that can chose its own core, measure victim location, and has slice knowledge. ASVP,Thresholds,Error -> Best A selection for average error. HashMap)> Also compute best AV pair for AV model What about chosing A but no knowing V at all, from ASP detiled analysis ? Compute for each model averages, worst and best cases ? */ let new_analysis: Result, nix::Error> = calibration_result_to_ASVP( r, pointer, |cal_1t_res| { ErrorPredictions::predict_errors(HistogramCumSum::from_calibrate( cal_1t_res, hit_index, miss_index, )) }, &h, ); // Analysis aka HashMap -------------------------------------- let asvp_analysis = match new_analysis { Ok(a) => a, Err(e) => panic!("Error: {}", e), }; asvp_analysis[&ASVP { attacker: 0, slice: 0, victim: 0, page: pointer as usize, }] .debug(); let asp_analysis = accumulate( asvp_analysis.clone(), |asvp: ASVP| ASP { attacker: asvp.attacker, slice: asvp.slice, page:, }, || ErrorPredictions::empty(CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER), |accumulator: &mut ErrorPredictions, error_preds: ErrorPredictions, _key, _rkey| { *accumulator += error_preds; }, ); let sp_analysis = accumulate( asp_analysis.clone(), |asp: ASP| SP { slice: asp.slice, page:, }, || ErrorPredictions::empty(CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER), |accumulator: &mut ErrorPredictions, error_preds: ErrorPredictions, _key, _rkey| { *accumulator += error_preds; }, ); // This one is the what would happen if you ignored slices let av_analysis = accumulate( asvp_analysis.clone(), |asvp: ASVP| AV { attacker: asvp.attacker, victim: asvp.victim, }, || ErrorPredictions::empty(CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER), |accumulator: &mut ErrorPredictions, error_preds: ErrorPredictions, _key, _rkey| { *accumulator += error_preds; }, ); let global_analysis = accumulate( av_analysis.clone(), |_av: AV| (), || ErrorPredictions::empty(CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER), |accumulator: &mut ErrorPredictions, error_preds: ErrorPredictions, _key, _rkey| { *accumulator += error_preds; }, ) .remove(&()) .unwrap(); // Thresholds aka HashMap --------------------------------------- let asvp_threshold_errors: HashMap = map_values( asvp_analysis.clone(), |error_predictions: ErrorPredictions, _| { PotentialThresholds::minimizing_total_error(error_predictions) .median() .unwrap() }, ); let asp_threshold_errors = map_values(asp_analysis, |error_predictions: ErrorPredictions, _| { PotentialThresholds::minimizing_total_error(error_predictions) .median() .unwrap() }); let sp_threshold_errors = map_values(sp_analysis, |error_predictions: ErrorPredictions, _| { PotentialThresholds::minimizing_total_error(error_predictions) .median() .unwrap() }); let av_threshold_errors = map_values(av_analysis, |error_predictions: ErrorPredictions, _| { PotentialThresholds::minimizing_total_error(error_predictions) .median() .unwrap() }); let gt_threshold_error = PotentialThresholds::minimizing_total_error(global_analysis) .median() .unwrap(); // ASVP detailed Threshold,Error in strict subset of ASVP model -------------------------------- // HashMap, // with the same threshold for all the ASVP sharing the same value of an ASVP subset. let asp_detailed_errors: HashMap = map_values( asvp_analysis.clone(), |error_pred: ErrorPredictions, asvp: &ASVP| { let asp = ASP { attacker: asvp.attacker, slice: asvp.slice, page:, }; let threshold = asp_threshold_errors[&asp].threshold; let error = error_pred.histogram.error_for_threshold(threshold); ThresholdError { threshold, error } }, ); let sp_detailed_errors: HashMap = map_values( asvp_analysis.clone(), |error_pred: ErrorPredictions, asvp: &ASVP| { let sp = SP { slice: asvp.slice, page:, }; let threshold = sp_threshold_errors[&sp].threshold; let error = error_pred.histogram.error_for_threshold(threshold); ThresholdError { threshold, error } }, ); let av_detailed_errors: HashMap = map_values( asvp_analysis.clone(), |error_pred: ErrorPredictions, asvp: &ASVP| { let av = AV { attacker: asvp.attacker, victim: asvp.victim, }; let threshold = av_threshold_errors[&av].threshold; let error = error_pred.histogram.error_for_threshold(threshold); ThresholdError { threshold, error } }, ); let gt_detailed_errors: HashMap = map_values(asvp_analysis.clone(), |error_pred: ErrorPredictions, _| { let threshold = gt_threshold_error.threshold; let error = error_pred.histogram.error_for_threshold(threshold); ThresholdError { threshold, error } }); // Best core selections let asvp_best_av_errors: HashMap)> = accumulate( asvp_threshold_errors.clone(), |asvp: ASVP| AV { attacker: asvp.attacker, victim: asvp.victim, }, || (ErrorPrediction::default(), HashMap::new()), |acc: &mut (ErrorPrediction, HashMap), threshold_error, asvp: ASVP, av| { assert_eq!(av.attacker, asvp.attacker); assert_eq!(av.victim, asvp.victim); let sp = SP { slice: asvp.slice, page:, }; acc.0 += threshold_error.error; acc.1.insert(sp, threshold_error); }, ); let asvp_best_a_errors: HashMap)> = accumulate( asvp_threshold_errors.clone(), |asvp: ASVP| asvp.attacker, || (ErrorPrediction::default(), HashMap::new()), |acc: &mut (ErrorPrediction, HashMap), threshold_error, asvp: ASVP, attacker| { assert_eq!(attacker, asvp.attacker); let svp = SVP { slice: asvp.slice, page:, victim: asvp.victim, }; acc.0 += threshold_error.error; acc.1.insert(svp, threshold_error); }, ); let asp_best_a_errors: HashMap)> = accumulate( asp_detailed_errors.clone(), |asvp: ASVP| asvp.attacker, || (ErrorPrediction::default(), HashMap::new()), |acc: &mut (ErrorPrediction, HashMap), threshold_error, asvp: ASVP, attacker| { assert_eq!(attacker, asvp.attacker); let svp = SVP { slice: asvp.slice, page:, victim: asvp.victim, }; acc.0 += threshold_error.error; acc.1.insert(svp, threshold_error); }, ); //let av_best_av_errors let av_best_a_erros: HashMap)> = accumulate( av_detailed_errors.clone(), |asvp: ASVP| asvp.attacker, || (ErrorPrediction::default(), HashMap::new()), |acc: &mut (ErrorPrediction, HashMap), threshold_error, asvp: ASVP, attacker| { assert_eq!(attacker, asvp.attacker); let svp = SVP { slice: asvp.slice, page:, victim: asvp.victim, }; acc.0 += threshold_error.error; acc.1.insert(svp, threshold_error); }, ); // Find best index in each model... // CSV output logic /* moving parts : - order of lines - columns and columns header. - Probably should be a macro ? Or something taking a Vec of Column and getter, plus a vec (or iterator) of 'Keys' */ let mut keys = asvp_threshold_errors.keys().collect::>(); keys.sort_unstable_by(|a: &&ASVP, b: &&ASVP| { if > { Ordering::Greater } else if < { Ordering::Less } else if a.slice > b.slice { Ordering::Greater } else if a.slice < b.slice { Ordering::Less } else if a.attacker > b.attacker { Ordering::Greater } else if a.attacker < b.attacker { Ordering::Less } else if a.victim > b.victim { Ordering::Greater } else if a.victim < b.victim { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }); // In theory there should be a way of making such code much more modular. let error_header = |name: &str| { format!( "{}ErrorRate,{}Errors,{}Measures,{}TrueHit,{}TrueMiss,{}FalseHit,{}FalseMiss", name, name, name, name, name, name, name ) }; let header = |name: &str| { format!( "{}_Threshold,{}_MFH,{}_GlobalErrorRate,{}", name, name, name, error_header(&format!("{}_ASVP", name)) ) }; println!( "Analysis:Page,Slice,Attacker,Victim,ASVP_Threshold,ASVP_MFH,{},{},{},{},{}", error_header("ASVP_"), header("ASP"), header("SP"), header("AV"), header("GT") ); let format_error = |error_pred: &ErrorPrediction| { format!( "{},{},{},{},{},{},{}", error_pred.error_rate(), error_pred.total_error(),, error_pred.true_hit, error_pred.true_miss, error_pred.false_hit, error_pred.false_miss ) }; let format_detailed_model = |global: &ThresholdError, detailed: &ThresholdError| { assert_eq!(global.threshold, detailed.threshold); format!( "{},{},{},{}", global.threshold.bucket_index, global.threshold.miss_faster_than_hit, global.error.error_rate(), format_error(&detailed.error) ) }; for key in keys { print!( "Analysis:{},{},{},{},",, key.slice, key.attacker, key.victim ); let threshold_error = asvp_threshold_errors[key]; print!( "{},{},{},", threshold_error.threshold.bucket_index, threshold_error.threshold.miss_faster_than_hit, format_error(&threshold_error.error) ); let asp_global = &asp_threshold_errors[&ASP { attacker: key.attacker, slice: key.slice, page:, }]; let asp_detailed = &asp_detailed_errors[key]; print!("{},", format_detailed_model(asp_global, asp_detailed)); let sp_global = &sp_threshold_errors[&SP { slice: key.slice, page:, }]; let sp_detailed = &sp_detailed_errors[key]; print!("{},", format_detailed_model(sp_global, sp_detailed)); let av_global = &av_threshold_errors[&AV { attacker: key.attacker, victim: key.victim, }]; let av_detailed = &av_detailed_errors[key]; print!("{},", format_detailed_model(av_global, av_detailed)); let gt_global = >_threshold_error; let gt_detailed = >_detailed_errors[key]; print!("{},", format_detailed_model(gt_global, gt_detailed)); println!(); } //The two other CSV are summaries that allowdetermining the best case. Index in the first CSV for the detailed info. // Second CSV output logic: // Build keys let mut keys = asvp_best_av_errors.keys().collect::>(); keys.sort_unstable_by(|a: &&AV, b: &&AV| { if a.attacker > b.attacker { Ordering::Greater } else if a.attacker < b.attacker { Ordering::Less } else if a.victim > b.victim { Ordering::Greater } else if a.victim < b.victim { Ordering::Less } else { Ordering::Equal } }); // Print header println!( "AVAnalysis:Attacker,Victim,{},{}", error_header("AVSP_Best_AV_"), error_header("AV_Best_AV_") ); //print lines for av in keys { println!( "AVAnalysis:{attacker},{victim},{AVSP},{AV}", attacker = av.attacker, victim = av.victim, AVSP = format_error(&asvp_best_av_errors[av].0), AV = format_error(&av_threshold_errors[av].error), ); } // Third CSV output logic: // Build keys let mut keys = asvp_best_a_errors.keys().collect::>(); keys.sort_unstable(); println!( "AttackerAnalysis:Attacker,{},{},{}", error_header("AVSP_Best_A_"), error_header("ASP_Best_A_"), error_header("AV_Best_A_"), ); for attacker in keys { println!( "AttackerAnalysis:{attacker},{AVSP},{ASP},{AV}", attacker = attacker, AVSP = format_error(&asvp_best_a_errors[&attacker].0), ASP = format_error(&asp_best_a_errors[&attacker].0), AV = format_error(&av_best_a_erros[&attacker].0) ); } /* println!( "analysis result: {:?}", asvp_threshold_errors.keys().copied().collect::>() ); println!("Global Analysis: {:#?}", global_threshold_errors); println!( "Global thrshold total error rate :{}", global_threshold_errors.error.error_rate() );*/ }