Add results for warmed up analysis
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
awk '/^Iteration [:digit:]*[.]*/ ' < log.txt > iterations.txt
awk -f `dirname $0`/analyse_iterations.awk < iterations.txt # This uses system to split off awk scripts doing the analysis
paste -d"," *.csv > combined.csv
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
i = 0
start = $0
end = $0
system("awk '$0 == \""start"\",$0 == \""end"\"' < log.txt | awk "\
"'BEGIN { print_addr = ("i" == 0); if(print_addr) {print \"Addr, hmin"i", hmax"i", hmed"i", mmin"i", mmax"i", mmed"i"\" } else { print \"hmin"i", hmax"i", hmed"i", mmin"i", mmax"i", mmed"i"\" } }\n"\
"/Calibration for/ { addr = $3 }\n /Hits/ { hmin = $3; hmax = $5; hmed = $7}\n /Miss/ {mmin = $3; mmax = $5; mmed = $7}\n /Calibration done/ { if(print_addr) { print addr\", \"hmin\", \"hmax\", \"hmed\", \"mmin\", \"mmax\", \"mmed } else { print hmin\", \"hmax\", \"hmed\", \"mmin\", \"mmax\", \"mmed } }'> "i".csv")
i = i + 1
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Addr, hmin0, hmax0, hmed0, mmin0, mmax0, mmed0,hmin1, hmax1, hmed1, mmin1, mmax1, mmed1,hmin2, hmax2, hmed2, mmin2, mmax2, mmed2,hmin3, hmax3, hmed3, mmin3, mmax3, mmed3,hmin4, hmax4, hmed4, mmin4, mmax4, mmed4,hmin5, hmax5, hmed5, mmin5, mmax5, mmed5,hmin6, hmax6, hmed6, mmin6, mmax6, mmed6,hmin7, hmax7, hmed7, mmin7, mmax7, mmed7,
0x7f323a600000, 91, 108, 101, 79, 87, 83,83, 105, 88, 79, 85, 81,89, 109, 98, 87, 95, 89,89, 115, 99, 81, 105, 91,93, 154, 99, 81, 87, 83,83, 107, 91, 81, 104, 89,89, 112, 95, 83, 105, 90,90, 111, 99, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600040, 83, 97, 87, 77, 91, 81,85, 99, 89, 79, 85, 81,91, 107, 100, 81, 95, 90,93, 114, 100, 81, 87, 83,85, 99, 88, 79, 85, 81,87, 112, 96, 79, 94, 83,91, 138, 99, 81, 88, 85,93, 109, 97, 83, 95, 85,
0x7f323a600080, 92, 99, 95, 85, 93, 89,89, 97, 93, 85, 91, 87,93, 101, 95, 89, 97, 93,83, 97, 87, 81, 87, 85,93, 102, 97, 87, 93, 91,91, 99, 94, 85, 105, 89,87, 101, 91, 83, 91, 87,83, 97, 87, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a6000c0, 93, 108, 97, 83, 89, 87,91, 107, 95, 83, 89, 85,89, 99, 93, 87, 93, 90,83, 93, 89, 81, 93, 85,95, 109, 99, 85, 91, 87,93, 102, 97, 83, 91, 87,83, 93, 87, 81, 95, 85,85, 99, 90, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600100, 93, 102, 98, 81, 93, 83,83, 92, 87, 79, 86, 83,95, 103, 98, 87, 95, 91,89, 97, 93, 81, 87, 85,93, 109, 99, 81, 88, 85,85, 99, 89, 81, 87, 83,89, 103, 93, 83, 89, 85,91, 104, 95, 81, 97, 85,
0x7f323a600140, 83, 99, 87, 79, 85, 81,85, 109, 89, 79, 95, 81,97, 105, 101, 87, 93, 90,91, 106, 95, 81, 88, 85,85, 93, 89, 79, 86, 83,87, 95, 91, 79, 93, 83,91, 111, 99, 81, 89, 85,93, 107, 97, 83, 89, 87,
0x7f323a600180, 92, 106, 95, 85, 101, 95,91, 103, 93, 85, 91, 89,87, 93, 89, 83, 89, 87,83, 91, 87, 81, 95, 85,93, 107, 97, 87, 93, 91,91, 100, 95, 87, 100, 90,88, 111, 99, 85, 99, 88,85, 99, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a6001c0, 95, 109, 99, 85, 97, 87,91, 100, 95, 83, 89, 85,83, 273, 87, 81, 95, 85,87, 93, 89, 81, 88, 85,95, 109, 99, 85, 93, 89,93, 109, 97, 83, 91, 87,85, 93, 88, 81, 88, 85,87, 123, 92, 83, 101, 87,
0x7f323a600200, 92, 99, 95, 79, 85, 83,83, 97, 87, 79, 85, 81,87, 101, 91, 81, 93, 83,89, 102, 93, 81, 87, 85,92, 101, 96, 81, 87, 83,85, 91, 87, 79, 93, 83,89, 101, 91, 81, 87, 85,91, 112, 96, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600240, 83, 91, 87, 77, 83, 81,85, 97, 89, 79, 93, 81,89, 97, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 100, 95, 81, 95, 85,83, 97, 87, 79, 85, 81,87, 93, 89, 79, 87, 83,91, 100, 95, 81, 95, 85,93, 109, 97, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600280, 92, 99, 95, 85, 92, 89,89, 97, 93, 85, 91, 87,85, 99, 89, 83, 89, 85,83, 91, 86, 81, 88, 85,93, 107, 98, 87, 101, 91,91, 105, 94, 85, 92, 89,87, 93, 91, 83, 97, 87,85, 97, 87, 83, 97, 86,
0x7f323a6002c0, 93, 101, 97, 83, 90, 87,92, 105, 95, 81, 89, 86,83, 91, 87, 81, 93, 83,83, 97, 89, 81, 88, 85,95, 109, 99, 85, 98, 94,93, 102, 97, 85, 97, 87,83, 97, 87, 81, 89, 85,85, 101, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600300, 92, 106, 95, 81, 87, 83,85, 91, 87, 79, 93, 83,87, 94, 91, 81, 87, 83,89, 98, 93, 81, 95, 85,93, 101, 97, 81, 89, 85,85, 93, 89, 81, 93, 84,87, 97, 93, 83, 97, 85,91, 107, 95, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600340, 83, 93, 89, 79, 85, 81,87, 95, 89, 79, 85, 81,89, 104, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 99, 95, 81, 97, 91,85, 99, 89, 79, 86, 83,87, 102, 91, 79, 87, 83,92, 101, 97, 81, 89, 85,93, 105, 97, 83, 99, 87,
0x7f323a600380, 92, 99, 95, 85, 91, 89,91, 105, 93, 85, 92, 89,87, 93, 89, 83, 97, 87,83, 99, 87, 81, 87, 85,93, 102, 97, 87, 101, 91,91, 100, 95, 87, 101, 90,87, 105, 91, 83, 91, 87,85, 97, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a6003c0, 95, 103, 99, 85, 91, 87,92, 101, 95, 83, 96, 87,83, 92, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 89, 81, 94, 85,96, 105, 99, 85, 92, 89,93, 102, 97, 83, 91, 87,85, 93, 89, 81, 97, 85,87, 101, 91, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600400, 83, 91, 87, 77, 84, 81,85, 92, 89, 79, 85, 81,89, 98, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 100, 95, 81, 87, 83,83, 97, 89, 79, 85, 81,85, 101, 90, 79, 86, 83,91, 105, 95, 81, 93, 85,93, 106, 97, 83, 96, 85,
0x7f323a600440, 91, 99, 95, 79, 85, 83,83, 95, 87, 79, 85, 81,87, 95, 91, 79, 86, 83,89, 103, 93, 81, 88, 85,93, 100, 97, 81, 95, 84,85, 93, 87, 79, 93, 83,89, 102, 92, 81, 88, 85,89, 107, 93, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600480, 93, 109, 97, 83, 95, 87,92, 110, 95, 83, 97, 86,83, 89, 85, 81, 87, 83,85, 91, 88, 81, 95, 85,94, 103, 99, 85, 91, 87,93, 102, 97, 83, 91, 87,83, 91, 87, 81, 100, 85,87, 101, 89, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a6004c0, 93, 101, 97, 85, 92, 89,89, 97, 93, 85, 91, 87,85, 93, 89, 81, 89, 85,83, 91, 87, 81, 88, 85,93, 107, 97, 87, 94, 91,91, 105, 94, 85, 92, 89,87, 95, 90, 83, 91, 87,83, 95, 87, 83, 97, 86,
0x7f323a600500, 83, 91, 87, 79, 91, 81,87, 99, 89, 79, 85, 81,91, 99, 93, 81, 87, 83,92, 106, 95, 81, 88, 85,85, 93, 89, 79, 95, 83,87, 95, 91, 79, 93, 83,91, 101, 95, 81, 88, 85,93, 109, 97, 83, 90, 87,
0x7f323a600540, 93, 100, 95, 81, 93, 83,83, 91, 87, 79, 96, 83,87, 95, 91, 81, 87, 83,89, 99, 93, 81, 95, 85,94, 103, 97, 81, 88, 85,86, 93, 89, 81, 87, 83,89, 95, 92, 81, 91, 85,91, 105, 95, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600580, 95, 103, 98, 83, 91, 87,93, 109, 96, 83, 89, 85,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 89, 81, 87, 85,95, 110, 101, 85, 93, 89,93, 107, 97, 85, 91, 87,85, 99, 89, 81, 88, 85,87, 103, 91, 81, 96, 86,
0x7f323a6005c0, 91, 113, 95, 85, 92, 89,89, 105, 93, 85, 91, 89,85, 93, 89, 83, 90, 87,83, 98, 87, 81, 88, 85,93, 102, 97, 87, 101, 91,92, 100, 95, 87, 99, 89,89, 101, 91, 85, 91, 87,85, 99, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600600, 83, 89, 85, 77, 89, 81,85, 93, 89, 79, 93, 81,89, 96, 93, 81, 87, 83,92, 100, 95, 81, 93, 84,83, 92, 89, 79, 85, 81,86, 93, 89, 79, 86, 83,91, 98, 94, 81, 89, 85,93, 107, 97, 81, 88, 85,
0x7f323a600640, 91, 100, 95, 79, 86, 83,83, 91, 87, 79, 85, 81,87, 95, 91, 79, 87, 83,90, 98, 94, 81, 88, 85,93, 107, 97, 81, 87, 83,85, 99, 88, 79, 86, 83,89, 103, 92, 81, 87, 85,89, 101, 93, 83, 95, 86,
0x7f323a600680, 93, 107, 97, 83, 89, 87,93, 107, 97, 83, 89, 85,83, 92, 86, 81, 87, 83,85, 99, 89, 81, 87, 84,93, 104, 99, 85, 98, 88,93, 100, 97, 83, 97, 87,83, 97, 87, 81, 89, 85,85, 99, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a6006c0, 91, 99, 95, 85, 98, 89,89, 104, 93, 85, 97, 87,85, 93, 89, 83, 89, 85,81, 91, 85, 81, 95, 85,93, 101, 97, 87, 94, 91,91, 98, 94, 85, 91, 89,87, 95, 90, 83, 90, 87,83, 98, 87, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600700, 83, 91, 87, 79, 85, 81,87, 93, 89, 79, 85, 81,91, 99, 95, 81, 87, 83,92, 99, 95, 81, 89, 85,85, 101, 89, 79, 87, 83,87, 101, 91, 79, 86, 83,91, 111, 95, 81, 88, 85,93, 106, 97, 83, 97, 87,
0x7f323a600740, 92, 106, 95, 81, 87, 83,83, 99, 87, 79, 85, 83,87, 96, 91, 81, 95, 84,89, 103, 93, 81, 88, 85,94, 102, 97, 81, 95, 85,85, 93, 89, 81, 87, 83,89, 111, 93, 81, 97, 85,92, 103, 96, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600780, 95, 109, 102, 85, 91, 87,93, 107, 96, 83, 97, 86,83, 93, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 89, 81, 94, 85,95, 105, 100, 85, 93, 89,93, 109, 97, 85, 90, 87,85, 93, 88, 81, 89, 85,87, 101, 91, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a6007c0, 91, 108, 102, 85, 99, 89,89, 98, 93, 85, 91, 89,85, 95, 91, 83, 89, 87,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 85,93, 107, 97, 87, 93, 90,91, 107, 95, 87, 93, 89,87, 103, 91, 85, 90, 88,85, 97, 89, 83, 97, 86,
0x7f323a600800, 92, 107, 95, 85, 93, 89,89, 103, 93, 83, 91, 87,85, 93, 89, 83, 89, 85,83, 97, 86, 81, 88, 85,93, 101, 97, 87, 101, 91,91, 106, 94, 85, 99, 89,87, 101, 90, 83, 91, 87,83, 97, 87, 83, 97, 87,
0x7f323a600840, 93, 110, 103, 83, 90, 87,91, 108, 95, 83, 97, 87,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 94, 91, 81, 87, 85,95, 104, 99, 85, 91, 87,93, 102, 97, 83, 91, 87,83, 99, 87, 81, 89, 85,85, 107, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600880, 91, 108, 95, 79, 93, 83,83, 92, 89, 79, 85, 81,87, 102, 91, 79, 86, 83,89, 103, 93, 81, 88, 85,92, 115, 102, 81, 87, 83,83, 99, 87, 79, 86, 83,89, 103, 92, 81, 87, 85,91, 103, 93, 83, 95, 86,
0x7f323a6008c0, 83, 97, 87, 77, 83, 81,85, 99, 89, 79, 84, 81,89, 104, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 106, 95, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 88, 79, 91, 81,87, 93, 89, 79, 93, 83,91, 105, 94, 81, 93, 85,93, 106, 97, 81, 88, 85,
0x7f323a600900, 92, 107, 95, 85, 99, 89,91, 99, 93, 85, 98, 89,87, 95, 91, 83, 97, 87,83, 91, 87, 81, 88, 85,93, 109, 97, 87, 93, 91,91, 99, 95, 87, 93, 89,87, 95, 91, 83, 91, 87,85, 99, 89, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600940, 95, 108, 99, 85, 91, 87,92, 101, 95, 83, 89, 86,83, 92, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 101, 89, 81, 88, 85,95, 109, 99, 85, 91, 89,93, 107, 97, 85, 91, 87,85, 99, 89, 81, 88, 85,87, 99, 91, 83, 95, 85,
0x7f323a600980, 92, 99, 95, 81, 86, 83,85, 99, 87, 79, 85, 83,87, 101, 91, 81, 87, 83,89, 113, 99, 81, 89, 85,93, 103, 97, 81, 95, 85,85, 93, 89, 81, 93, 84,87, 96, 92, 81, 97, 85,91, 106, 95, 83, 90, 85,
0x7f323a6009c0, 83, 97, 87, 79, 85, 81,85, 93, 89, 79, 93, 81,91, 98, 93, 81, 93, 83,91, 100, 95, 81, 95, 85,85, 93, 89, 79, 86, 83,87, 94, 91, 79, 87, 83,91, 105, 95, 81, 89, 85,93, 107, 97, 83, 90, 87,
0x7f323a600a00, 92, 100, 97, 85, 93, 89,89, 98, 93, 85, 91, 87,85, 93, 89, 83, 89, 85,83, 91, 87, 81, 88, 85,93, 113, 97, 87, 94, 91,91, 105, 94, 85, 92, 89,87, 102, 89, 83, 91, 87,83, 95, 87, 81, 95, 85,
0x7f323a600a40, 93, 103, 99, 83, 90, 87,91, 105, 95, 83, 89, 85,83, 95, 85, 81, 87, 83,85, 99, 90, 81, 87, 85,95, 102, 98, 85, 99, 88,93, 100, 97, 85, 97, 87,85, 91, 87, 81, 89, 85,85, 99, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600a80, 91, 105, 95, 79, 86, 83,83, 105, 87, 79, 91, 81,87, 95, 91, 81, 93, 83,89, 96, 92, 81, 97, 89,92, 100, 95, 81, 87, 83,83, 93, 87, 79, 86, 83,89, 98, 92, 81, 87, 85,90, 111, 93, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600ac0, 83, 97, 86, 77, 88, 81,85, 93, 89, 79, 85, 81,89, 96, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 99, 95, 81, 87, 83,85, 97, 88, 79, 85, 81,87, 101, 90, 79, 86, 83,91, 99, 94, 81, 88, 85,93, 103, 97, 81, 96, 85,
0x7f323a600b00, 92, 99, 95, 85, 93, 89,91, 104, 93, 85, 91, 89,87, 101, 89, 83, 89, 87,83, 99, 87, 81, 88, 85,93, 101, 97, 87, 101, 91,92, 100, 95, 87, 99, 90,87, 94, 91, 83, 99, 87,85, 95, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600b40, 94, 290, 100, 85, 99, 89,91, 100, 95, 81, 97, 86,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 95, 89, 81, 93, 85,95, 109, 99, 85, 91, 89,93, 100, 97, 85, 91, 87,85, 93, 88, 81, 88, 85,87, 101, 91, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600b80, 92, 108, 96, 81, 87, 83,85, 91, 87, 79, 85, 83,87, 95, 91, 81, 97, 84,89, 103, 93, 81, 87, 85,93, 108, 97, 81, 88, 85,85, 100, 95, 81, 87, 83,87, 97, 92, 81, 89, 85,91, 103, 95, 81, 95, 85,
0x7f323a600bc0, 83, 91, 87, 79, 91, 81,85, 99, 89, 79, 97, 81,91, 98, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 105, 95, 81, 88, 85,85, 93, 89, 79, 95, 83,87, 95, 91, 79, 93, 83,93, 101, 97, 81, 88, 85,93, 107, 97, 83, 90, 87,
0x7f323a600c00, 93, 102, 97, 83, 90, 87,91, 100, 95, 83, 97, 87,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 89, 81, 87, 85,94, 103, 99, 85, 91, 87,93, 101, 97, 83, 91, 87,83, 93, 87, 81, 88, 85,87, 99, 89, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600c40, 91, 105, 95, 85, 93, 89,89, 97, 93, 85, 91, 87,85, 93, 89, 81, 88, 85,83, 95, 86, 81, 87, 85,93, 107, 97, 87, 93, 91,91, 104, 95, 85, 93, 89,87, 102, 90, 83, 91, 87,83, 99, 87, 83, 95, 86,
0x7f323a600c80, 83, 89, 85, 77, 91, 81,85, 103, 89, 79, 85, 81,89, 97, 93, 81, 87, 83,91, 105, 95, 81, 94, 84,85, 93, 88, 79, 91, 81,87, 95, 90, 79, 94, 83,91, 98, 93, 81, 95, 85,93, 105, 97, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600cc0, 91, 99, 95, 79, 86, 83,83, 90, 87, 79, 91, 81,87, 96, 91, 79, 87, 83,89, 96, 93, 81, 87, 84,93, 108, 97, 81, 87, 83,85, 91, 87, 79, 86, 83,89, 97, 91, 81, 87, 85,89, 102, 93, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600d00, 95, 109, 98, 83, 91, 87,92, 99, 95, 83, 89, 85,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 99, 89, 81, 88, 85,95, 116, 99, 85, 92, 89,93, 107, 97, 85, 91, 87,85, 93, 88, 81, 92, 85,87, 101, 91, 81, 97, 85,
0x7f323a600d40, 91, 99, 95, 85, 99, 89,89, 105, 93, 85, 91, 89,85, 93, 89, 83, 90, 87,83, 93, 87, 81, 95, 85,93, 102, 97, 87, 101, 91,91, 99, 95, 87, 99, 89,87, 95, 91, 85, 91, 87,85, 97, 89, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600d80, 83, 93, 89, 79, 85, 81,87, 95, 89, 79, 97, 81,91, 98, 93, 81, 87, 83,93, 101, 97, 81, 89, 85,85, 93, 89, 79, 86, 83,87, 95, 91, 79, 86, 83,91, 101, 95, 81, 88, 85,93, 105, 97, 83, 90, 87,
0x7f323a600dc0, 92, 106, 95, 81, 95, 83,83, 91, 87, 79, 86, 83,87, 95, 91, 81, 87, 83,89, 103, 93, 81, 88, 85,94, 107, 97, 81, 88, 85,85, 99, 89, 81, 87, 83,89, 97, 93, 81, 107, 85,91, 105, 95, 83, 97, 86,
0x7f323a600e00, 93, 109, 97, 83, 89, 87,93, 105, 97, 83, 89, 85,83, 89, 86, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 89, 81, 94, 85,94, 103, 99, 85, 97, 88,93, 101, 97, 85, 99, 93,83, 101, 87, 81, 89, 85,87, 101, 90, 81, 97, 86,
0x7f323a600e40, 91, 99, 95, 85, 92, 89,89, 97, 93, 85, 99, 87,85, 99, 89, 83, 89, 85,83, 91, 87, 81, 88, 85,93, 101, 97, 87, 93, 91,91, 98, 95, 85, 91, 89,87, 101, 90, 83, 91, 87,83, 105, 87, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600e80, 83, 91, 85, 77, 83, 81,85, 93, 89, 79, 91, 81,89, 104, 93, 81, 93, 83,91, 107, 95, 81, 87, 83,85, 105, 87, 79, 86, 81,87, 99, 89, 79, 87, 83,91, 99, 95, 81, 124, 85,93, 105, 97, 81, 97, 85,
0x7f323a600ec0, 91, 105, 95, 79, 89, 83,83, 100, 91, 79, 85, 81,87, 103, 91, 79, 93, 83,89, 96, 92, 81, 95, 85,93, 100, 95, 81, 93, 83,85, 93, 89, 79, 86, 83,89, 97, 92, 81, 87, 85,89, 103, 93, 83, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600f00, 95, 103, 99, 85, 91, 87,91, 100, 95, 83, 96, 86,83, 91, 87, 81, 87, 83,85, 93, 89, 81, 87, 85,95, 111, 100, 85, 93, 89,93, 109, 97, 85, 91, 87,85, 101, 89, 81, 88, 85,87, 101, 91, 81, 89, 85,
0x7f323a600f40, 91, 106, 95, 85, 92, 89,89, 98, 93, 85, 92, 89,85, 93, 89, 83, 90, 87,83, 97, 87, 81, 89, 85,93, 107, 97, 87, 93, 91,91, 105, 95, 87, 93, 89,87, 96, 91, 85, 101, 88,85, 95, 89, 83, 95, 86,
0x7f323a600f80, 83, 99, 87, 79, 85, 81,87, 99, 89, 79, 85, 81,91, 99, 93, 81, 87, 83,92, 100, 95, 81, 94, 85,85, 99, 89, 79, 91, 83,87, 94, 91, 79, 87, 83,91, 99, 95, 81, 88, 85,93, 107, 97, 83, 154, 87,
0x7f323a600fc0, 92, 99, 95, 81, 87, 83,83, 91, 87, 79, 89, 83,87, 95, 91, 81, 87, 83,89, 97, 93, 81, 95, 85,93, 101, 97, 81, 88, 85,85, 99, 89, 81, 87, 83,89, 103, 93, 83, 89, 85,91, 111, 95, 83, 89, 85,
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Iteration 0...
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