2020-07-07 15:07:55 +02:00
use cache_utils::calibration::{
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
calibrate_fixed_freq_2_thread, flush_and_reload, get_cache_slicing, load_and_flush, only_flush,
only_reload, reload_and_flush, CalibrateOperation2T, CalibrateResult2T, CalibrationOptions,
2020-07-07 15:07:55 +02:00
use cache_utils::mmap::MMappedMemory;
use cache_utils::{flush, maccess, noop};
use nix::sched::{sched_getaffinity, CpuSet};
use nix::unistd::Pid;
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00
use core::arch::x86_64 as arch_x86;
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
2020-07-20 13:44:12 +02:00
use std::process::Command;
use std::str::from_utf8;
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00
unsafe fn multiple_access(p: *const u8) {
const SIZE: usize = 2 << 20;
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct ASV {
pub attacker: u8,
pub slice: u8,
pub victim: u8,
struct ResultAnalysis {
// indexed by bucket size
pub miss: Vec<u32>,
pub miss_cum_sum: Vec<u32>,
pub miss_total: u32,
pub hit: Vec<u32>,
pub hit_cum_sum: Vec<u32>,
pub hit_total: u32,
pub error_miss_less_than_hit: Vec<u32>,
pub error_hit_less_than_miss: Vec<u32>,
pub min_error_hlm: u32,
pub min_error_mlh: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Threshold {
pub error_rate: f32,
pub threshold: usize,
// extend with other possible algorithm ?
pub is_hlm: bool,
pub num_true_hit: u32,
pub num_false_hit: u32,
pub num_true_miss: u32,
pub num_false_miss: u32,
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00
fn main() {
// Grab a slice of memory
2020-07-20 13:44:12 +02:00
let core_per_socket_out = Command::new("sh")
.arg("lscpu | grep socket | cut -b 22-")
.expect("Failed to detect cpu count");
//println!("{:#?}", core_per_socket_str);
let core_per_socket_str = from_utf8(&core_per_socket_out.stdout).unwrap();
//println!("Number of cores per socket: {}", cps_str);
2020-07-20 15:44:26 +02:00
let core_per_socket: u8 = core_per_socket_str[0..(core_per_socket_str.len() - 1)]
2020-07-20 13:44:12 +02:00
println!("Number of cores per socket: {}", core_per_socket);
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00
let m = MMappedMemory::new(SIZE);
let array = m.slice();
let cache_line_size = 64;
// Generate core iterator
let mut core_pairs: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
let old = sched_getaffinity(Pid::from_raw(0)).unwrap();
2020-07-16 11:15:46 +02:00
2020-07-09 13:36:27 +02:00
for i in 0..CpuSet::count() {
for j in 0..CpuSet::count() {
if old.is_set(i).unwrap() && old.is_set(j).unwrap() {
core_pairs.push((i, j));
println!("{},{}", i, j);
2020-07-03 10:27:49 +02:00
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00
// operations
// Call calibrate 2T \o/
let verbose_level = Verbosity::RawResult;
unsafe {
let pointer = (&array[0]) as *const u8;
if pointer as usize & (cache_line_size - 1) != 0 {
panic!("not aligned nicely");
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
let operations = [
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: maccess::<u8>,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_remote_hit",
display_name: "clflush remote hit",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: maccess::<u8>,
op: load_and_flush,
name: "clflush_shared_hit",
display_name: "clflush shared hit",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: flush,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_miss_f",
display_name: "clflush miss - f",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: flush,
op: load_and_flush,
name: "clflush_local_hit_f",
display_name: "clflush local hit - f",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: noop::<u8>,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_miss_n",
display_name: "clflush miss - n",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: noop::<u8>,
op: load_and_flush,
name: "clflush_local_hit_n",
display_name: "clflush local hit - n",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: noop::<u8>,
op: flush_and_reload,
name: "reload_miss",
display_name: "reload miss",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: maccess::<u8>,
op: reload_and_flush,
name: "reload_remote_hit",
display_name: "reload remote hit",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: maccess::<u8>,
op: only_reload,
name: "reload_shared_hit",
display_name: "reload shared hit",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: noop::<u8>,
op: only_reload,
name: "reload_local_hit",
display_name: "reload local hit",
let r = calibrate_fixed_freq_2_thread(
2020-07-07 15:07:55 +02:00
2020-09-22 14:27:52 +02:00
64, // FIXME : MAGIC
array.len() as isize >> 3, // MAGIC
2020-07-07 15:07:55 +02:00
&mut core_pairs.into_iter(),
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
2020-07-20 13:43:35 +02:00
CalibrationOptions {
hist_params: HistParams {
bucket_number: CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER,
bucket_size: CFLUSH_BUCKET_SIZE,
iterations: CFLUSH_NUM_ITER,
verbosity: verbose_level,
optimised_addresses: true,
2020-07-07 15:07:55 +02:00
2020-07-20 15:44:26 +02:00
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
let mut analysis = HashMap::<ASV, ResultAnalysis>::new();
let miss_name = "clflush_miss_n";
let hit_name = "clflush_remote_hit";
let miss_index = operations
.position(|op| op.name == miss_name)
let hit_index = operations
.position(|op| op.name == hit_name)
let slicing = get_cache_slicing(core_per_socket);
let h = if let Some(s) = slicing {
if s.can_hash() {
|addr: usize| -> u8 { slicing.unwrap().hash(addr).unwrap() }
} else {
panic!("No slicing function known");
} else {
panic!("No slicing function known");
for result in r {
match result.res {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Ooops : {:#?}", e);
Ok(results) => {
for r in results {
let offset = r.offset;
2020-09-22 14:27:52 +02:00
let miss_hist = &r.histogram[miss_index];
let hit_hist = &r.histogram[hit_index];
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
if miss_hist.len() != hit_hist.len() {
panic!("Maformed results");
let len = miss_hist.len();
let mut miss_cum_sum = vec![0; len];
let mut hit_cum_sum = vec![0; len];
miss_cum_sum[0] = miss_hist[0];
hit_cum_sum[0] = hit_hist[0];
for i in 1..len {
miss_cum_sum[i] = miss_hist[i] + miss_cum_sum[i - 1];
hit_cum_sum[i] = hit_hist[i] + hit_cum_sum[i - 1];
let miss_total = miss_cum_sum[len - 1];
let hit_total = hit_cum_sum[len - 1];
let mut error_miss_less_than_hit = vec![0; len - 1];
let mut error_hit_less_than_miss = vec![0; len - 1];
let mut min_error_hlm = u32::max_value();
let mut min_error_mlh = u32::max_value();
for i in 0..(len - 1) {
error_hit_less_than_miss[i] =
miss_cum_sum[i] + (hit_total - hit_cum_sum[i]);
error_miss_less_than_hit[i] =
hit_cum_sum[i] + (miss_total - miss_cum_sum[i]);
if error_hit_less_than_miss[i] < min_error_hlm {
min_error_hlm = error_hit_less_than_miss[i];
if error_miss_less_than_hit[i] < min_error_mlh {
min_error_mlh = error_miss_less_than_hit[i];
attacker: result.main_core as u8,
slice: h(offset as usize),
victim: result.helper_core as u8,
ResultAnalysis {
2020-09-22 14:27:52 +02:00
miss: miss_hist.clone(),
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
2020-09-22 14:27:52 +02:00
hit: hit_hist.clone(),
2020-08-04 14:34:18 +02:00
let mut thresholds = HashMap::new();
for (asv, results) in analysis {
let hlm = results.min_error_hlm < results.min_error_mlh;
let (errors, min_error) = if hlm {
(&results.error_hit_less_than_miss, results.min_error_hlm)
} else {
(&results.error_miss_less_than_hit, results.min_error_mlh)
let mut threshold_vec = Vec::new();
// refactor some of this logic into methods of analysis ?
for i in 0..errors.len() {
if errors[i] == min_error {
let num_true_hit;
let num_false_hit;
let num_true_miss;
let num_false_miss;
if hlm {
num_true_hit = results.hit_cum_sum[i];
num_false_hit = results.miss_cum_sum[i];
num_true_miss = results.miss_total - num_false_hit;
num_false_miss = results.hit_total - num_true_hit;
} else {
num_true_miss = results.miss_cum_sum[i];
num_false_miss = results.hit_cum_sum[i];
num_true_hit = results.hit_total - num_false_miss;
num_false_hit = results.miss_total - num_true_miss;
threshold_vec.push(Threshold {
threshold: i,
is_hlm: hlm,
error_rate: min_error as f32
/ (results.hit_total + results.miss_total) as f32,
thresholds.insert(asv, threshold_vec);
eprintln!("Thresholds :\n{:#?}", thresholds);
println!("Thresholds :\n{:#?}", thresholds);
2020-07-02 15:40:30 +02:00