516 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
use crate::Probe::{Flush, FullFlush, Load};
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
use basic_timing_cache_channel::{TopologyAwareError, TopologyAwareTimingChannel};
use cache_side_channel::CacheStatus::{Hit, Miss};
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
use cache_side_channel::{
set_affinity, CacheStatus, ChannelHandle, CoreSpec, MultipleAddrCacheSideChannel,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
use cache_utils::calibration::{only_reload, Threshold, PAGE_LEN};
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
use cache_utils::mmap::MMappedMemory;
use flush_flush::{FFHandle, FFPrimitives, FlushAndFlush};
use flush_reload::naive::{NFRHandle, NaiveFlushAndReload};
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
use flush_reload::{FRHandle, FRPrimitives, FlushAndReload};
use nix::sys::stat::stat;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use std::fmt::{Display, Error, Formatter};
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
use std::iter::{Cycle, Peekable};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::{thread, time};
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub mod ip_tool;
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
// NB these may need to be changed / dynamically measured.
pub const CACHE_LINE_LEN: usize = 64;
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
pub struct Prober<const GS: usize> {
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pages: Vec<MMappedMemory<u8>>,
ff_handles: Vec<Vec<FFHandle>>,
fr_handles: Vec<Vec<FRHandle>>,
//fr_handles: Vec<Vec<NFRHandle>>,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
page_indexes: Peekable<Cycle<Range<usize>>>,
ff_channel: FlushAndFlush,
fr_channel: FlushAndReload,
//fr_channel: NaiveFlushAndReload,
delay: u64,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Probe {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ProbeType {
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub struct ProbePattern {
pub pattern: Vec<usize>,
pub probe: Probe,
pub enum ProberError {
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
Result of running a probe pattern num_iteration times,
pub type SinglePR = u32;
pub type FullPR = Vec<u32>;
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub enum ProbeResult {
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub struct ProbePatternResult {
pub num_iteration: u32,
pub pattern_result: Vec<u32>,
pub probe_result: ProbeResult,
pub struct DPRItem<PR> {
pub pattern_result: Vec<u32>,
pub probe_result: PR,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub struct DualProbeResult {
pub probe_offset: usize,
pub load: DPRItem<SinglePR>,
pub flush: DPRItem<SinglePR>,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub struct FullPageDualProbeResults {
pub pattern: Vec<usize>,
pub num_iteration: u32,
pub single_probe_results: Vec<DualProbeResult>,
pub full_flush_results: DPRItem<FullPR>,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub struct SingleProbeResult {
pub probe_offset: usize,
pub pattern_result: Vec<u32>,
pub probe_result: u32,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
pub struct FullPageSingleProbeResult<const GS: usize> {
pub pattern: Vec<usize>,
pub probe_type: ProbeType,
pub num_iteration: u32,
pub results: Vec<SingleProbeResult>,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
// Helper function
This function is a helper that determine what is the maximum stride for a pattern of len accesses
starting at a given offset, both forward and backward.
Special case for length 0.
fn max_stride(offset: usize, len: usize) -> (isize, isize) {
if len == 0 {
(0, 0)
} else {
let min = -((offset / (len * CACHE_LINE_LEN)) as isize);
let max = ((PAGE_LEN - offset) / (len * CACHE_LINE_LEN)) as isize;
(min, max)
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
impl<const GS: usize> Prober<GS> {
// turn page into page groups, which can vary in size.
// calibrate on all pages in a group with offsets within the groups.
// keep track of the max offset
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
pub fn new(num_pages: usize) -> Result<Prober<GS>, ProberError> {
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
let mut vec = Vec::new();
let mut handles = Vec::new();
let (mut ff_channel, cpuset, core) = match FlushAndFlush::new_any_single_core() {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => {
return Err(ProberError::TopologyError(err));
let old_affinity = match set_affinity(&ff_channel.main_core()) {
Ok(old) => old,
Err(nixerr) => return Err(ProberError::Nix(nixerr)),
/*let mut fr_channel = NaiveFlushAndReload::new(Threshold {
bucket_index: 250,
miss_faster_than_hit: false,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
let mut fr_channel = match FlushAndReload::new(core, core) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(err) => {
return Err(ProberError::TopologyError(err));
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
for i in 0..num_pages {
let mut p = match MMappedMemory::<u8>::try_new(PAGE_LEN * GS, false, |j| {
}) {
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => {
return Err(ProberError::NoMem(e));
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
let page_addresses = ((0..(PAGE_LEN * GS)).step_by(CACHE_LINE_LEN))
.map(|offset| &p[offset] as *const u8);
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
let ff_page_handles = unsafe { ff_channel.calibrate(page_addresses.clone()) }.unwrap();
let fr_page_handles = unsafe { fr_channel.calibrate_single(page_addresses) }.unwrap();
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
handles.push((ff_page_handles, fr_page_handles));
let mut page_indexes = (0..(handles.len())).cycle().peekable();
handles.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng());
let mut ff_handles = Vec::new();
let mut fr_handles = Vec::new();
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
for (ff_handle, fr_handle) in handles {
Ok(Prober {
pages: vec,
delay: 0,
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub fn set_delay(&mut self, delay: u64) {
self.delay = delay;
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
fn probe_pattern_once(
&mut self,
pattern: &ProbePattern,
result: Option<&mut ProbePatternResult>,
) {
enum ProbeOutput {
Full(Vec<(*const u8, CacheStatus)>),
let page_index = *self.page_indexes.peek().unwrap();
let mut ff_handles = self.ff_handles[page_index].iter_mut().collect();
unsafe { self.ff_channel.prepare(&mut ff_handles) };
let mut pattern_res = vec![CacheStatus::Miss; pattern.pattern.len()];
for (i, offset) in pattern.pattern.iter().enumerate() {
let h = &mut self.fr_handles[page_index][*offset];
pattern_res[i] = unsafe { self.fr_channel.test_single(h, false) }.unwrap();
if self.delay > 0 {
thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_nanos(self.delay)); // FIXME parameter magic
//pattern_res[i] = unsafe { self.fr_channel.test_single(h, false) }.unwrap()
//pattern_res[i] = Miss;
//unsafe { only_reload(h.to_const_u8_pointer()) };
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
let mut probe_out = match pattern.probe {
Load(offset) => {
let h = &mut self.fr_handles[page_index][offset];
ProbeOutput::Single(unsafe { self.fr_channel.test_single(h, false) }.unwrap())
Flush(offset) => {
let h = &mut self.ff_handles[page_index][offset];
ProbeOutput::Single(unsafe { self.ff_channel.test_single(h, false) }.unwrap())
Probe::FullFlush => {
ProbeOutput::Full(unsafe { self.ff_channel.test(&mut ff_handles, true).unwrap() })
if let Some(result_ref) = result {
result_ref.num_iteration += 1;
match result_ref.probe_result {
ProbeResult::Load(ref mut r) | ProbeResult::Flush(ref mut r) => {
if let ProbeOutput::Single(status) = probe_out {
if status == Hit {
*r += 1;
} else {
ProbeResult::FullFlush(ref mut v) => {
if let ProbeOutput::Full(vstatus) = probe_out {
for (i, status) in vstatus.iter().enumerate() {
if status.1 == Hit {
v[i] += 1;
} else {
for (i, res) in pattern_res.into_iter().enumerate() {
if res == Hit {
result_ref.pattern_result[i] += 1
pub fn probe_pattern(
&mut self,
pattern: &ProbePattern,
num_iteration: u32,
warmup: u32,
) -> ProbePatternResult {
let mut result = ProbePatternResult {
num_iteration: 0,
pattern_result: vec![0; pattern.pattern.len()],
probe_result: match pattern.probe {
Load(_) => ProbeResult::Load(0),
Flush(_) => ProbeResult::Flush(0),
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
Probe::FullFlush => ProbeResult::FullFlush(vec![0; PAGE_CACHELINE_LEN * GS]),
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
for _ in 0..warmup {
self.probe_pattern_once(pattern, None);
for _ in 0..num_iteration {
self.probe_pattern_once(pattern, Some(&mut result));
fn full_page_probe_helper(
&mut self,
pattern: &mut ProbePattern,
probe_type: ProbeType,
num_iteration: u32,
warmup: u32,
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
) -> FullPageSingleProbeResult<GS> {
let mut result = FullPageSingleProbeResult {
pattern: pattern.pattern.clone(),
results: vec![],
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
for offset in 0..(PAGE_CACHELINE_LEN * GS) {
pattern.probe = match probe_type {
ProbeType::Load => Probe::Load(offset),
ProbeType::Flush => Probe::Flush(offset),
ProbeType::FullFlush => FullFlush,
let r = self.probe_pattern(pattern, num_iteration, warmup);
result.results.push(SingleProbeResult {
probe_offset: offset,
pattern_result: r.pattern_result,
probe_result: match r.probe_result {
ProbeResult::Load(r) => r,
ProbeResult::Flush(r) => r,
ProbeResult::FullFlush(r) => r[offset],
pub fn full_page_probe(
&mut self,
pattern: Vec<usize>,
num_iteration: u32,
warmup: u32,
) -> FullPageDualProbeResults {
let mut probe_pattern = ProbePattern {
pattern: pattern,
probe: Probe::FullFlush,
let res_flush = self.full_page_probe_helper(
&mut probe_pattern,
let res_load =
self.full_page_probe_helper(&mut probe_pattern, ProbeType::Load, num_iteration, warmup);
probe_pattern.probe = FullFlush;
let res_full_flush = self.probe_pattern(&probe_pattern, num_iteration, warmup);
// TODO results
FullPageDualProbeResults {
pattern: probe_pattern.pattern,
single_probe_results: res_flush
.map(|((offset, flush), load)| DualProbeResult {
probe_offset: offset,
load: DPRItem {
pattern_result: load.pattern_result,
probe_result: load.probe_result,
flush: DPRItem {
pattern_result: flush.pattern_result,
probe_result: flush.probe_result,
full_flush_results: DPRItem {
pattern_result: res_full_flush.pattern_result,
probe_result: match res_full_flush.probe_result {
ProbeResult::FullFlush(r) => r,
_ => {
impl Display for FullPageDualProbeResults {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
let mut indices = vec![None; self.single_probe_results.len()];
let pat_len = self.pattern.len();
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
let divider = (self.single_probe_results.len() * self.num_iteration as usize) as f32;
for (i, &offset) in self.pattern.iter().enumerate() {
indices[offset] = Some(i);
// Display header
let mut r = writeln!(
"{:11} | {:^37} | {:^37} | {:^37}",
"", "Single Flush", "Single Load", "Full Flush"
match r {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
let mut r = writeln!(f, "{:^3} {:>7} | {:>8} {:^9} {:>8} {:^9} | {:>8} {:^9} {:>8} {:^9} | {:>8} {:^9} {:>8} {:^9}",
"pat", "offset",
"SF Ac H", "SF Ac HR", "SF Pr H", "SF Pr HR",
"SR Ac H", "SR Ac HR", "SR Pr H", "SR Pr HR",
"FF Ac H", "FF Ac HR", "FF Pr H", "FF Pr HR");
match r {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
2021-08-02 15:02:52 +02:00
for i in 0..(self.single_probe_results.len()) {
let index = indices[i];
let (pat, sf_ac_h, sf_ac_hr, sr_ac_h, sr_ac_hr, ff_ac_h, ff_ac_hr) = match index {
None => (
Some(index) => {
let pat = format!("{:3}", index);
let sf_ac: u32 = self
.map(|d| d.flush.pattern_result[index])
let sf_ac_h = format!("{:8}", sf_ac);
let sf_ac_hr = format!("{:9.7}", sf_ac as f32 / divider);
let sr_ac: u32 = self
.map(|d| d.load.pattern_result[index])
let sr_ac_h = format!("{:8}", sr_ac);
let sr_ac_hr = format!("{:9.7}", sr_ac as f32 / divider);
let ff_ac = self.full_flush_results.pattern_result[index];
let ff_ac_h = format!("{:8}", ff_ac);
let ff_ac_hr = format!("{:9.7}", ff_ac as f32 / self.num_iteration as f32);
(pat, sf_ac_h, sf_ac_hr, sr_ac_h, sr_ac_hr, ff_ac_h, ff_ac_hr)
let sf_pr = self.single_probe_results[i].flush.probe_result;
let sf_pr_h = format!("{:8}", sf_pr);
let sf_pr_hr = format!("{:9.7}", sf_pr as f32 / self.num_iteration as f32);
let sr_pr = self.single_probe_results[i].load.probe_result;
let sr_pr_h = format!("{:8}", sr_pr);
let sr_pr_hr = format!("{:9.7}", sr_pr as f32 / self.num_iteration as f32);
let ff_pr = self.full_flush_results.probe_result[i];
let ff_pr_h = format!("{:8}", ff_pr);
let ff_pr_hr = format!("{:9.7}", ff_pr as f32 / self.num_iteration as f32);
r = writeln!(f, "{:>3} {:>7} | {:>8} {:^9} {:>8} {:^9} | {:>8} {:^9} {:>8} {:^9} | {:>8} {:^9} {:>8} {:^9}",
pat, i,
sf_ac_h, sf_ac_hr, sf_pr_h, sf_pr_hr,
sr_ac_h, sr_ac_hr, sr_pr_h, sr_pr_hr,
ff_ac_h, ff_ac_hr, ff_pr_h, ff_pr_hr);
match r {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
// display lines
write!(f, "Num_iteration: {}", self.num_iteration)
2021-06-28 16:26:02 +02:00
pub fn reference_patterns() -> [(&'static str, Vec<usize>); 9] {
("Pattern 1", vec![0, 1, 2, 3]),
("Pattern 2", vec![0, 1]),
("Pattern 3", vec![0, 19]),
("Pattern 4 (I)", vec![0, 1, 2, 44]),
("Pattern 4 (II)", vec![63, 62, 61, 19]),
("Pattern 5 (I)", vec![0, 1, 2, 63, 62, 44]),
("Pattern 5 (II)", vec![63, 62, 61, 0, 1, 2, 19]),
("Pattern 5 (III)", vec![63, 62, 61, 0, 1, 2, 44]),
("Pattern 5 (IV)", vec![0, 1, 2, 63, 62, 61, 19]),