615 lines
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615 lines
23 KiB
pub mod naive;
use cache_side_channel::SideChannelError::{AddressNotCalibrated, AddressNotReady};
use cache_side_channel::{
CacheStatus, ChannelFatalError, MultipleAddrCacheSideChannel, SideChannelError,
use cache_utils::calibration::{
calibrate_fixed_freq_2_thread, get_cache_slicing, get_vpn, only_flush, CalibrateOperation2T,
CalibrationOptions, HistParams, Verbosity, CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER, CFLUSH_BUCKET_SIZE,
use cache_utils::calibration::{ErrorPrediction, Slice, Threshold, ThresholdError, AV, SP, VPN};
use cache_utils::complex_addressing::CacheSlicing;
use cache_utils::{find_core_per_socket, flush, maccess, noop};
use nix::sched::{sched_getaffinity, sched_setaffinity, CpuSet};
use nix::unistd::Pid;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
pub struct FlushAndFlush {
thresholds: HashMap<SP, ThresholdError>,
addresses_ready: HashSet<*const u8>,
slicing: CacheSlicing,
attacker_core: usize,
victim_core: usize,
pub enum FlushAndFlushError {
pub struct SingleFlushAndFlush(FlushAndFlush);
impl SingleFlushAndFlush {
pub fn new(attacker_core: usize, victim_core: usize) -> Result<Self, FlushAndFlushError> {
FlushAndFlush::new(attacker_core, victim_core).map(|ff| SingleFlushAndFlush(ff))
pub fn new_any_single_core() -> Result<(Self, CpuSet, usize), FlushAndFlushError> {
.map(|(ff, old, core)| (SingleFlushAndFlush(ff), old, core))
pub fn new_any_two_core(
distinct: bool,
) -> Result<(Self, CpuSet, usize, usize), FlushAndFlushError> {
.map(|(ff, old, attacker, victim)| (SingleFlushAndFlush(ff), old, attacker, victim))
impl SingleAddrCacheSideChannel for SingleFlushAndFlush {
unsafe fn test_single(&mut self, addr: *const u8) -> Result<CacheStatus, SideChannelError> {
unsafe { self.0.test_single(addr) }
unsafe fn prepare_single(&mut self, addr: *const u8) -> Result<(), SideChannelError> {
unsafe { self.0.prepare_single(addr) }
fn victim_single(&mut self, operation: &dyn Fn()) {
unsafe fn calibrate_single(
&mut self,
addresses: impl IntoIterator<Item = *const u8> + Clone,
) -> Result<(), ChannelFatalError> {
unsafe { self.0.calibrate_single(addresses) }
impl FlushAndFlush {
pub fn new(attacker_core: usize, victim_core: usize) -> Result<Self, FlushAndFlushError> {
if let Some(slicing) = get_cache_slicing(find_core_per_socket()) {
if !slicing.can_hash() {
return Err(FlushAndFlushError::NoSlicing);
let ret = Self {
thresholds: Default::default(),
addresses_ready: Default::default(),
} else {
// Takes a buffer / list of addresses or pages
// Takes a list of core pairs
// Run optimized calibration and processes results
fn calibration_for_core_pairs<'a>(
core_pairs: impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> + Clone,
pages: impl Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>,
) -> Result<HashMap<AV, (ErrorPrediction, HashMap<SP, ThresholdError>)>, FlushAndFlushError>
let core_per_socket = find_core_per_socket();
let operations = [
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: maccess::<u8>,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_remote_hit",
display_name: "clflush remote hit",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: noop::<u8>,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_miss",
display_name: "clflush miss",
const HIT_INDEX: usize = 0;
const MISS_INDEX: usize = 1;
let mut calibrate_results2t_vec = Vec::new();
for page in pages {
// FIXME Cache line size is magic
let mut r = unsafe {
&page[0] as *const u8,
page.len() as isize,
&mut core_pairs.clone(),
CalibrationOptions {
hist_params: HistParams {
bucket_number: CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER,
bucket_size: CFLUSH_BUCKET_SIZE,
iterations: CFLUSH_NUM_ITER << 1,
verbosity: Verbosity::NoOutput,
optimised_addresses: true,
calibrate_results2t_vec.append(&mut r);
fn new_with_core_pairs(
core_pairs: impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> + Clone,
) -> Result<(Self, usize, usize), FlushAndFlushError> {
let m = MMappedMemory::new(PAGE_LEN);
let array: &[u8] = m.slice();
let res = Self::calibration_for_core_pairs(core_pairs, vec![array].into_iter());
// Call the calibration function on a local page sized buffer.
// Classical analysis flow to generate all ASVP, Threshold, Error.
// Reduction to determine average / max error for each core.
// Select the proper core
pub fn new_any_single_core() -> Result<(Self, CpuSet, usize), FlushAndFlushError> {
// Generate core iterator
let mut core_pairs: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
let old = sched_getaffinity(Pid::from_raw(0)).unwrap();
for i in 0..CpuSet::count() {
if old.is_set(i).unwrap() {
core_pairs.push((i, i));
// Generate all single core pairs
// Call out to private constructor that takes a core pair list, determines best and makes the choice.
// The private constructor will set the correct affinity for main (attacker thread)
Self::new_with_core_pairs(core_pairs.into_iter()).map(|(channel, attacker, victim)| {
assert_eq!(attacker, victim);
(channel, old, attacker)
pub fn new_any_two_core(
distinct: bool,
) -> Result<(Self, CpuSet, usize, usize), FlushAndFlushError> {
let old = sched_getaffinity(Pid::from_raw(0)).unwrap();
let mut core_pairs: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..CpuSet::count() {
if old.is_set(i).unwrap() {
for j in 0..CpuSet::count() {
if old.is_set(j).unwrap() {
if i != j || !distinct {
core_pairs.push((i, j));
Self::new_with_core_pairs(core_pairs.into_iter()).map(|(channel, attacker, victim)| {
if distinct {
assert_ne!(attacker, victim);
(channel, old, attacker, victim)
fn get_slice(&self, addr: *const u8) -> Slice {
self.slicing.hash(addr as usize).unwrap()
pub fn set_cores(&mut self, attacker: usize, victim: usize) -> Result<(), nix::Error> {
let old_attacker = self.attacker_core;
let old_victim = self.victim_core;
self.attacker_core = attacker;
self.victim_core = victim;
let pages: Vec<VPN> = self
.map(|sp: &SP| sp.page)
match self.recalibrate(pages) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
self.attacker_core = old_attacker;
self.victim_core = old_victim;
fn recalibrate(&mut self, pages: impl IntoIterator<Item = VPN>) -> Result<(), nix::Error> {
// unset readiness status.
// Call calibration with core pairs with a single core pair
// Use results \o/ (or error out)
impl Debug for FlushAndFlush {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("thresholds", &self.thresholds)
.field("addresses_ready", &self.addresses_ready)
.field("slicing", &self.slicing)
use cache_utils::calibration::cum_sum;
use cache_utils::mmap::MMappedMemory;
impl MultipleAddrCacheSideChannel for FlushAndFlush {
const MAX_ADDR: u32 = 3;
unsafe fn test<'a, 'b, 'c>(
&'a mut self,
addresses: &'b mut (impl Iterator<Item = &'c *const u8> + Clone),
) -> Result<Vec<(*const u8, CacheStatus)>, SideChannelError> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut tmp = Vec::new();
let mut i = 0;
for addr in addresses {
i += 1;
let t = unsafe { only_flush(*addr) };
tmp.push((addr, t));
if i == Self::MAX_ADDR {
for (addr, time) in tmp {
if !self.addresses_ready.contains(&addr) {
return Err(AddressNotReady(*addr));
let vpn: VPN = (*addr as usize) & (!0xfff); // FIXME
let slice = self.get_slice(*addr);
let threshold_error = &self.thresholds[&SP { slice, page: vpn }];
// refactor this into a struct threshold method ?
if threshold_error.threshold.is_hit(time) {
result.push((*addr, CacheStatus::Hit))
} else {
result.push((*addr, CacheStatus::Miss))
unsafe fn prepare<'a, 'b, 'c>(
&'a mut self,
addresses: &'b mut (impl Iterator<Item = &'c *const u8> + Clone),
) -> Result<(), SideChannelError> {
use core::arch::x86_64 as arch_x86;
let mut i = 0;
let addresses_cloned = addresses.clone();
for addr in addresses_cloned {
i += 1;
let vpn: VPN = get_vpn(*addr);
let slice = self.get_slice(*addr);
if self.addresses_ready.contains(&addr) {
if !self.thresholds.contains_key(&SP { slice, page: vpn }) {
return Err(AddressNotCalibrated(*addr));
if i == Self::MAX_ADDR {
i = 0;
for addr in addresses {
i += 1;
unsafe { flush(*addr) };
if i == Self::MAX_ADDR {
unsafe { arch_x86::_mm_mfence() };
fn victim(&mut self, operation: &dyn Fn()) {
operation(); // TODO use a different helper core ?
// To split into several functions
// Calibration
// Make predictions out of results -> probably in cache_utils
// Compute Threshold & Error
// Compute stats from (A,V,S,P) into (A,V), or other models -> in cache_utils
// Use a generic function ? fn <T> reduce (HashMap<(A,S,V,P), Result>, Fn (A,S,V,P) -> T, a reduction method)
// Determine best core (A,V) amongst options -> in here
// Extract results out of calibration -> in self.calibrate
unsafe fn calibrate(
&mut self,
addresses: impl IntoIterator<Item = *const u8> + Clone,
) -> Result<(), ChannelFatalError> {
let mut pages = HashMap::<VPN, HashSet<*const u8>>::new();
for addr in addresses {
let page = get_vpn(addr);
let core_per_socket = find_core_per_socket();
let operations = [
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: maccess::<u8>,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_remote_hit",
display_name: "clflush remote hit",
CalibrateOperation2T {
prepare: noop::<u8>,
op: only_flush,
name: "clflush_miss",
display_name: "clflush miss",
const HIT_INDEX: usize = 0;
const MISS_INDEX: usize = 1;
// Generate core iterator
let mut core_pairs: Vec<(usize, usize)> = Vec::new();
let old = sched_getaffinity(Pid::from_raw(0)).unwrap();
for i in 0..CpuSet::count() {
if old.is_set(i).unwrap() {
core_pairs.push((i, i));
// Probably needs more metadata
let mut per_core: HashMap<usize, HashMap<VPN, HashMap<Slice, (Threshold, f32)>>> =
let mut core_averages: HashMap<usize, (f32, u32)> = HashMap::new();
for (page, _) in pages {
let p = page as *const u8;
let r = unsafe {
64, // FIXME : MAGIC
PAGE_LEN as isize, // MAGIC
&mut core_pairs.clone().into_iter(),
CalibrationOptions {
hist_params: HistParams {
bucket_number: CFLUSH_BUCKET_NUMBER,
bucket_size: CFLUSH_BUCKET_SIZE,
iterations: CFLUSH_NUM_ITER << 1,
verbosity: Verbosity::NoOutput,
optimised_addresses: true,
/* TODO refactor a good chunk of calibration result analysis to make thresholds in a separate function
Generating Cumulative Sums and then using that to compute error count for each possible threshold is a recurring joke.
It might be worth in a second time to refactor this to handle more generic strategies (such as double thresholds)
What about handling non attributes values (time values that are not attributed as hit or miss)
Non Naive F+F flow
Vec<CalibrationResult2T> -> ASVP,Thresholds,Error Does not care as much. Can probably re-use functions to build a single one.
Add API to query predicted error rate, compare with covert channel result.
for result2t in r {
if result2t.main_core != result2t.helper_core {
panic!("Unexpected core numbers");
let core = result2t.main_core;
match result2t.res {
Err(e) => panic!("Oops: {:#?}", e),
Ok(results_1t) => {
for r1t in results_1t {
// This will be turned into map_values style functions + Calibration1T -> Reasonable Type
// Already handled
let offset = r1t.offset;
let addr = unsafe { p.offset(offset) };
let slice = self.get_slice(addr);
// To Raw histogram
let miss_hist = &r1t.histogram[MISS_INDEX];
let hit_hist = &r1t.histogram[HIT_INDEX];
if miss_hist.len() != hit_hist.len() {
panic!("Maformed results");
let len = miss_hist.len();
// Cum Sums
let miss_cum_sum = cum_sum(miss_hist);
let hit_cum_sum = cum_sum(hit_hist);
let miss_total = miss_cum_sum[len - 1];
let hit_total = hit_cum_sum[len - 1];
// Error rate per threshold computations
// Threshold is less than equal => miss, strictly greater than => hit
let mut error_miss_less_than_hit = vec![0; len - 1];
// Threshold is less than equal => hit, strictly greater than => miss
let mut error_hit_less_than_miss = vec![0; len - 1];
let mut min_error_hlm = u32::max_value();
let mut min_error_mlh = u32::max_value();
for i in 0..(len - 1) {
error_hit_less_than_miss[i] =
miss_cum_sum[i] + (hit_total - hit_cum_sum[i]);
error_miss_less_than_hit[i] =
hit_cum_sum[i] + (miss_total - miss_cum_sum[i]);
if error_hit_less_than_miss[i] < min_error_hlm {
min_error_hlm = error_hit_less_than_miss[i];
if error_miss_less_than_hit[i] < min_error_mlh {
min_error_mlh = error_miss_less_than_hit[i];
let hlm = min_error_hlm < min_error_mlh;
let (errors, min_error) = if hlm {
(&error_hit_less_than_miss, min_error_hlm)
} else {
(&error_miss_less_than_hit, min_error_mlh)
// Find the min -> gives potetial thresholds with info
let mut potential_thresholds = Vec::new();
for i in 0..errors.len() {
if errors[i] == min_error {
let num_true_hit;
let num_false_hit;
let num_true_miss;
let num_false_miss;
if hlm {
num_true_hit = hit_cum_sum[i];
num_false_hit = miss_cum_sum[i];
num_true_miss = miss_total - num_false_hit;
num_false_miss = hit_total - num_true_hit;
} else {
num_true_miss = miss_cum_sum[i];
num_false_miss = hit_cum_sum[i];
num_true_hit = hit_total - num_false_miss;
num_false_hit = miss_total - num_true_miss;
min_error as f32 / (hit_total + miss_total) as f32,
let index = (potential_thresholds.len() - 1) / 2;
let (threshold, _, _, _, _, error_rate) = potential_thresholds[index];
// insert in per_core
if per_core
Threshold {
bucket_index: threshold, // FIXME the bucket to time conversion
miss_faster_than_hit: !hlm,
panic!("Duplicate slice result");
let core_average = core_averages.get(&core).unwrap_or(&(0.0, 0));
let new_core_average =
(core_average.0 + error_rate, core_average.1 + 1);
core_averages.insert(core, new_core_average);
// We now get ASVP stuff with the correct core(in theory)
// We now have a HashMap associating stuffs to cores, iterate on it and select the best.
let mut best_core = 0;
let mut best_error_rate = {
let ca = core_averages[&0];
ca.0 / ca.1 as f32
for (core, average) in core_averages {
let error_rate = average.0 / average.1 as f32;
if error_rate < best_error_rate {
best_core = core;
best_error_rate = error_rate;
let mut thresholds = HashMap::new();
println!("Best core: {}, rate: {}", best_core, best_error_rate);
let tmp = per_core.remove(&best_core).unwrap();
for (page, per_page) in tmp {
let page_entry = thresholds.entry(page).or_insert_with(HashMap::new);
for (slice, per_slice) in per_page {
"page: {:x}, slice: {}, threshold: {:?}, error_rate: {}",
page, slice, per_slice.0, per_slice.1
page_entry.insert(slice, per_slice.0);
self.thresholds = thresholds;
println!("{:#?}", self.thresholds);
// TODO handle error better for affinity setting and other issues.
let mut cpuset = CpuSet::new();
sched_setaffinity(Pid::from_raw(0), &cpuset).unwrap();
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);