#include <stdbool.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "../common/include/memory_management.h" #include "../common/include/mnist.h" #include "include/neuron_io.h" #include "include/struct.h" #include "include/jpeg.h" #include "include/free.h" #include "include/cnn.h" float* test_network_mnist(Network* network, char* images_file, char* labels_file, bool preview_fails, bool to_stdout, bool with_offset) { (void)preview_fails; // Inutilisé pour le moment int width, height; // Dimensions des images int nb_elem; // Nombre d'éléments int maxi; // Catégorie reconnue int accuracy = 0; // Nombre d'images reconnues float loss = 0.; float* wanted_output; // Load image int* mnist_parameters = read_mnist_images_parameters(images_file); int*** images = read_mnist_images(images_file); unsigned int* labels = read_mnist_labels(labels_file); nb_elem = mnist_parameters[0]; width = mnist_parameters[1]; height = mnist_parameters[2]; free(mnist_parameters); // Load image in the first layer of the Network for (int i=0; i < nb_elem; i++) { if(i %(nb_elem/100) == 0 && to_stdout) { printf("Avancement: %.0f%%\r", 100*i/(float)nb_elem); fflush(stdout); } write_image_in_network_32(images[i], height, width, network->input[0][0], with_offset); forward_propagation(network); maxi = indice_max(network->input[network->size-1][0][0], 10); if (maxi == (int)labels[i]) { accuracy++; } // Compute loss wanted_output = generate_wanted_output(labels[i], 10); loss += compute_mean_squared_error(network->input[network->size-1][0][0], wanted_output, 10); gree(wanted_output, false); for (int j=0; j < height; j++) { free(images[i][j]); } free(images[i]); } free(images); float* results = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*2); results[0] = 100*accuracy/(float)nb_elem; results[1] = loss/(float)nb_elem; return results; } float* test_network_jpg(Network* network, char* data_dir, bool preview_fails, bool to_stdout) { (void)preview_fails; // Inutilisé pour le moment jpegDataset* dataset = loadJpegDataset(data_dir); int accuracy = 0; int maxi; for (int i=0; i < (int)dataset->numImages; i++) { if(i %(dataset->numImages/100) == 0 && to_stdout) { printf("Avancement: %.1f%%\r", 1000*i/(float)dataset->numImages); fflush(stdout); } write_256_image_in_network(dataset->images[i], dataset->height, dataset->numComponents, network->width[0], network->input[0]); forward_propagation(network); maxi = indice_max(network->input[network->size-1][0][0], 50); if (maxi == (int)dataset->labels[i]) { accuracy++; } free(dataset->images[i]); } float* results = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*2); results[0] = 100*accuracy/(float)dataset->numImages; results[1] = 0; free(dataset->images); free(dataset->labels); free(dataset); return results; } float* test_network(int dataset_type, char* modele, char* images_file, char* labels_file, char* data_dir, bool preview_fails, bool to_stdout, bool with_offset) { Network* network = read_network(modele); float* results; if (dataset_type == 0) { results = test_network_mnist(network, images_file, labels_file, preview_fails, to_stdout, with_offset); } else { results = test_network_jpg(network, data_dir, preview_fails, to_stdout); } free_network(network); if (to_stdout) { printf("Accuracy: %lf\tLoss: %lf\n", results[0], results[1]); free(results); // Will not be used if to_stdout is used } return results; } void recognize_mnist(Network* network, char* input_file, char* out) { int width, height; // Dimensions de l'image int nb_elem; // Nombre d'éléments // Load image int* mnist_parameters = read_mnist_images_parameters(input_file); int*** images = read_mnist_images(input_file); nb_elem = mnist_parameters[0]; width = mnist_parameters[1]; height = mnist_parameters[2]; free(mnist_parameters); if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { printf("{\n"); } else { printf("Image\tCatégorie détectée\n"); } // Load image in the first layer of the Network for (int i=0; i < nb_elem; i++) { if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { printf("\"%d\" : [", i); } write_image_in_network_32(images[i], height, width, network->input[0][0], false); forward_propagation(network); if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { for (int j=0; j < 10; j++) { printf("%f", network->input[network->size-1][0][0][j]); if (j+1 < 10) { printf(", "); } } } else { printf("%d\t%d\n", i, indice_max(network->input[network->size-1][0][0], 10)); } if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { if (i+1 < nb_elem) { printf("],\n"); } else { printf("]\n"); } } for (int j=0; j < height; j++) { free(images[i][j]); } free(images[i]); } if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { printf("}\n"); } free(images); } void recognize_jpg(Network* network, char* input_file, char* out) { int width; // Dimensions de l'image, qui doit être carrée int maxi; imgRawImage* image = loadJpegImageFile(input_file); width = image->width; assert(image->width == image->height); if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { printf("{\n"); printf("\"0\" : ["); } // Load image in the first layer of the Network write_256_image_in_network(image->lpData, width, image->numComponents, network->width[0], network->input[0]); forward_propagation(network); if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { for (int j=0; j < 50; j++) { printf("%f", network->input[network->size-1][0][0][j]); if (j+1 < 10) { printf(", "); } } } else { maxi = indice_max(network->input[network->size-1][0][0], 50); printf("Catégorie reconnue: %d\n", maxi); } if (! strcmp(out, "json")) { printf("]\n"); printf("}\n"); } free(image->lpData); free(image); } void recognize(int dataset_type, char* modele, char* input_file, char* out) { Network* network = read_network(modele); if (dataset_type == 0) { recognize_mnist(network, input_file, out); } else { recognize_jpg(network, input_file, out); } free_network(network); }