#include #include #include "../include/memory_management.h" #include "include/initialisation.h" #include "include/function.h" #include "../include/utils.h" #include "include/creation.h" Network* create_network(int max_size, float learning_rate, int dropout, int initialisation, int input_dim, int input_depth) { if (dropout < 0 || dropout > 100) { printf("Erreur, la probabilité de dropout n'est pas respecté, elle doit être comprise entre 0 et 100\n"); } Network* network = (Network*)nalloc(sizeof(Network)); network->learning_rate = learning_rate; network->max_size = max_size; network->dropout = dropout; network->initialisation = initialisation; network->size = 1; network->input = (float****)nalloc(sizeof(float***)*max_size); network->input_z = (float****)nalloc(sizeof(float***)*max_size); network->kernel = (Kernel**)nalloc(sizeof(Kernel*)*(max_size-1)); network->width = (int*)nalloc(sizeof(int*)*max_size); network->depth = (int*)nalloc(sizeof(int*)*max_size); for (int i=0; i < max_size-1; i++) { network->kernel[i] = (Kernel*)nalloc(sizeof(Kernel)); } network->kernel[0]->linearisation = 0; network->width[0] = input_dim; network->depth[0] = input_depth; network->kernel[0]->nn = NULL; network->kernel[0]->cnn = NULL; create_a_cube_input_layer(network, 0, input_depth, input_dim); create_a_cube_input_z_layer(network, 0, input_depth, input_dim); return network; } Network* create_network_lenet5(float learning_rate, int dropout, int activation, int initialisation, int input_dim, int input_depth) { Network* network = create_network(8, learning_rate, dropout, initialisation, input_dim, input_depth); network->kernel[0]->activation = activation; add_convolution(network, 6, 28, activation); add_2d_average_pooling(network, 14); add_convolution(network, 16, 10, activation); add_2d_average_pooling(network, 5); add_dense_linearisation(network, 120, activation); add_dense(network, 84, activation); add_dense(network, 10, SOFTMAX); return network; } Network* create_simple_one(float learning_rate, int dropout, int activation, int initialisation, int input_dim, int input_depth) { Network* network = create_network(3, learning_rate, dropout, initialisation, input_dim, input_depth); network->kernel[0]->activation = activation; add_dense_linearisation(network, 80, activation); add_dense(network, 10, SOFTMAX); return network; } void create_a_cube_input_layer(Network* network, int pos, int depth, int dim) { network->input[pos] = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)*depth); for (int i=0; i < depth; i++) { network->input[pos][i] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*dim); for (int j=0; j < dim; j++) { network->input[pos][i][j] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*dim); } } network->width[pos] = dim; network->depth[pos] = depth; } void create_a_cube_input_z_layer(Network* network, int pos, int depth, int dim) { network->input_z[pos] = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)*depth); for (int i=0; i < depth; i++) { network->input_z[pos][i] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*dim); for (int j=0; j < dim; j++) { network->input_z[pos][i][j] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*dim); } } network->width[pos] = dim; network->depth[pos] = depth; } void create_a_line_input_layer(Network* network, int pos, int dim) { network->input[pos] = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)); network->input[pos][0] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)); network->input[pos][0][0] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*dim); network->width[pos] = dim; network->depth[pos] = 1; } void create_a_line_input_z_layer(Network* network, int pos, int dim) { network->input_z[pos] = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)); network->input_z[pos][0] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)); network->input_z[pos][0][0] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*dim); network->width[pos] = dim; network->depth[pos] = 1; } void add_2d_average_pooling(Network* network, int dim_output) { int n = network->size; int k_pos = n-1; int dim_input = network->width[k_pos]; if (network->max_size == n) { printf("Impossible de rajouter une couche d'average pooling, le réseau est déjà plein\n"); return; } if (dim_input%dim_output != 0) { printf("Erreur de dimension dans l'average pooling\n"); return; } network->kernel[k_pos]->cnn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->nn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->activation = IDENTITY; // Ne contient pas de fonction d'activation network->kernel[k_pos]->linearisation = 0; network->kernel[k_pos]->pooling = 1; create_a_cube_input_layer(network, n, network->depth[n-1], network->width[n-1]/2); create_a_cube_input_z_layer(network, n, network->depth[n-1], network->width[n-1]/2); // Will it be used ? network->size++; } void add_2d_max_pooling(Network* network, int dim_output) { int n = network->size; int k_pos = n-1; int dim_input = network->width[k_pos]; if (network->max_size == n) { printf("Impossible de rajouter une couche de max pooling, le réseau est déjà plein\n"); return; } if (dim_input%dim_output != 0) { printf("Erreur de dimension dans le max pooling\n"); return; } network->kernel[k_pos]->cnn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->nn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->activation = IDENTITY; // Ne contient pas de fonction d'activation network->kernel[k_pos]->linearisation = 0; network->kernel[k_pos]->pooling = 2; create_a_cube_input_layer(network, n, network->depth[n-1], network->width[n-1]/2); create_a_cube_input_z_layer(network, n, network->depth[n-1], network->width[n-1]/2); // Will it be used ? network->size++; } void add_convolution(Network* network, int depth_output, int dim_output, int activation) { int n = network->size; int k_pos = n-1; if (network->max_size == n) { printf("Impossible de rajouter une couche de convolution, le réseau est déjà plein \n"); return; } int depth_input = network->depth[k_pos]; int dim_input = network->width[k_pos]; int bias_size = dim_output; int kernel_size = dim_input - dim_output +1; network->kernel[k_pos]->nn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->activation = activation; network->kernel[k_pos]->linearisation = 0; network->kernel[k_pos]->pooling = 0; network->kernel[k_pos]->cnn = (Kernel_cnn*)nalloc(sizeof(Kernel_cnn)); Kernel_cnn* cnn = network->kernel[k_pos]->cnn; cnn->k_size = kernel_size; cnn->rows = depth_input; cnn->columns = depth_output; cnn->w = (float****)nalloc(sizeof(float***)*depth_input); cnn->d_w = (float****)nalloc(sizeof(float***)*depth_input); for (int i=0; i < depth_input; i++) { cnn->w[i] = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)*depth_output); cnn->d_w[i] = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)*depth_output); for (int j=0; j < depth_output; j++) { cnn->w[i][j] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*kernel_size); cnn->d_w[i][j] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*kernel_size); for (int k=0; k < kernel_size; k++) { cnn->w[i][j][k] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*kernel_size); cnn->d_w[i][j][k] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*kernel_size); for (int l=0; l < kernel_size; l++) { cnn->d_w[i][j][k][l] = 0.; } } } } cnn->bias = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)*depth_output); cnn->d_bias = (float***)nalloc(sizeof(float**)*depth_output); for (int i=0; i < depth_output; i++) { cnn->bias[i] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*bias_size); cnn->d_bias[i] = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*bias_size); for (int j=0; j < bias_size; j++) { cnn->bias[i][j] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*bias_size); cnn->d_bias[i][j] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*bias_size); for (int k=0; k < bias_size; k++) { cnn->d_bias[i][j][k] = 0.; } } } int n_in = network->width[n-1]*network->width[n-1]*network->depth[n-1]; int n_out = network->width[n]*network->width[n]*network->depth[n]; initialisation_3d_matrix(network->initialisation, cnn->bias, depth_output, dim_output, dim_output, n_in, n_out); initialisation_4d_matrix(network->initialisation, cnn->w, depth_input, depth_output, kernel_size, kernel_size, n_in, n_out); create_a_cube_input_layer(network, n, depth_output, bias_size); create_a_cube_input_z_layer(network, n, depth_output, bias_size); network->size++; } void add_dense(Network* network, int size_output, int activation) { int n = network->size; int k_pos = n-1; int size_input = network->width[k_pos]; if (network->max_size == n) { printf("Impossible de rajouter une couche dense, le réseau est déjà plein\n"); return; } network->kernel[k_pos]->cnn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->nn = (Kernel_nn*)nalloc(sizeof(Kernel_nn)); Kernel_nn* nn = network->kernel[k_pos]->nn; network->kernel[k_pos]->activation = activation; network->kernel[k_pos]->linearisation = 0; network->kernel[k_pos]->pooling = 0; nn->size_input = size_input; nn->size_output = size_output; nn->bias = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); nn->d_bias = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); for (int i=0; i < size_output; i++) { nn->d_bias[i] = 0.; } nn->weights = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*size_input); nn->d_weights = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*size_input); for (int i=0; i < size_input; i++) { nn->weights[i] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); nn->d_weights[i] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); for (int j=0; j < size_output; j++) { nn->d_weights[i][j] = 0.; } } initialisation_1d_matrix(network->initialisation, nn->bias, size_output, size_input); initialisation_2d_matrix(network->initialisation, nn->weights, size_input, size_output, size_input, size_output); create_a_line_input_layer(network, n, size_output); create_a_line_input_z_layer(network, n, size_output); network->size++; } void add_dense_linearisation(Network* network, int size_output, int activation) { // Can replace size_input by a research of this dim int n = network->size; int k_pos = n-1; int size_input = network->depth[k_pos]*network->width[k_pos]*network->width[k_pos]; if (network->max_size == n) { printf("Impossible de rajouter une couche dense, le réseau est déjà plein\n"); return; } network->kernel[k_pos]->cnn = NULL; network->kernel[k_pos]->nn = (Kernel_nn*)nalloc(sizeof(Kernel_nn)); Kernel_nn* nn = network->kernel[k_pos]->nn; network->kernel[k_pos]->activation = activation; network->kernel[k_pos]->linearisation = 1; network->kernel[k_pos]->pooling = 0; nn->size_input = size_input; nn->size_output = size_output; nn->bias = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); nn->d_bias = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); for (int i=0; i < size_output; i++) { nn->d_bias[i] = 0.; } nn->weights = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*size_input); nn->d_weights = (float**)nalloc(sizeof(float*)*size_input); for (int i=0; i < size_input; i++) { nn->weights[i] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); nn->d_weights[i] = (float*)nalloc(sizeof(float)*size_output); for (int j=0; j < size_output; j++) { nn->d_weights[i][j] = 0.; } } initialisation_1d_matrix(network->initialisation, nn->bias, size_output, size_input); initialisation_2d_matrix(network->initialisation, nn->weights, size_input, size_output, size_input, size_output); create_a_line_input_layer(network, n, size_output); create_a_line_input_z_layer(network, n, size_output); network->size++; }