Update src/parallel

This commit is contained in:
augustin64 2022-05-21 18:09:01 +02:00
parent 511a522a34
commit 553cf4d0be
4 changed files with 322 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -3,70 +3,149 @@
Serveur Flask pour entraîner le réseau sur plusieurs machines en parallèle.
import os
import time
import random
import subprocess
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from threading import Thread
from flask import Flask, request, send_file
from flask import Flask, request, send_from_directory, session
from clients import Client, clients
from structures import clients, Client, NoMoreJobAvailableError, TryLaterError, Training
# Définitions de variables
DATASET = "mnist-train"
TEST_SET = "mnist-t10k"
SECRET = str(random.randint(1000, 10000))
CACHE = ".cache"
CACHE = ".cache" # À remplacer avec un chemin absolu
RESEAU = os.path.join(CACHE, "reseau.bin")
training = Training(BATCHS, DATASET, TEST_SET, CACHE)
os.makedirs(CACHE, exist_ok=True)
# On crée un réseau aléatoire si il n'existe pas encore
if not os.path.isfile(RESEAU):
if not os.path.isfile("out/main"):
subprocess.call(["make.sh", "main"])
"out/main", "train",
"--epochs", "0",
"--images", "data/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte",
"--labels", "data/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte",
"--out", RESEAU,
print(f" * Created {RESEAU}")
print(f" * {RESEAU} already exists")
app = Flask(__name__)
# On définit une clé secrète pour pouvoir utiliser des cookies de session
app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = token_urlsafe(40)
print(f" * Secret: {SECRET}")
@app.route("/authenticate", methods = ['POST'])
@app.route("/authenticate", methods=["POST"])
def authenticate():
Authentification d'un nouvel utilisateur
if not request.is_json:
return {
"request format is not json"
return {"status": "request format is not json"}
content = request.get_json()
if content["secret"] != SECRET:
return {"status": "invalid secret"}
performance = content["performance"]
token = token_urlsafe(30)
while token in [client.token for client in clients]:
while token in clients.keys():
token = token_urlsafe(30)
clients.append(Client(performance, token))
clients[token] = Client(content["performance"], token)
# On prépare la réponse du serveur
data = {}
data["token"] = token
data["nb_elem"] = performance
data["start"] = 0
data["dataset"] = DATASET
data["status"] = "ok"
data["dataset"] = training.dataset
session["token"] = token
data["nb_elem"] = clients[token].performance
data["start"] = clients[token].start
data["instruction"] = "train"
except NoMoreJobAvailableError:
data["status"] = "Training already ended"
data["nb_elem"] = 0
data["start"] = 0
data["instruction"] = "stop"
except TryLaterError:
data["status"] = "Wait for next batch"
data["nb_elem"] = 0
data["start"] = 0
data["instruction"] = "sleep"
data["sleep_time"] = 1
return data
@app.route("/post_network", methods=["POST"])
def post_network():
Applique le patch renvoyé dans le nouveau réseau
token = session.get("token")
if not token in clients.keys():
return {"status": "token invalide"}
while training.is_patch_locked():
# Préparation de la réponse
data = {}
data["status"] = "ok"
data["dataset"] = training.dataset
data["dataset"] = training.dataset
data["nb_elem"] = clients[token].performance
data["start"] = clients[token].start
data["instruction"] = "train"
except NoMoreJobAvailableError:
data["status"] = "Training already ended"
data["nb_elem"] = 0
data["start"] = 0
data["instruction"] = "stop"
except TryLaterError:
data["status"] = "Wait for next batch"
data["nb_elem"] = 0
data["start"] = 0
data["instruction"] = "sleep"
data["sleep_time"] = 1
return data
@app.route("/get_network", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def get_network():
Renvoie le réseau neuronal
if not request.is_json:
return {
"request format is not json"
token = request.get_json()["token"]
if token not in [client.token for client in clients]:
return {
"token invalide"
return send_file(
os.path.join(CACHE, "reseau.bin")
token = session.get("token")
if not token in clients.keys():
return {"status": "token invalide"}
if token not in clients.keys():
return {"status": "token invalide"}
return send_from_directory(directory=CACHE, path="reseau.bin")

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@ -5,15 +5,20 @@ Client se connectant au serveur Flask afin de fournir de la puissance de calcul.
import json
import os
import sys
import time
import subprocess
import psutil
import requests
CACHE = ".cache"
# Définition de constantes
CACHE = ".cache" # Replace with an absolute path
DELTA = os.path.join(CACHE, "delta_shared.bin")
RESEAU = os.path.join(CACHE, "reseau_shared.bin")
SECRET = input("SECRET : ")
HOST = input("HOST : ")
session = requests.Session()
os.makedirs(CACHE, exist_ok=True)
@ -23,7 +28,7 @@ def get_performance():
cores = os.cpu_count()
max_freq = psutil.cpu_freq()[2]
return int(cores * max_freq * 0.01)
return int(cores * max_freq * 0.5)
def authenticate():
@ -31,55 +36,107 @@ def authenticate():
S'inscrit en tant que client auprès du serveur
performance = get_performance()
data = {
"secret": SECRET
req = requests.post(
data = {"performance": performance, "secret": SECRET}
# Les données d'identification seront ensuite stockées dans un cookie de l'objet session
req = session.post(f"http://{HOST}/authenticate", json=data)
data = json.loads(req.text)
if data["status"] != "ok":
print("authentication error:", data["status"])
print("error in authenticate():", data["status"])
return data
def download_network(token):
def download_network():
Récupère le réseau depuis le serveur
data = {"token": token}
with requests.get(f"http://{HOST}/get_network", stream=True, json=data) as req:
with session.get(f"http://{HOST}/get_network", stream=True) as req:
with open(os.path.join(CACHE, RESEAU), "wb") as file:
with open(RESEAU, "wb") as file:
for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
def send_delta_network(continue_=False):
Envoie le réseau différentiel et obéit aux instructions suivantes
with open(DELTA, "rb") as file:
files = {"file": file}
req = session.post(f"http://{HOST}/post_network", files=files)
req_data = json.loads(req.text)
# Actions à effectuer en fonction de la réponse
if "instruction" not in req_data.keys():
raise NotImplementedError
if req_data["instruction"] == "sleep":
print(f"Sleeping {req_data['sleep_time']}s.")
elif req_data["instruction"] == "stop":
print("Shutting down.")
elif req_data["instruction"] == "train":
train_shared(req_data["dataset"], req_data["start"], req_data["nb_elem"])
raise NotImplementedError
def train_shared(dataset, start, nb_elem, epochs=1, out=DELTA):
Entraînement du réseau
raise NotImplementedError
# Utiliser un dictionnaire serait plus efficace et plus propre
if dataset == "mnist-train":
images = "data/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte"
labels = "data/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte"
elif dataset == "mnist-t10k":
images = "data/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte"
labels = "data/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte"
print(f"Dataset {dataset} not implemented yet")
raise NotImplementedError
# On compile out/main si il n'existe pas encore
if not os.path.isfile("out/main"):
subprocess.call(["make.sh", "main"])
# Entraînement du réseau
"out/main", "train",
"--epochs", str(epochs),
"--images", images,
"--labels", labels,
"--recover", RESEAU,
"--delta", out,
"--nb-images", str(nb_elem),
"--start", str(start),
return send_delta_network(continue_=True)
def __main__():
data = authenticate()
token = data["token"]
dataset = data["dataset"]
start = data["start"]
nb_elem = data["nb_elem"]
while True:
train_shared(dataset, start, nb_elem, epochs=1, out=DELTA)
# train_shared s'appelle récursivement sur lui même jusqu'à la fin du programme
train_shared(dataset, start, nb_elem, epochs=1, out=DELTA)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Description des clients se connectant au serveur.
class Client():
Classe client
def __init__(self, performance, token):
self.performance = performance
self.token = token
clients = []

src/parallel/structures.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Description des structures.
import os
import time
import subprocess
class NoMoreJobAvailableError(Exception):
"""Entraînement du réseau fini"""
class TryLaterError(Exception):
"""Batch fini, réessayer plus tard"""
class Client:
Description d'un client se connectant au serveur
def __init__(self, performance, token):
self.performance = performance
self.token = token
self.start = 0
self.nb_images = 0
def get_job(self, training):
Donne un travail au client
if training.nb_images == training.cur_image:
if training.batchs == training.cur_batch:
raise NoMoreJobAvailableError
raise TryLaterError
self.start = training.cur_image
self.nb_images = min(training.nb_images - training.cur_image, self.performance)
training.cur_image += self.nb_images
clients = {}
class Training:
Classe training
def __init__(self, batchs, dataset, test_set, cache):
# Définition de variables
self.batchs = batchs
self.cur_batch = 1
self.cur_image = 0
self.dataset = dataset
self.test_set = test_set
self.cache = cache
self.reseau = os.path.join(self.cache, "reseau.bin")
self.delta = os.path.join(self.cache, "delta.bin")
# Définition des chemins et données relatives à chaque set de données
# TODO: implémenter plus proprement avec un dictionnaire ou même un fichier datasets.json
if self.dataset == "mnist-train":
self.nb_images = 60000
elif self.dataset == "mnist-t10k":
self.nb_images = 10000
raise NotImplementedError
if self.test_set == "mnist-train":
self.test_images = "data/mnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte"
self.test_labels = "data/mnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte"
elif self.test_set == "mnist-t10k":
self.test_images = "data/mnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte"
self.test_labels = "data/mnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte"
print(f"{self.test_set} test dataset unknown.")
raise NotImplementedError
# On supprime le fichier de lock qui permet de
# ne pas écrire en même temps plusieurs fois sur le fichier reseau.bin
if os.path.isfile(self.reseau + ".lock"):
os.remove(self.reseau + ".lock")
def test_network(self):
Teste les performances du réseau avant le batch suivant
if not os.path.isfile("out/main"):
subprocess.call(["make.sh", "main"])
"out/main", "test",
"--images", self.test_images,
"--labels", self.test_labels,
"--modele", self.reseau
self.cur_batch += 1
self.cur_image = 0
def patch(self):
Applique un patch au réseau
# On attend que le lock se libère puis on patch le réseau
while self.is_patch_locked():
with open(self.reseau + ".lock", "w", encoding="utf8") as file:
if not os.path.isfile("out/main"):
subprocess.call(["make.sh", "utils"])
"out/utils", "patch-network",
"--network", self.reseau,
"--delta", self.delta,
os.remove(self.reseau + ".lock")
def is_patch_locked(self):
Petit raccourci pour vérifier si le lock est présent
return os.path.isfile(self.reseau + ".lock")