#!/bin/bash INSTANCE_PATH="instance" init () { mkdir -p "$INSTANCE_PATH" mkdir -p "$INSTANCE_PATH/partitions" mkdir -p "$INSTANCE_PATH/attachments" mkdir -p "$INSTANCE_PATH/search-partitions" mkdir -p "$INSTANCE_PATH/cache/thumbnails" mkdir -p "$INSTANCE_PATH/cache/search-thumbnails" if ! test -f "$INSTANCE_PATH/config.py"; then echo "SECRET_KEY=\"$(python3 -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex())')\"" > "$INSTANCE_PATH/config.py" fi if test -f "$INSTANCE_PATH/partitioncloud.sqlite"; then printf "Souhaitez vous supprimer la base de données existante ? [y/n] " read -r CONFIRMATION [[ $CONFIRMATION == y ]] || exit 1 fi sqlite3 "$INSTANCE_PATH/partitioncloud.sqlite" '.read partitioncloud/schema.sql' echo "Base de données créé" sqlite3 "$INSTANCE_PATH/partitioncloud.sqlite" '.read partitioncloud/init.sql' echo "Utilisateur root:root ajouté" } translations () { # Rajouter les chaînes non traduites pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -k _l -o partitioncloud/translations/messages.pot . pybabel update -i partitioncloud/translations/messages.pot -d partitioncloud/translations/ # Compiler pybabel compile -d partitioncloud/translations/ } start () { flask run --port=$PORT } production () { FLASK_APP=partitioncloud /usr/bin/gunicorn \ wsgi:app \ --bind$PORT } load_config () { # Load variables PORT and INSTANCE_PATH eval $(cat $1 | grep -E "^PORT=") eval $(cat $1 | grep -E "^INSTANCE_PATH=") } usage () { echo "Usage:" echo -e "\t$0 init" echo -e "\t$0 start" echo -e "\t$0 production" echo -e "\t$0 translations" } RESULT=$(type "$1") if [[ $1 && $RESULT = *"is a"*"function"* || $RESULT == *"est une fonction"* ]]; then # Import config load_config "default_config.py" [[ ! -x "$INSTANCE_PATH/config.py" ]] && load_config "$INSTANCE_PATH/config.py" $1 ${*:2} # Call the function else usage echo $RESULT exit 1 fi