#!/usr/bin/python3 import io import random import string import qrcode from .db import get_db from flask import current_app, send_file def new_uuid(): return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6)]) def format_uuid(uuid): """Format old uuid4 format""" return uuid.upper()[:6] def get_qrcode(location): complete_url = current_app.config["BASE_URL"] + location img_io = io.BytesIO() qrcode.make(complete_url).save(img_io) img_io.seek(0) return send_file(img_io, mimetype="image/jpeg") from .classes.user import User from .classes.album import Album from .classes.groupe import Groupe from .classes.partition import Partition from .classes.attachment import Attachment def get_all_partitions(): db = get_db() partitions = db.execute( """ SELECT p.uuid, p.name, p.author, p.body, p.user_id, CASE WHEN MAX(a.uuid) IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS has_attachment FROM partition AS p JOIN contient_partition ON contient_partition.partition_uuid = p.uuid JOIN album ON album.id = album_id LEFT JOIN attachments AS a ON p.uuid = a.partition_uuid GROUP BY p.uuid, p.name, p.author, p.user_id """ ) # Transform sql object to dictionary usable in any thread return [ { "uuid": p["uuid"], "name": p["name"], "author": p["author"], "body": p["body"], "user_id": p["user_id"], "has_attachment": p["has_attachment"] } for p in partitions ] def get_all_albums(): db = get_db() albums = db.execute( """ SELECT * FROM album """ ) # Transform sql object to dictionary usable in any thread return [ { "id": a["id"], "name": a["name"], "uuid": a["uuid"] } for a in albums ]