123 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
123 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File
Jour 11 du défi Advent Of Code pour l'année 2022
import math
import sys
def read_sample():
"""récupère les entrées depuis le fichier texte correspondant"""
with open('inputs/day11.txt', 'r') as f:
sample = f.read().split('\n\n')
sample = [ Monkey(i) for i in sample if i != '' ]
return sample
class Monkey():
def __init__(self, data):
data2 = data.split("\n")
self.items = [int(i) for i in data2[1].strip().split(": ")[1].split(", ")]
self.operation_type = data2[2].split(" ")[6]
self.operation_elem = data2[2].split(" ")[7]
self.test_divisible = int(data2[3].split(" ")[-1])
self.next_monkey = {
True: int(data2[4].split(" ")[-1]),
False: int(data2[5].split(" ")[-1])
self.inspected_items = 0
def inspect(self, item):
worrying_level = item
if self.operation_type == "+":
worrying_level += int(self.operation_elem)
elif self.operation_type == "*":
if self.operation_elem == "old":
worrying_level = worrying_level * worrying_level
worrying_level = worrying_level * int(self.operation_elem)
print(f"Unknown operation {self.operation_type}")
# Lassitude
worrying_level = math.floor((worrying_level/3))
monkey_num = self.next_monkey[worrying_level % self.test_divisible == 0]
self.inspected_items += 1
return worrying_level, monkey_num
def inspect2(self, item, modulo):
worrying_level = item
if self.operation_type == "+":
worrying_level += int(self.operation_elem)
elif self.operation_type == "*":
if self.operation_elem == "old":
worrying_level = worrying_level * worrying_level
worrying_level = worrying_level * int(self.operation_elem)
print(f"Unknown operation {self.operation_type}")
# Lassitude
worrying_level = worrying_level % modulo
monkey_num = self.next_monkey[worrying_level % self.test_divisible == 0]
self.inspected_items += 1
return worrying_level, monkey_num
def give_item(self, monkey, worrying_level):
# Throw item
self.items = self.items[1:]
# Add item
def afficher_etat(sample):
print("\n".join([f"Monkey {j}: {sample[j].items}" for j in range(len(sample))]))
def part1(sample):
"""Partie 1 du défi"""
for round_ in range(20):
for monkey in sample:
for item in monkey.items:
worr, next_monk = monkey.inspect(item)
monkey.give_item(sample[next_monk], worr)
most_active = [monkey.inspected_items for monkey in sample]
return most_active[0]*most_active[1]
def part2(sample):
"""Partie 2 du défi"""
ppcm = math.lcm(*[i.test_divisible for i in sample])
for round_ in range(10000):
for monkey in sample:
for item in monkey.items:
worr, next_monk = monkey.inspect2(item, ppcm)
monkey.give_item(sample[next_monk], worr)
most_active = [monkey.inspected_items for monkey in sample]
return most_active[0]*most_active[1]
def main():
"""Fonction principale"""
print(f"part1: {part1(read_sample())}")
print(f"part2: {part2(read_sample())}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |