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2023-12-10 15:19:48 +01:00
Jour 10 du défi Advent Of Code pour l'année 2023
import os
2023-12-10 15:19:48 +01:00
def read_sample():
"""récupère les entrées depuis le fichier texte correspondant"""
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__ ), "inputs", "day10.txt")
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
2023-12-10 15:19:48 +01:00
sample = f.read().split('\n')
sample = [ [j for j in i] for i in sample if i != '' ]
return sample
directions = {
"nw": "J",
"ns": "|",
"ne": "L",
"ws": "7",
"we": "-",
"se": "F"
def find_S(sample):
for i in range(len(sample)):
for j in range(len(sample[0])):
if sample[i][j] == 'S':
return i, j
raise NotImplementedError
def next_move(pos, sample, prev_move):
match sample[pos[0]][pos[1]]:
case '.':
print("Out of circuit !", prev_move, pos)
raise NotImplementedError
case '|':
return prev_move
case '-':
return prev_move
case 'L':
if prev_move == (1, 0):
return (0, 1)
elif prev_move == (0, -1):
return (-1, 0)
print("I am lost (0) !", prev_move, pos)
raise NotImplementedError
case 'J':
if prev_move == (1, 0):
return (0, -1)
elif prev_move == (0, 1):
return (-1, 0)
print("I am lost (1) !", prev_move, pos)
raise NotImplementedError
case '7':
if prev_move == (-1, 0):
return (0, -1)
elif prev_move == (0, 1):
return (1, 0)
print("I am lost (2) !", prev_move, pos)
raise NotImplementedError
case 'F':
if prev_move == (-1, 0):
return (0, 1)
elif prev_move == (0, -1):
return (1, 0)
print("I am lost (3) !", prev_move, pos)
raise NotImplementedError
case 'S':
if pos[0] > 0 and (sample[pos[0]-1][pos[1]] in ['|', 'F', '7']): # Up
return (-1, 0)
if pos[1] > 0 and (sample[pos[0]][pos[1]-1] in ['-', 'L', 'F']): # Left
return (0, -1)
if pos[0] < len(sample) and (sample[pos[0]+1][pos[1]] in ['|', 'L', 'J']): # Down
return (1, 0)
if pos[1] < len(sample[0]) and (sample[pos[0]][pos[1]+1] in ['-', '7', 'J']): # Right
return (0, 1)
print("I am lost (4) !", prev_move, pos)
raise NotImplementedError
def find_circuit(starting_point, sample):
elems = []
pos = starting_point
prev_move = None
while pos not in elems:
prev_move = next_move(pos, sample, prev_move)
pos = (pos[0] + prev_move[0], pos[1] + prev_move[1])
return elems
def simplify(sample, circuit):
for i in range(len(sample)):
for j in range(len(sample[0])):
if (i, j) not in circuit:
sample[i][j] = '.'
return sample
def find_enclosed(sample):
down = ['|', '7', 'F']
enclosed = []
for i in range(len(sample)):
up = False
for j in range(len(sample[0])):
if sample[i][j] in down:
up = not up
if up and sample[i][j] == '.':
enclosed.append((i, j))
return enclosed
def find_s_type(sample, pos):
it = []
if pos[0] > 0 and (sample[pos[0]-1][pos[1]] in ['|', 'F', '7']): # Up
if pos[1] > 0 and (sample[pos[0]][pos[1]-1] in ['-', 'L', 'F']): # Left
if pos[0] < len(sample) and (sample[pos[0]+1][pos[1]] in ['|', 'L', 'J']): # Down
if pos[1] < len(sample[0]) and (sample[pos[0]][pos[1]+1] in ['-', '7', 'J']): # Right
return directions[it[0]+it[1]]
def part1(sample):
"""Partie 1 du défi"""
pos_S = find_S(sample)
circuit = find_circuit(pos_S, sample)
return int(len(circuit)/2)
def part2(sample):
"""Partie 2 du défi"""
pos_S = find_S(sample)
circuit = find_circuit(pos_S, sample)
S_type = find_s_type(sample, pos_S)
sample[pos_S[0]][pos_S[1]] = S_type
sample2 = simplify(sample, circuit)
enclosed = find_enclosed(sample2)
return len(enclosed)
def main():
"""Fonction principale"""
sample = read_sample()
print(f"part1: {part1(sample)}")
print(f"part2: {part2(sample)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":