A Microsoft reward automator, designed to work headless on a raspberry pi. Tested with a pi 3b+ and a pi 4 2Gb .
Using a discord webhook or SQL to log points everydays.
Using Selenium and geckodriver.
You have to fill the config file.
you have to put your credentials in the same folder as the script, in a .csv
file. You have to put login and password this way :
To use the database, I recommand MySql, Create a database with the name you want and create a table daily
, like the one from the image :
You have to use the default worldlist (sudo apt install wfrench
). The language is french by default, but you can change it if you want.
You can add a link to a website where content is only the link of the monthly fidelity card.
You should limit to 6 account per IP, and DON'T USE outlook account, they are banned.